Saturday, August 16, 2008

All the best to 'Koala' Lee CW ^^

Olympic medal in the bag for Malaysia: I WILL FIGHT TO THE DEATH, SAYS CHONG WEI

World champion Lin Dan, the fanatical crowd at the Beijing University of Technology Gymnasium and even possible under-handed tactics will not stop Chong Wei in his bid to bring home Malaysia's first ever Olympic gold medal.Chong Wei said he owes it to himself, coach Misbun Sidek and Malaysia to give the final his best shot.

He spoke like a man who wants to see his destiny fulfilled and that was a powerful tool against South Korea's Lee Hyun Il in yesterday's semi-final, as the South Korean gave the match everything he had.That was the reason for Chong Wei's wobble in the second game but the Malaysian held on to win 21-18, 13-21, 21-13 in 62 minutes, a win which assures that Beijing will not be the tragedy that the Athens edition of 2004 was.

"I have reached the final and that, by itself, is a triumph as there have been so many upsets in the tournament. The pressure was immense but I kept my focus for most of the match."I couldn't sleep as the semi-final preyed on my mind throughout yesterday (Thursday) and today (yesterday) but I was determined to make it," said Chong Wei.

The first game proved his intent as he raced to a 6-3 lead and maintained a healthy distance of several points before winning 21-18.That, said coach Misbun Sidek, almost proved his undoing in the second game."Having won the first, Chong Wei became impatient and started making mistakes," said Misbun.So many that Hyun Il even took 10 points in a row to lead 16-7."It was too wide a lead for me to chase and I felt I would stand a better chance in the decider," said Chong Wei, as he surrendered 21-13.Then came a vital two minutes with Misbun, who warned him to not let Hyun Il take a healthy lead in the decider.

The words had the desired effect as Chong Wei started with a roar and left Hyun Il nowhere to hide, even leading 10-3 as his netplay, drop shots and smashes found their mark.Chong Wei knew a place in the final was his for sure when he led 15-10, finally winning 21-13."The final means so much to me. I have sacrificed so much and this is, firstly, for me. My coach needs it too for he has been a pillar and Malaysia needs it because of the support I have been given."With Lin Dan, as expected, progressing easily with a 21-12, 21-18 win over compatriot Chen Jin, Chong Wei knows no stone will be left unturned to make the China star the champion.

"Let them do what they want to do because I am in the final and I will fight. The gold medal means my life and I won't chicken out. Malaysia can be assured of that."

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Time flies!

21 years since I was born
9 years since I completed primary school education
4 years since I completed secondary school education
2 years since I am in uni
4 months to complete second year medical course
2 weeks to mid semester exam
2 months to CBP, HLSD and portfolio deadline
3 months to final exam, Vertically Integrated Assessement and OSCE
4 months to be back in Malaysia
6 months to be placed in a hospital
3 clinical years ahead

How many more years before I can think retrospectively and determine whether have I led a meaningful life?

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

An advanced google search on "Ho Yun Ying" (1st page)

Behind the Scene: Hmm...perfect for the ss me :p

What Angel Ho Yun Ying Means. You are usually the best at everything ... you strive for perfection. You are confident, authoritative, and aggressive. ... - 67k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this

Behind the Scene: Nice job!

December 14, 2007 5:03 PM · Angel Ho Yun Ying said... are really fast! Are you really that free at home??? lol...then write more blog for me to ... - 66k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this

Raffles Girls' Primary School Content

Ho Yun Ying. Participation ‘ B’ Division (Optional) Lianne Tan Lian Xiu Kimberly Chan Jodie Chan Wan Wen Yow Hui Qi Ho Kar Rong Shahbanoon Farrah ... - 26k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this

Sunway University College, Higher Education in South East Asia

15 Jan 2007 ... Another 8 students, Chew Li Suan, Christina Ooi Chel-See, Ho Yun Ying, Ivy Chiang Kim Ni, Lim Li Ping, Ng Ee Liang, Ravind Singh Pandher and ... - 32k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this

Synthesis of HTS Hg _(1-y) Tl _y Ba _2 Ca _2 Cu _3 O _8+x

Sang-Ho Yun,Ying Xin,Guifu Sun,Binruo Xu,Judy Wu (Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Kansas, KS 66045) ... - 2k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this

