Friday, April 10, 2009

My easter holiday plan

1. To defy my biological clock!Sleeping in is the top priority :)
2. To satisfy my tummy! It's time to open my dusty recipe books.
3. To visit old friends? I should!
4. To re-visit Mt.Dandenong/Philips Island? To be comfirmed^^
5. To assist in planning NZ trip in June.If I feel up to it :p

A pretty aimless holiday is definitely perfect after the hectic 9 weeks of clinical life ;>

Sunday, April 5, 2009

How's life been treating me

As a 3rd year medical student, I have been up to my neck with work since there is no fixed curriculum. Everything is potentially important(perhaps besides EBCP...LOL...) as I want to be a good doctor, really!There is always endless pathology to learn about, more grillings during PBLs and a lot to learn during wardrounds and surgeries, in addition to some spontaneous tutorials given by the interns and registrars when they were free. I thought that I have learnt about a significant share of core knowledge but when asked, I find that my memory still failed me at times...sigh....My medical bedside tutor is quite pedantic about our level of knowledge and clinical skills and this annoys me at times. And wednesdays are always a pain since lectures start 8am till 6pm. Half a semester went over my head just like that!

Even though the learning experience has been rewarding, having patients to call me doctor in spite of introducing myself as a student doctor(LOL...) and putting in IV bungs and performing venepuncture, hospital life is burning me out. How I wish easter can be pushed forward!

Despite my perception that time is as insufficient as ever, my social life has expanded when compared to previous years. Not only do I mingle with my JPA friends in the halls(the usual birthday celebrations, random eating-outs and weekend badmintons), I also managed to keep in contact with my old mates in the halls and to know some new friends. And I finally went to Moomba Water Fest! Since getting a car, I have been shopping more frequently as well and there is a greater variety of clothes to choose from...muakaka...

Perhaps the sole downside of my exhausting life are my puffy and dark-circled eyes :P

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

My clinical life

It has been insanely busy and I think it will stay that way till forever.
Endless wardrounds, surgery, IV bungs, history&examination practices, bedside tutorials, PBLs....
It is so chaotic...I often feel info overloaded but I will learn! how the nice patients always told me...


Saturday, February 7, 2009

Heatwave, spare me!

Melbournians experienced the most scorching temperature of 46.4 degree celcius this afternoon. This is the 'hottest' record since 1855!

The heat seared my body and my brain ceased to function today. And I had to immerse myself in a tub of water.

Tomorrow is going to be 20 degrees cooler.

Thank God!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Being random...

Today was the first day when we headed to our attached teaching hospitals for Southern Health students.

We were supposed to have nursing shifts and to observe nurses at work. However, the afternoon was pretty relaxed and lacked action as I have expected. The staff were having a meeting and James and I just had a self-directed tour and interviewed a patient who did not know much about her condition.


It's definitely going to be better on monday once we get our unit rotations and PBL groups!

Currently I have nothing much at hand. PBLs and pathology cases are not on MUSO yet so I am seriously free besides the fact that Ryan and I had been researching for cars. We will probably settle for the Toyota Corolla that he test drove today ^^

There is a pang of homesickness sometimes but I am sure I will overcome it soon once I get busy with uni.


Sunday, January 25, 2009











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