Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Children dental health featuring Zollipops (Malaysia) | review

I used to be quite slack with baby Bing's teeth brushing. I did clean his teeth with water and cloth twice a day with xylitol tooth paste. But I allowed Bing to sleep while latching on. We had a big wakeup call after a visit to the dentist and 2 teeth fillings when he's 2.

And we have since then been following these dental care tips:

1. Wipe gums before the first tooth erupt.
2. Use baby tooth brush appropriate to age.
3. Visit the dentist from 1 years of age.
4. Brush and floss properly at least twice a day.
5. Say no to sugary and starchy food.
6. Don't go to sleep with bottle in mouth.
7. Use fluoridated tooth paste once baby knows how to spit and gargle.

More details on Colgate website.

We have never offered Bing any sweets. But he must have learnt from his YouTube videos because one fine day he started asking for lollipops (mind you he's 2 years and 8 months old now). I don't even recall teaching him this word! I downright refused him any candies or lollipops in the worry of more dental caries. Until I came across Zollipop.

The kidpreneur behind Zollipop is none other than Alina Morse. Hailing from the US, it's the result of a why question- daddy, why can't we make a lollipop that's good for your teeth? It's been in the market since 2014.

Not only is zollipop sugar free but it's also loaded with ingredients that help to prevent dental caries. The main ingredients are

Xylitol- a natural sweetener that prevents bacteria from sticking to the teeth and helps to repair damaged enamel.

Erythritol- a 0 calorie sweetener , produced by fermentation. It is able to reduce dental plaque weight by 24% in a 3-year study and lower the levels of Streptococcus mutans bacteria.

Stevia-a plant derived sweetener that contains no fermentable sugar which is an essential food source for bacteria.

This is the science behind these powerful ingredients.

The full list of ingredients:

Isomalt Syrup, Erythritol, Xylitol, Citric Acid, Natural Flavors, Beetroot Juice, Stevia, Turmeric, Grape Extract Annatto Extract, and Color Added. All Colors are Derived From Natural Plant Based Sources.

Being an US product, of course it has to be non-GMO, gluten free, dairy-free, vegan and kosher!

A pack of Zollipop has all these mixed flavors:  Natural Peppermint, Strawberry, Grape, Orange, Cherry, Raspberry and Pineapple. The packet opens in the middle and is resealable.

Would I buy it again?

Yes. For a happy baby Bing and happy mommy.

Because now I have finally found a lollipop that dentists will approve of! Not only does it satisfy Bing's cravings but it's also good for his teeth. No more mommy guilt. After the occasional indulgence in chocolate (Bing is a chocoholic just like his dad), offer a Zollipop instead of chasing after him to brush his teeth.

It's by no means a substitute for good dental care but it is a fun and easy way to keep teeth clean during the day.
Interested to try? 

Get it from Shopee

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Contact lens health tips featuring Barbies Eyesland- how to prevent losing eyesight from infections | review

Contact lens wearing is a very popular way to correct vision besides the good old glasses and LASIK surgery. One can achieve the ditch the glasses look immediately. But eye infections and its complications including blindness are very common among wearers. So what should we do to protect our eyes?

CDC has extensive resources regarding contact lens health here. I have summarised the recommendations.

Good habits

1. Wash with soap and dry hands before touching the lens- get rid the germs on hands

2. No sleeping with lens on-overnight wear risks microbial keratitis

3. No water contact with lens on including swimming, using hot tub, showering- Acanthamoeba in water can cause keratitis

Contact lens

1. Rub and rinse with contact lens disinfecting solution only- best way to remove deposits and germs

2. Never store lens in water- Acanthamoeba keratitis can cause blindness!

3. Replace the lens as recommended- for optimal vision and comfort

Contact lens case

1. Rub and rinse with contact lens disinfecting solution only

2. Empty and dry with clean tissue

3. Store upside down with caps off

4. Replace every 3 months

Contact lens solution

1. Don't mix used and fresh solution- biofilms can form

2. Use only the correct type of solution- some lens can interact with certain solutions

Lastly, don't forget to see your eye doctors at least annually for examination.

Besides the conventional clear lens, coloured lens are becoming trendy as one can change the color of the iris and makes the pupils appear larger, a much coveted feature in a pair of beautiful eyes. 

