Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Must have post delivery belly band featuring Mamaway | review

Hurray! Second baby boy came as an early Christmas present this year. It was a semi-planned delivery and I felt a bit nervous before the admission. Thank God and all the dedicated doctors and staff from the obstetrics department in General Hospital Kuantan- the delivery was smooth and I had epidural anesthesia early on to help tiding over the contraction pain. As with my first delivery slightly more than 2 years ago, it was over real fast. We still haven’t decided on the name yet. Haha.

Care for both mom and baby post delivery is extremely important to maintain physical and emotional health. I am so lucky to have good Mamaway products to help with the physical aspects. Read my previous articles about Mamaway nursing bras. Finally I can try out the post delivery recovery and support belly band.

It’s inevitable to get a flabby belly after delivery. After all, a 2.7kg baby just left the system! Many women including myself can’t wait to get back into shape. I remember the moment I was able to fit into my pre-pregnancy jeans- it was almost a month after I had Baby Bing. I didn’t have the help of Mamaway last pregnancy though. The confidence and happiness that ensued was definitely what I needed.

Mamaway reshapes the belly using its patented Velcro loop band surface that can be fastened anywhere on the belt for flexibility and ease of use. In spite of having good grip, the belt is gentle while applying compression onto the belly and can be used even after delivery via Caesarian section.

Besides that the velvet material used also emits infrared rays that improve local circulation and assist the womb in contracting. The womb is an amazing organ with the ability to go from the size of an upside down pear in a non pregnant state to a watermelon in third trimester!

Not only does it help to reshape the belly, Mamaway post delivery belt is comfortable to wear. Mommies would understand how warm and stuffy we feel during confinement (especially some who will not even bathe during the month!). Mamaway post delivery belt is made of bamboo material which is odor resistant, breathable and does not trap heat. It also conforms to the body shape and it’s hard to see that you are wearing a belt underneath the clothes.

This is a short video of me wearing the post delivery belt. Besides the features stated above, I also feel that Mamaway belt helps me to maintain a straight back and good posture when I carry bub and during breastfeeding with the effect of relieving back ache.

Hey ladies! Quote MAMAWAY-DRANGEL25 to get RM25 off your purchase on Mamaway website. Papas spoil your wives this Christmas!

Code expires on 20/1/2019!

Sunday, December 16, 2018

Ageing gracefully featuring NutriBear

Everyone ages. But there's a huge difference between the biological and physiological age. With a full-time doctoring job and now a mother of two boys, there's more need for me to stay energetic while maintaining to feel young inside out!

What are the tips to age gracefully?
1. Have a balanced diet, making sure the body has all the essential nutrients to function 

2. Adequate exercise to boost metabolism and maintain stamina

3. Keep ourselves hydrated. Water is the key to health! Just as written in my previous article here

4. Stop smoking. Cigarettes stain teeth and nails, hardens blood vessels and also speeds up the aging process of the skin- causing wrinkles!

5. Drink alcohol in moderation. Excessive alcohol consumption may cause irreversible liver damage and failure, not to mention dementia, more frequent falls and premature wrinkling and ageing.

Besides all these tips, there's gaining evidence in the usefulness of collagen supplements. Collagen is the holy grail to youthfulness and energy. It's a form of protein that unfortunately dwindle in production with age. Collagen is needed to maintain supple skin, strong teeth, keep hair shiny and lubricate the joints for example.

NutriBear is the brainchild of Dr Cheng JC, who's a veterinarian by trade. Being a doctor, she understands how to create the perfect supplement. I have previously written about the relevant authorities/certification required for all supplements made in Malaysia in this article.

NutriBear contains simply hydrolyzed collagen. More than 90% of which is digested into small peptides readily absorbed into the blood stream within an hour. These are then transported to target tissues (skin, bone and cartilage) to produce new collagen.

It's that simple and elegant. High quality hydrolyzed fish collagen with no additives and preservatives. These are without the hidden ingredients that every doctor has nightmare about- have you ever heard of the serious prep talk by many doctors who swear that many supplements and herbal preparations contain steroid/may damage the kidneys and liver? Not if it's pure collagen from NutriBear though.