Wednesday morning, 22 March 1995

... 10:00 I13.09 Synthesis of HTS Hg_(1-y)Tl_yBa_2Ca_2Cu_3O_8+x: Sang-Ho Yun, Ying Xin, Guifu Sun, Binruo Xu and Judy Wu (Department of Physics and ... - 90k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this

What Matters: December 2007

Angel Ho Yun Ying, that only goes to show how nice the macadamia nuts are. .... Angel Ho Yun Ying, I guess once you turn 20, any random quote of ... - 99k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this

What Matters: Bottle Opener

Angel Ho Yun Ying, at 13/12/07 9:17 PM. Eww! Nasty rats. Haha. By Blogger ... Angel Ho Yun Ying, that only goes to show how nice the macadamia nuts are. ... - 35k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this

Curriculum Council Awards and Exhibitions 2006

File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - View as HTML
Ho Yun Ying Sunway University College;. Lim Li Ping Sunway University College;. Ng Ee Liang Sunway University College;. Ooi Christina Sunway University ... - Similar pages - Note this

Shichida Method

File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - View as HTML
Ho Yun Ying. √. √. √. √. Mustaqim M. √. √. √. √. Emily Haw*. √. √. √. √. Samuel Lim. √. √. √. √. Benedict Ng* ... - Similar pages - Note this

Hmm...guess which of these are true???

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Who first taught a deaf boy to speak?

Find could end 350-year science dispute

By Jane Elliott
Health reporter, BBC News

Who first taught a boy born deaf to speak?

The chance discovery of an antique notebook could have solved the 350-year-old British scientific mystery.

Alexander Popham was born deaf in around 1650 but his mother, determined to communicate with her son, hired two eminent scientists, John Wallis and William Holder, to teach him to speak.

Both claimed success in what became a celebrated scientific controversy.

Exciting discovery

The story was lent additional interest because the boy was the grandson of the notorious Judge Popham, who sentenced both Mary Queen of Scots and Guy Fawkes to death.

Now a yellowing, leather-bound notebook, found in a butler's cupboard in Littlecote House, Berkshire, a former home of the Pophams, appears to some experts to indicate that the methods of Mr Wallis were the key.

He was a renowned mathematician, deciphered enemy codes for Cromwell during the English Civil War and was also an expert linguist.

Up until now we have not been in a position to assess the validity of either claim
Philip Beeley

Philip Beeley, researcher in the faculty of linguistics and philology at the University of Oxford, and a world expert on John Wallis, said he had been fascinated by the book, which shows how Mr Wallis taught his charge.

"William Holder claimed to have been successful, but when you go into the method that he used, it was quite outlandish.

"He investigated the structure of the ear and worked on the hypothesis that the problem was the ear drum itself that had become relaxed.

"He felt that only when it was tight could it facilitate hearing and he set about an experiment beating a loud drum.

"Holder found that when he beat a loud drum near Alexander, he could hear other sounds, including people calling his name.

"He convinced a lot of people that he was successful."


When Mr Holder was called away to take up another post, Mr Wallis took over.

"We have not known an awful lot about the approach John Wallis took," said Mr Beeley.

"All we do know is that he wrote a little bit about it and later on it became the topic of a grand dispute within the Royal Society, with claim and counter-claim.

"Up until now we have not been in a position to assess the validity of either claim.

"This find is potentially able to do this for us."

Mr Wallis's approach was to start by looking at how the tongue, palate and lips looked when certain vowel sounds were made.

He drew diagrams and used them to show Alexander how to form sounds.

From there, Mr Wallis used the same method to help him form words.

Mr Beeley said: "He starts out with a modern technique showing him how to produce sounds, and then he moves on from that to basic language constructions, with nouns and conjunctions.

"Having looked at the notebook, I am fairly sure this is a book that would have been on the desk while John Wallis and Alexander Popham were sitting together.

"We have evidence from his descendants that this instruction was successful.

"It helps solve one of the grand disputes of the Royal Society, and is quite unique."

'Strong stuff'

Sentences learnt by Alexander and detailed in the notebook include "I have a knife in my hand" and "I have mony (sic) in my pocket" as well as "I have a hat, on my head" and "I have a band about my neck".