Wearing coloured lens are safe, provided the quality of the lens are good. In other words, there's no increased risks of eye infection with coloured lens if wearers follow the tips I explained above.

Barbie Eyesland is an online store which offers 100% authentic contact lens brands, mainly coloured lens to create those lovely Barbie doll looking like eyes. Because they have no physical store with the related overhead expenses so the price is much cheaper. But this does not compromise the quality of their products.

The great news is the lens are made by Barbie Eyesland itself! Quality assured. Made in Malaysia and proudly Malaysian. The lens can be worn for 3 months at 8 hours a day. The range of colors include various shades of black, brown, grey, olive green and blue. Shades that complement Asian facial features well.

Once purchased, it takes 1-3 days to receive the products and around 5 days to reach Singapore. It's very convenient. There's no shipping fee in Malaysia as well.

Would I recommend Barbie Eyesland?
I'm wearing icy grey 16mm lens here.

It's lightly tinted so it provides a natural look. The other advantage is that it's not too opaque which may obscure the vision. I love how my eyes did not become dry after wearing it the whole day. 

I would suggest first time wearers to get a prescription at their optometrists first. Try clear lens first to get a hang of how to wear contact lens. Subsequently, enjoy wearing the aesthetic coloured lens from Barbie Eyesland at a fraction of the price. 

The power of the lens range from 0-800. So those who falls out of the range need to consider other brands. 

Those who are interested, these are the links. 

Monday, February 11, 2019

Dust and allergies featuring Raycop RS300 (Malaysia) | review

Having runny nose every morning? Sneezing non stop? Itchy, red and watery eyes? What about getting more breathless or wheezing or coughing for those with asthma?

Are you sick of trying out all sorts of inhalers and medications to relieve the symptoms? Maybe even needing frequent short courses of steroid tablets. You are not alone. Welcome to the club of dust allergy. It's common. 20 million adults in the US have this. That's 1 in every 5 people.

What's in dust?

Pet dander, pieces of dead cockroaches, mold spores, pieces of dead skin. And dust mites feed on these, their favorite being dead skin. Think your house is clean? Think again. Inhaling microscopic dust can cause allergies.

Dust mites

These tiny creatures can be nasty. Ranging in size from a hundredth to a thousandth of an inch, they're too small to see without magnification. As many as 19,000 dust mites can be found in a ball of dust the weight of a 1 gram paper clip, although the typical dust ball contains only 100 to 500 mites. 

As mentioned, they feed on dead skin shedded abundant on your pillows, beddings and upholstery, perhaps on your children's soft toys too. Because it's warm and moist. And we shed about a fifth of an ounce of skin a day. It makes up about 80% of the dust you see in an indoor sunbeam.

This is a very relevant study just to show you how scary and common dust mites are in Klang Valley.

Dust mites allergy can mainly cause allergic rhinitis, allergic conjunctivitis and worsen asthmatic control.

Since it causes so much problems, how can we get rid of them?

Clean, clean and clean!

1. Use airtight, plastic dust-mite covers on pillows, mattresses and box springs.

2. Use pillows filled with polyester fibers instead of kapok or feathers.

3. Wash bedding in very hot water (over 55 C) once a week

4. Get rid of dust collectors, stuffed animals and soft toys- if they don't spark joy :p Kon Marie your house for the sake of health!

5. Replace drapes with roll-up window 

6. Use an air conditioner or dehumidifier to lower humidity below 55C.

7. Use vacuum with HEPA (high-efficiency particulate air) filter.

Read more about dust and dust mites on webMD.

Raycop RS300 is a Korean vacuum designed to eliminate dust mites. A long anticipated cleaner for parents whose children have poorly controlled asthma. Our family has a strong history of allergies, eczema and asthma. And to be honest I'm allergic to dust too. With the addition of baby Yi, I'm even more determined to rid our house of dust mites.

How does it remove dust?

Instead of strong suction which is noisy and creates turbulence (makes dust fly everywhere!), Raycop features gentle suction, coupled by light pulsation to lift and remove dust. The UV lamp sterilises and kills bacteria. HEPA filter, on the other hand, traps all these nasties in the cleaner so it doesn't get released into the surroundings.

Read more about the technology here.

How to operate the vacuum?

It's recommended to vacuum our beddings everyday. There are two ways to vacuum it- full or partial purification. I have been doing full purification once a week and baby partial one daily. YouTube links below.