Derived from fish scales, NutriBear is also suitable for consumption during pregnancy and breastfeeding periods which can be stressful for the mother's body. I have been taking NutriBear and mixing it to my morning  Anmum Lacta to give a Kickstart for the day. Afterall, good maternal hydration and nutrition is the key for nutritious breast milk, healthy mom and bub :)

Not only will you be able to defy the ageing process, do you know that you are also playing a part in polar bear conservation? 5% of NutriBear sales go to saving homeless polar bears due to the melting ice caps.

What does Dr Yingzangel think?

Collagen supplementation has some research evidence about its usefulness but not at large scales and many are sponsored by companies which can be biased. In moderation, it does not usually cause side effects. One can try if one is interested provided there are no other health problems such as kidney and liver problems. 

Disclaimer: the opinion given is merely a personal experience and does not constitute formal medical advice. Please seek your medical professional's advice before any complementary therapy. Always ask for certifications before proceeding with treatment and stop if discomfort or side effect ensues.

Friday, December 14, 2018

Tips for good vulva and vagina health featuring Neil Armayan

Ladies, time to learn how to care for our intimate parts! Many feels embarrassed about this topic but it's actually very important to notice and report any abnormalities to your healthcare professionals.

Firstly, refer to this photo to differentiate which is vulva vs vagina. We have to know the name of the body parts before we go into details how to keep them healthy. Vulva is external part of the female genitals. And vagina is the opening from vulva leading to the womb.

Image courtesy of news-medical.net

What's normal and abnormal vaginal discharge?

Normal can have a big range. Normal vaginal discharge is produced by the cervix.
- clear and transparent
- white
- similar to raw egg white (near ovulation)
- amount can vary depending on phases in menstrual cycle and pregnancy

These are definitely abnormal
- fishy odor
- green/rusty color
- cheesy consistency
- itch
- pain
- lower tummy ache

Seek medical advice. There's a possibility of infection.

Then does keeping the V parts healthy mean that we should keep it free from bacteria? That's a big no-no.

Our V parts have the second most populous bacteria after her neighbor-rectum. But do you know that these are the good bacteria such as lactobacilli? They are the gate keepers which maintain the acidity of the locality, produce antibiotics to fight against bad bacteria and secretion to stop bad bugs from sticking to the vaginal wall.

Read more at this NHS article-a reputable source from the UK.

Therefore, it's vital to take good care of our V parts. Let me run through how Neil Armayan Biosol can help with this. This area of skin is very delicate and gentle care is required.

This  prebiotic feminine hygienic wash contains active ingredients such as

- antioxidants, antiinflammatories and antibacterial

Pueraria mirifica/ Kwao Krua 
  -contains phytoestrogen
 -improves collagen production and keeps skin hydrated

-provides a refreshing and soothing sensation

Liquorice root extract
 -improves appearance of dry skin and      restores suppleness

By cleansing the vulva at least once a day using Biosol, it helps to

- maintain the slightly acidic pH
- keeps the good bacteria population healthy
- softens and reconditions the skin
- tightens the loosen skin/muscle, a particular problem for women after bearing children
- alleviates vaginal dryness

I have started using Biosol during my second confinement. Love how refreshing it makes my private parts feel like. It can be tender down below at times but a good wash makes wonder. The faint fragrance gives just the right touch to the wash.

Please note that douching (flushing cleanser and water up into the vagina) is not helpful. In fact it may do more harm by removing the good bacteria stated before, increasing the risk of infections around the area.

Biosol does contain fragrance and preservatives like  methylisothiazolinone and methylchloroisothiazolinone. Many women have no problems using this. But a small number may develop allergic reactions such as an itchy rash. This risk is especially minimal given that biosol is not left on the skin but will be washed away. If you have sensitive skin or are worried, please try it on an inconspicuous area of the inner arm about 24hours before using it on the intended area.

It's not easy to be working full-time and still care for our children. Often we have to be strong and put our feminine side away. But we still need to put effort and take good care of ourselves. Keeping our vagina and vulva healthy is definitely one of the essential ways. Pamper yourself with Biosol today.