Dr Beeley said he had no doubts that the notebook was genuine.

"I have to admit that before I had the notebook in my hands I had my doubts," he said.

"There have of course been occasions when people have been deceived, but I was very happy to see the notebook.

It is about applying scientific method and whether you think Wallis was first or Holden was first doesn't really matter
Keith Moore Royal Society
"And now I have no doubt. I know John Wallis's hand and style and can say without any doubt that I am certain it is genuine."

Keith Moore, head of library and archives at the Royal Society, said the notebook was a fantastic find.

"It adds historical detail and any manuscript of this period is interesting," he said.

"This is dated 1662 and right at the beginning of what we would call modern science.

"The Royal Society was founded in 1660 and this is an early example of the practical applications of scientific methods."

But he said it was unlikely to settle the dispute about who taught Alexander to speak, adding that the most important detail was the science itself.

"Holden virtually accused Wallis of stealing his ideas and that smacks of plagiarism in science. It is pretty strong stuff," he said.

"It does not matter whether it solves it - the Popham case was the beginning of a more scientific approach to therapy.

"They were thinking about language and grammar, about the physiology of how people spoke and that is the important thing really.

"It is about applying scientific method and whether you think Wallis was first or Holden was first doesn't really matter."

Dr Beeley hopes that the book is stored in a library like the Bodleian, but the hotel chain, Warner, which now owns Littlecote, is deciding whether to keep it on display in the house.

Friday, July 25, 2008

A pat on the back

Finally got myself a free copy of Therapeutic Guidelines-Endocrinology from my PCL tutor! I was nominated twice in a a row for best PCL task presentation. We had a mini quiz to determine the 'winner'.

Me vs Akshay (week 1)
Me vs Scoot (week 2)

Scoot said the creature on the cover is a 'tadfrog'
I love my PCL!

Not that I want to flatter myself or anything like that, just really uplifted to get recognition for my research ^^ The book has concise info about all the endocrinological pathologies ^^

And I am going to the Winter Concert at Roberts Blackwood Hall. My last concert was ages ago. It's time to brush up my cultural 'literacy'. lol...

The evidence of me trying to get some cultural sense--the ticket and the brochure!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

As busy as a bee

Today was full with action! I went to my community placement as usual. We had to help out with claywork. It was really enjoying at first but my hands got so sore afterwards since I had to keep on smoothing the clay. I felt as if I was the small kid playing with mud all over again. This time I managed to click with the participants finally. We sat around at the same table, having lunch and sharing experiences.

And we finally kicked start our health promotion project! Melody and Bek did the story board whereas Victor and me were busy with the consent forms, interview questions and explanatory statement. After the first meeting with our field educator, we were all a bit intimidated by her strictness. However, she seemed to become more approachable today ^^ Bek also took some videos and photos when the group was singing karaoke to their heart's content. She also followed them to Dandenong market.

When I got back to the halls, Ryan suddenly suggested us to go grocery shopping. Since we have already used our bus tickets for the whole day, we decided to make full use of it! (That's what poor uni students do :P--save as much as we can!) We rushed to the bus stop just to realise that the bus approaching was 737, not 703. We then did some last minute shopping as most of the butchers are closed by 5pm. To our utter astonishment, we were done in less than an hour!

After dinner, I will be rehearsing for Student Case Project presentation!

Flaked out....

Monday, July 14, 2008

The first day of med2041

I was in shock after the introductory lecture given the amount of work that we have to do for the whole semester and I suppose this was not an ideal way to wake me up completely from my Project Case, Community Placement, anatomy, physiology, pharmacology and a whole series of Knowledge Management lectures threatened to suffocate me :(

Ironically, I had a quite gleeful day afterwards. Afterall, I got to see a lot of my ol' tute mates and chit-chatted a bit ^^ and to eat the humongous bacon sandwich for lunch yet again...

On a final note, our lecturer 'fang fei ji' so we could head home earlier. That's why i am writing blog here ^^

All the best to my med2042 mates!

Don't really understand what does the cartoon means but just like the graphic...LOL...


 Good oral health is the basis of general well-being. It ensures a healthy smile. This boosts self confidence and leaves a lasting impressio...