Full purification (5 minutes)

Partial purification (1 minute)
After a full purification, I run my fingers across the bedding and I could easily notice the difference.

I particularly like how the dust box is washable, eliminating the possibility of secondary air pollution while cleaning it up. And don't worry about exposing yourself and your family with UV light because it's only switched on when in contact with beddings.

What about our conventional way of cleaning the mattresses? This article beautifully summarised the limitations of using air purifier, sun exposure, tapping and chemical cleaning.

Would I recommend it?

Who doesn't love a fresh bed to sleep in every night? Especially when I have a relatively lightweight vacuum that can do the job for all the beds in less than half an hour. The Raycop design is so sleek and thoughtful that one doesn't even need to wear masks while cleaning up. It also doesn't stick to the bedding like conventional vacuum cleaners. But it gets tricky when you want to vacuum tight corners.

The amount of dust collected from our King bed with fresh linens.

The price tag though is a bit steep at RM2k each machine. Comparing with some other products in the market, it's among the high end range. The quality is definitely good with certification from various authorities such as the British Allergy Foundation and Institute of Tokyo Environmental Allergy. For example, since there's no strict definition of HEPA filter, many vacuum cleaners may not have good quality ones or may not have all the dust directing to the filter, render it useless.

In conclusion, I would say this product is very useful for those who have dust mite allergies, sensitive airways and uncontrolled asthma.

Interested? Contact as below.

Raycop Malaysia
No.6-7, Main Tower, Sunsuria Tower, Persiaran Mahagoni, Kota Damansara PJU 5, 47810 Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Persiaran Mahogani, 47810 Petaling Jaya, Selangor

Monday, February 4, 2019

Eye skincare tips featuring Suddenbe ION and LED eye massager | review

The skin around our eyes is one of the most delicate and thinnest skin in our body. And it's one the areas that give others a first impression about you. I used to get this comment, “ Hey, Dr Angel. Are you post call?” Which means that I look exhausted with dark circles and puffy eyes. I really envy those with bright eyes.

So we drink 8 glasses of water a day, sleep 8 hours, avoid smoking, excessive alcohol and salty food. We buy the most expensive and promising eye cream in the market, apply eye masks but we still look like pandas. So, what have we done wrongly?

What else does it take to care the skin around eyes?

  1. Be very gentle. Pat, not rub products in with pinky.
  2. Be very gentle. Use products specially formulated for eyes to avoid skin irritation.
  3. Be very gentle. Remove eye make up by applying soaked cotton (with makeup remover, 20-30 seconds) over the eyes then gently drag towards the lashes.
  4. Be very gentle. No scrubbing, scratching, rubbing (my greatest enemy! I love to rub my eyes when I'm tired).
  5. Be very gentle and protect the area with eye products with SPF.
  6. Be very gentle and cool your eye products. This age old trick is great for debugging too!

Be very gentle! Read more on Teen Vogue

So how to get the products to work properly if everything needs to be so gentle? Employing the help of a good eye massager can ensure the right amount of pressure is used.

Suddenbe ION and LED eye massager

The technology used and design is elegant and simple. It enables high frequency microvibration up to 18,000 times each minute to massage the eye area. 2 different LED light color are available. The blue light features slow and long vibrations to remove impurities from the pores, as well as to allow deep penetration of eye products using the ions. The red light, on the other hand, features fast and short vibrations to smoothen fine lines.

Watch my YouTube video on the exact instructions about how to use the massager. Don’t forget to subscribe Dr Yingzangel YouTube channel.

Step 1. Cleanse eyes and face. Remove all makeup
Step 2. Apply eye cream. Even I forgot to use my pinky. In the video, I used my ring fingers.
Step 3. Gently rotate the massager around the eyes. Avoid the eyeballs and eyelids. About 10 seconds each eye.


What I really like about the massager is that immediate fresh feeling after use. As if I just have a power nap. The metal tip also feels coolish on the skin which will help to reduce puffiness. Since it’s so light, it is also travel friendly. Just pop it into the pull string pouch to protect it against scratches. When it’s dirty, simply wipe it clean with a damp cloth/tissue.

Would I recommend it? Yes. Of the many eye products that I have tried, this is one of those I have been using diligently because it’s fast and easy to use. But I do realise I need a bit more eye cream than usual to lubricate and make sure the massager doesn't stretch my skin.

