Working in the medical profession poses me to high risk of developing anxiety and depression. This is a well known fact as we are responsible for lifes and have to make life changing decisions everyday. We also have to sacrifice time with friends and family due to work. Not everyone around us can understand the level of commitment our job require. Long hours of working also makes us more vulnerable emotionally.
I have just finished my grueling 48 hours shift while suffering from diarrhoea. I had to endure severe stomach cramps and dehydration while attending to patients who are more ill than me. It's a festive season in Malaysia now so there are very few healthcare staff on call. I'm left to on call for the nephrology department.
Feel Stress Free is a very handy tool. The calm background music immediately melts the stress away. The genie guide is so adorable. Firstly, I was assessed based on the level of stress and depression, as well as how I cope with it. This allows me to be mindful about what happened and my response.
It can be difficult to fall asleep after a hectic day at work as my brain is still replaying what if scenarios that could have happened to my ill patients.
I was recommended to perform a 5 minute deep breathing exercise then progressive muscle relaxation after work. So glad to have a off day! The recommendations do change according to your mood meter.

These exercises are simple but very important and have been proven to relieve stress and anxiety. I really enjoy the cute interface and the interactive genie guiding me through the exercises. The relaxation exercise of the day ended with a very encouraging note.
There's also a Zen garden if you feel creative and artistic. Again, a way to practise mindfulness.

If you feel positive, you can also write a message in a bottle to your friends in distress to encourage them.
In medical school, we were taught about all these but never really practised them until I realise that stress is really wrecking my ability to enjoy life. Thanks to my mentor Dr Craig Hassed! I can really embrace the importance of mindfulness now.
Get your own copy of Feel Stress Free today! The ultimate and proven stress buster great for everyone.