Neil Armayan official website


Thursday, December 13, 2018

The unsung heroes featuring caregivers Asia

Many people are surprised when I told them that I am interested in pursuing my subspeciality in the area of geriatrics. Because lots of people may think that they are heart sinks. Having to suffer from so many complex medical issues that are further compounded by difficult social and financial circumstances. I wouldn’t say I am a very altruistic person either. Or rather, I think I have found my calling just like many others do after stumbling here and there during my career.

I believe the same goes to many freelance caregivers. It’s almost impossible to carry on based on the relatively mediocre amount of financial compensation received without being filled by passion and dedication. Providing care for others can be incredibly stressful and frustrating with the alarming figures below:

  1. 10 million caregivers over 50 who care for their  parents lose an estimated $3 trillion in lost wages,  pensions, retirement funds and benefits
  2. Caregivers tend to forgo their own health needs with twice higher risk of adverse health outcomes
  3. Up to 50% caregivers suffer from depression, especially those who provides care for more than 20hours/week
Source: University of Washington, Department of Medicine

Given that families are getting smaller, not many children or able bodied adults are able to provide full time care for their loved ones after catastrophies, leaving them permanently disabled. Because as much as they would love to care for the other, they may also be the sole breadwinner for the family for example. And it may not be feasible geographically for that person to move to provide care. Often, the person is also at a loss as to where can they seek help whether full time or just respite care when they need to go away for some period of time.

Therefore, Caregiver Asia strives to provide a platform to link the increasing demand for caregivers and the desperate next-of-kin. The type of care provided by Caregiver Asia includes care for the elderly who may need some nursing care such as help with ambulation, home physiotherapy, wound dressing,oral feeding or tube feeding, permanent or intermittent catheterization, care of tracheostomy, suction and bathing.

People suffering from diseases such as Parkinson’s disease, dementia, stroke and end stage cancers requiring palliative care may benefit from their service. One can even hire medical escorts or simply care companions when the need arises. For instance, to transport the patient to and from their hospital appointments. Most of the caregivers listed have medical backgrounds like certified nurse or physiotherapist.

The pricing listed is also fairly reasonable based on hours of service needed.

Besides this, in Malaysia, one can also find confinement and babysitting services from Caregiver Asia. It’s no longer easy to look for reliable babysitters especially nowadays. News about child abuse leading to fatality are rampant recently. It really makes one wonder who is trustworthy. With transparent listing and pricing, at least it’s easier to compare and hopefully choose a good babysitter.

No matter are you a care seeker or care giver, it only takes a few simple steps to register for the purpose. Go to this link for step by step instructions and for any enquiry.

Then care seeker will be able to provide feedback and review about the care giver. Any problems with the care giver, Caregiver Asia has a hotline to deal with the issues.

Now care arrangements are so much easier using Caregiver Asia. But most services are still only available in Klang valley area. Can’t wait for the service to expand to East Coast because I have many next of kins requesting for these services.

Caregiver Asia official website

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

The importance of drinking water featuring SIGG

As a doctor, I couldn't stress how important it is to have enough drinking water everyday. The cliche of drinking 8 glasses of water a day still holds true for many reasons. Because we lose water via sweat, urination/defecation and even when we breathe.

1. Water helps to maintain a state of balance in bodily fluids. There's a fairly complex system between the brain and the kidneys to keep the bodily fluids and the concentration of minerals in a balanced state. This includes the circulation, saliva, regulation of temperature for example.

2.  Water helps with weight loss. Water truly contains 0 calories and can do wonder when one replace other beverages with water. Food with higher water content also makes one feel full for longer.

3. Water is needed for healthy muscles. This is particularly true after exercise. Water lost is needed to be replenished in order to maintain the balance of fluid and minerals for optimal function.

4. Water is needed for healthy glowing skin. Dehydration can make skin looks wrinkled and more dry but over hydrating yourself doesn't smoothen out wrinkles :p

5. Water helps to excrete toxins from the body in the form of urine which is also needed to maintain good filtration function of our kidneys.