Want to know more? Head on to AllYoung Malaysia website.

Friday, February 1, 2019

The correct way to supplement collagen featuring NutriBear

Happy CNY!

Those who have been following my posts would have read about NutriBear- an efficacious collagen supplement. If not catch up here to learn about the function of collagen in the body and how to age gracefully.

In this article, I'm going to talk about how to supplement yourselves with sufficient amount of collagen. And the common misconceptions and questions regarding collagen supplementation.

1. Get the purest collagen

There are many collagen products in the market. But one can rarely find a single product that only contains collagen. Many includes other vitamins and minerals- especially vitamin C due to its benefits to the skin.

However, this combination is not palatable. Therefore, other additives and sweeteners are needed in the product. This is precisely the reason why NutriBear only contains collagen because Dr Cheng JC, the founder insists to create NutriBear. In fact, she suggests taking NutriBear separately with a Vitamin C supplement of your choice for the optimal level of collagen production.
But Berry flavoured NutriBear is also now available with added vitamin C.

Of course all NutriBear products are free of gluten, GMO, heavy metals and preservatives.

2. Get the correct source of collagen.

Many animal parts contain collagen including cow, swine, chicken and fish. The first 3 are much cheaper but also less effective. Fish collagen is absorbed 1.5 times more efficiently into the bloodstream, meaning more collagen consumed can be used by the body instead of being excreted.

3. Why granulated hydrolyzed collagen?

Granulation is a way to process collagen to make it easier to dissolve and absorb.

True enough, look at my previous YouTube video and you can see how easily the collagen powder dissolves without stirring in hot or warm water.

4. Powder vs capsule collagen

We need 5g of collagen supplement in a day. This increases with age as we are able to produce less. 1 scoop of NutriBear provides this 5g.

But there's only 0.5g in each capsule. You do the mathematics! It's just like taking medications. If you underdose yourself, you won't get the desired effect.

It takes around 3-4 weeks of collagen supplementation to start seeing the results.

5. Perhaps the favorite question - is it safe in pregnant or breastfeeding mothers?

As a general physician and breastfeeding mother, I know how tricky it is to get a trustable supplement. But NutriBear totally fits the bill. I love mixing NutriBear 1 scoop a day into my homemade red dates, longan and goji berry drink to boost breast milk production. 

 Still please check with your healthcare professionals before starting any supplement because other coexisting medical problems may make it dangerous to consume certain supplements.

So look good, feel good, save bears with NutriBear today!

More information
NutriBear website
Facebook page
If you are a scientist-->

For the real science behind it, read these research evidence. It shows how collagen supplementation is important in good skin, preventing osteoarthritis, osteoporosis and improving bone health. Note that these studies are not large scale like other studies for medications so collagen may be useful but it can't be recommended in practising guidelines for healthcare professionals. 

Disclaimer: the opinion given is merely a personal experience and does not constitute formal medical advice. Please seek your medical professional's advice before any complementary therapy. Always ask for certified professionals before proceeding with treatment and stop if discomfort or side effect ensues.

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Skin pigmentation away featuring Dr Glamogenic Spot Whitening Serum

I used to have sun kissed skin and I admit that I wasn't so diligent in providing sun protection. But I love bushwalking and the outdoors. With aging and 2 pregnancies, you can imagine the effect of photoaging and hormonal imbalance on my skin. And the sleepless nights caring for 2 adorable children are not helpful.

One of the annoying problem is  excessive skin pigmentation, mostly from acne scars, sun spots and of course my dark circles. Hyperpigmentation is caused by excessive melanin stimulated by exposure to UV rays. And it can take 10-20 years to develop. Read more on Cosmopolitan. It's not easy to treat these with the usual recommendation being laser which is minimally invasive with potential recurrence.

Dr Glamogenic Spot Whitening Serum

Dr Glamogenic is a skincare brand formulated in Korea but widely marketed in Australia. In my previous article, I have explained why I prefer to use products tailored to Asian skin.

