Tuesday, October 20, 2009

What if...

What if being cruel to others will definitely end your suffering?
Will you still do it?

What defines selfishness and what determines the need for oneself to stop being manipulated due to kindness?

Is altruism possible?

I am perturbed.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Sore arm!

I almost forgot how terrifying it is to receive an injection. After all, it was almost always me who has to jab someone else. Time to reflect on myself. I have probably horrified some patients :p

I have just received the free swine flu vaccine an hour ago. I remembered telling the nurse that the vaccine was of Fanta colour. Just to distract myself from feeling the needle. Surprisingly, it did not hurt as much as the annual FluVax.

I still have a sore arm now. So much so for my plan of going for a swim later :(
p.s. Maybe I can do breast stroke!(adapted from blonde jokes)

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Embark 4th year

Suffice to say, I am contented with my 4th year placements.

Miraculously, Ryan and I got all the same hospitals besides for Women's Health. A bit disappointed but it was so competitive. Some of the students were even offered whole year rural placement against their wishes.

My placements:
1st Sem: Paeds at Frankston, then O&G at Boxhill(with Iris!!! ^^)
2nd Sem: GP(hopefully it's within walking distance from our house), then Psych at THE Alfred(lol. The best rotation just before the finals->It will realy stress me out! )

I have got all my first preference, so there is no way that I can complain..haha...
And I am sure I will see lots of new faces next year because I had a glimpse and found out heaps of unfamiliar names on the lists.

Anyhow, the hospitals are scattered all around Melbourne so I will have a good time travelling to and fro.

As for now, I need to focus on the exam. Wish me luck :)

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

End of year

Stress has definitely been building up. I can see, smell, sense and taste it everywhere.

The medical students are worried about both the written paper and OSCE(given that we will NOT have stems provided a week before).

Less and less students are staying back late on the wards. You can see people reading during lunch or holing up the library.

Everyone wants their PBL to be finished ASAP. Lots of revision sessions for common clinical problems and clinical skills are being held.

No more lazy weekends because we have just realised that we haven't learnt enough for the exam. Such as the norm year after year because there is no 'enough' in medicine.

Why Study For Exams.... Are they not about what you know, not about how much you can cram into your head the night before?

The more we study, the more we discover our ignorance
--Percy Bysshe Shelley

If one studies too zealously, one easily loses his pants.
--Albert Einstein

Thursday, October 1, 2009

l.o.v.e from everyone at home

Thanks anut for sharing such a nice poem...

The secret is within u.
and the more u use the power(think wat u wan, u become) within u,
the more u will draw it to u.
u will reach a point where u wont nid to practice anymore, bcos

u will be the power,
u will be the perfection,
u will be the wisdom,
u will be the intelligence,
u will be the love,
u will be the joy...

The earth turns on its orbit for u
the oceans ebb n flow for u
the birds sing for u
the sun rises n it sets for u
the stars come out for u
every beautiful thing u c,
every wondrous thing u experience,
is all there,
for u
take a look around
none of it can exists, without u
no matter who u tot u were,
now u know the Truth of Who u really r.
u r the master of the universe
u r the heir to the kingdom
u r the perfection of life
now u know the secret

by rhonda byrne
the secret
to teen power

jus to share after reading ha

jus for tis time
bye n take care
l.o.v.e from everyone at home

Friday, September 11, 2009


Akshay started the game Assasin amongst the Dandenong students.

And I got killed on the first day.

Hashrul lied that there was a tute organised and Ryan and I had to follow different registrars. I was a bit suspicious at first but trusted him and got killed...gah....what a bummer. But it's getting interesting watching others playing..haha

Finally got my phone back and memory card replaced! Yay!

Starting in colorectal ward next monday. It should be pretty interesting as it's one of the biggest unit in Southern Health.


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