6. Last but not least, dehydration can lead to constipation as harder stools tend to move slower in the bowels, causing even more water to be reabsorbed from the stool.

As people become more environmentally friendly, we have moved away from using disposable plastic water bottles. And having our own water bottle has become a necessity. So a good quality bottle is absolutely essential as we use it day in and out. Keeping a bottle by our side definitely help us to drink more both consciously and subconsciously.

Have you heard of SIGG? It has a big range of water bottles made in Switzerland since 1908. My dear readers, Switzerland is not only famous for its exquisite watches and breathtaking sceneries :) These are the reasons why I love SIGG.

My SIGG NAT Gold water bottle can fit 0.75L liquid below 40 degrees Celsius. Put it anywhere except in the microwave or freezer. 

Other cool features include
-fully recyclable parts
-BPA and phalates free (these are plastic ingredients that could potentially be harmful to us)
-read more on Mayo Clinic if you want to know more in detail about BPA

The new bottle top also has an intuitive design. Look carefully at the 4 options. With a clever twist holding on to the top handle, one choose between open, close, air and clean.

Open means ready for a swig. Remember to gently bite open the rubber tip so as to allow the water to pass through the straw.

Close means it becomes leak proof. I tried to turn it upside down and it didn't leak either.

Air means allowing gas to escape or ventilate through the opening when the bottle is filled with carbonated drinks. A gentle reminder to leave about 3cm gap from the lid when SIGG is filled with gassy drinks to allow for expansion.

Clean turns the complex mechanism into a straight path for proper cleaning purposes.

I love how simple yet sophisticated the design of SIGG water bottle is. This is the essence of elegance.

Not only does it fit easily into my day bag, my SIGG bottle is also a great companion when I'm driving or having sports. No need to cap and uncap. Just take a swig. No more messy spills and no distraction to take my eyes off the road.

Of course there's a good deal for you during this Christmas season. A season of gifting. Simply head to this Genius Castle link

Quote SIGGRM10 to get your RM10 off your SIGG bottles.

More excuses for you and your loved ones to drink more water! Keep yourselves healthy this festive season.

Thursday, December 6, 2018

Natural elixir for the skin featuring Coco2u

I can never get enough to try all these wonderful skincare products! This time we are back to talking about virgin coconut oil again. Introducing to everyone Coco2u skincare starter kit.

This trial pack for 7 days is great for those who wants to experience the goodness of virgin coconut oil on their face. Besides that, the sizes are also good for traveling at less than 100ml each bottle using transparent packaging.

Watch my YouTube video about how to use the products.

I love how simple the steps are.
Step 1 Hydrating Cleanser
Step 2 Pore refining tonique
Step 3 Bioactive day (SPF20)/night moisturiser

These are the fundamental steps for supple and radiant skin. For a full-time doctor and mother, I cannot stress how many times have I wasted money on expensive skincare products getting expired just because I have no time to use it. Hands up who have gave in to buying costly skincare products which end up collecting dust :p

Let us look at the good stuff/Bioactive ingredients in all Coco2u products

Aloe vera
Mushroom extract
Cucumber extract
Virgin coconut oil
Yam Bean Extract
Argan oil
Grape seed extract

What I can say is that these are all great skinfood! Lots of antioxidants, humectant, vitamins, fatty acids, anti-inflammatories. This sums up to a recipe for youthful and hydrated skin which is anti-aging. Importantly, the day cream has SPF20 which is very important to lessen the effect of photo aging in tropical Malaysia.

My experience of using Coco2u products is generally pleasant. I have sensitive skin and am so glad that Coco2u products contain no artificial preservatives (potential allergen), SLS (sodium lauryl sulphate) (dehydrates skin), parabens (potential allergen) , petroleum derived chemicals (potential carcinogen, pore blocking, allergen) . Animal lovers can also be ready assured that none of the products are tested in animals.

Without all these harmful products mean that I can also safely use Coco2u products in pregnancy and while breastfeeding.