The main active ingredients include

Shea butter
Macadamia oil
Soy isoflavones
Sunflower seed oil
Bee wax

This unique formulation benefit the skin by
1. Brightening dull complexion and promote radiance
2. Hydrating and moisturising
3. Nourishing the skin thus promoting collagen production
4. Lightening Pigmentation by even distribution of melanin which also works for dark circles

How to Use?
Step 1 cleanse
Step 2 tone
Step 3 use Dr Glamogenic Spot Whitening Serum while skin is still damp
Step 4 wait for serum to absorb
Step 5 moisturise

Watch my YouTube video for detailed instructions how to apply the serum. You can choose to use the serum with an eye massager for deeper penetration. Please subscribe to Dr Yingzangel. 

Would I recommend it?
Yes! Miraculously I have noticed a difference in merely 3 days without the pain and cost of going through laser treatment. The serum is not greasy and gets absorbed quickly.

Other Dr Glamogenic products available in Malaysia are:

For body :

1. Enliven Brightening Cream ( under arm, elbow,knee)

2.Youth Restoring Modeling Shaping Cream  ( body sculpting and firming)

For face :

3. Hyaluronic Booster Serum

4. Antioxidant Vit C+ Serum

5. Brassica Peeling Gel  ( for exfoliation )

7. Dynamic Brightening Mask

8. Vitalize Soothing Mask

If you are interested there are 3 methods to get your own Dr Glamogenic products

A. Visit Glamogenic Kiosk ( Authorized dealer)
Vintage Collection International Sdn Bhd Address: PC-001, Ground Floor,Sunway Giza Mall.
Opening hours: 10am – 10pm
( -same level with Village grocer / opposite Tea Live )

B. WhatsApp order : +6 012 691 6128

C. Online order via FB Page : Glamogenic Official 

Saturday, January 26, 2019

Debunking the mystery of bird's nest | Toko Tsuru premium bird's nest review

Being so expensive, is it really worth consuming bird's nest? From food to cosmetics, bird's nest is being added for its tauted benefits. Is this real or just a scam? Afterall, it's just solidified saliva produced by nesting swiftlets. Very much glorified eh?

People, especially Chinese, have been craving for bird's nest, pushing its price skyhigh. Traditionally, collection involves climbing treacherous caves as the swiftlets nest near dangerous terrain. Recently, bird's nests are also being farmed in Malaysia. A building is provided for the swiftlets to nest with the freedom to come and go. Cave nests, are of course, much more costly due to its scarcity.

Swiftlet farming harbours a lot of knowledge.  A renowned Professor Dr Lim, a kidney specialist in Malaysia, is actively involved. Ethical swiftlet farming makes sure only empty nests are collected after the eggs have hatched and the baby swiftlets do not need them anymore. There's ongoing research from his team about how to farm swiftlets and the nutritional value of bird's nest.  Read more here

Nests are then graded according to purity and size from the best white nests aka imperial nests to feathery nests and lastly grass nests. And of course priced accordingly.

The process to manufacture edible bird's nests is equally tedious. There are 7 steps involved and illustrated in the diagram below.    Most of the steps are labour intensive and requires experience and on job training. This is particularly true about the cleaning part. It's very meticulous using small forceps to pick out feathers and impurities.

One can either obtain bird's nest in the market after it's being cleaned in its original form. It takes double boiling for at least an hour to be cooked. The alternative is to use a slow cooker. Or purchase it in bottled versions that's ready for consumption. Bird's nest goes well with rock sugar, goji berries and red dates. There are even people who cleans bird's nest only for their own consumption.

So there must be a valid reason why people spend so much time and effort to produce good bird's nest. The proven nutritional value of bird's nest is as summarized below- the main active ingredients being sialic acid, epidermal growth factor and mitogenic stimulation factor. That's where the claims for supple and youthful skin come from.

Toko Tsuru premium bird's nest strictly adhere to the highest standards explained above to produce premium bird's nest soup canned for convenient consumption. It contains just bird's nest and rock sugar as bird's nest alone is rather bland to taste. Nothing else.

Each bottle is made of 4g of raw premium bird's nest! The other important nutrients include sialic acid, protein, fibre and phytonutrients.

Even though rock sugar is added, the bird's nest tasted just right and not too sweet. 

Look at how full the bottle is with bird's nest! There's very little amount of water actually unlike most of the other commercially available bird's nest. 

Let's bring these premium gifts to our loved ones this festive season. We should only give them the best for wishes of goodwill and health. Afterall, they gave us their best. Get it from


 Good oral health is the basis of general well-being. It ensures a healthy smile. This boosts self confidence and leaves a lasting impressio...