Despite containing Virgin coconut oil, the skincare products are light weight and non greasy. It is also easily absorbed and my skin feels so hydrated and fresh after a week's use. It also doesn't have any artificial fragrance which can cause allergies too.

At only RM120 each set, it's really affordable comparing to many other skincare products available over the counter or specialised stores.

Feel free to have a look at Coco2u official sites for more details.

Can't think of what to buy for your loved ones this Christmas? Get some COCO2U products during 'Tis the season to be jolly by COCO2U'

Quote *XMASANGEL* to get RM100 off for your purchase.

Coupon Code valid from 8th – 23rd December 2018

Thursday, November 29, 2018

Getting kissable lips featuring GlamFox

Want to get kissable lips? No matter what shape or length or thickness, they need to be well hydrated and protected from the elements. And today I'm going to share a few tips about lip care.

Having had fairly severe lip eczema last year, I was traumatized by having to apply topical tacrolimus diligently and Vaseline almost every 1-2 hours. They were horrible! Red and swollen at the edges with even serous discharge coming out which dried by  crusting. I even had a skin patch test done- without being able to identify the culprit. Luckily with time, the condition quiescent, leaving behind dry lips which need nothing more than  twice daily of lip balm.

Since then I have learnt to really appreciate my pair of well hydrated lips.

Tips 1

1. Exfoliate- use exfoliator used on the face for your lips gently once or twice a week to removed dry and flaky skin. It can be as simple as DIY honey+granulated sugar scrub. Remember to remove all traces of makeup on the lips.

2. Moisturise- use lip balm made from natural ingredients eg beewax, Shea butter, almond oil or aloe. Stop licking your lips because it makes them even drier after the saliva evaporates.

3. Protect- use lip balm with SPF 15 and higher. Stop smoking because it discolours the lips and hasten wrinkle formation on the upper lips.

Therefore, good lip care products are essential for your kissable lips! Introducing the lip care range by GlamFox, a cosmetic company hailing from Korea. Not only are they great for your lips, the actual products are also so beautiful and delicately made. I feel like a princess using them!

The fleurissant lip glow range comes in 6 varieties depending on the flowers embedded inside, looking like an ageless fossil frozen in time. These are moonlight, honey, peach, rose, emerald and witch. The lip glow is transparent so grab the flower you like the most! I simply love moonlight flowers.

The other floral ingredients in this beautiful lip balm include chamomiles, lavender, daisy, magnolia, damask rose, lily, rosa rugosa (beach rose) and marigold. Not to forget the 99.9% 24k gold foil in it! So much soothing and hydrating effect, it's just like having a lip spa. And of course these products are paraben and mineral oil free. Great for someone who has a history of eczema/sensitive skin like me.

If you want even more gloss, shine and plumpier lips, get the fleurissant lip gloss instead. Similarly, it has 6 floral varieties.

It is also possible to achieve these different looks with the fleurissant lip gloss- the classic full lip, two toned and the popular gradation makeup ( look at the empress and the concubines in the Story of Yanxi Palace- one of the hottest drama series in China right now).

One more interesting fact is the lip color actually changes depending on the temperature and pH of the lips of the wearer. And of course the more layers you apply, the color is going to get more vivid and dark. And according to the order of the flower ingredients I listed just now, the shade gets darker across the range.

 Here's me-

Before putting on any lippie. Excuse the dark pigmented and dry lips (just gotten better from the bad eczema I described before).

After applying the lip glow. Note the pinkish hue and the instant hydration. The lip glow is feels neither sticky nor heavy.

After putting on the lip gloss. With the extra shine on my lips.

After an hour sitting in an air-conditioned environment. The color has become a lighter pink.

The color also stays for 5-8 hours so I don't have to touch up so often even after eating and drinking. It doesn't stain the glass either.

By now, you should be falling in love with the fleurissant lip care range too. The good news is it's not hard to get one of these lippies because it's widely available in Watson's and Aeon nationwide.

Official website


 Good oral health is the basis of general well-being. It ensures a healthy smile. This boosts self confidence and leaves a lasting impressio...