Friday, May 31, 2019

Practical products for family | Gajah Baring Balsamo, Oless Lip balm and thermometer review

As a family with young children, we always have to make sure we have a few practical things in hand. As a doctor, I do believe in certain traditional remedies particularly in remedies that are applied to the skin such as massage oil, essential oil and herbal rubs/creams. Having products with ingredients suitable for the use of the whole family is even more important when we travel to reduce the amount of baggage. I am sure those with children will understand how much luggage our children need for a short 2 days away from home! I have recently received Gajah Baring Balsamo, OLESS lip balm and a cute froggy body thermometer which are good additions to the house.

Gajah Baring Balsamo

This garlic balm is useful for the whole family from babies to the elderly. It can be simply used as a massage oil to moisturise the skin or as a chest rub to relieve nasal congestion while suffering from cold. As our weather has become so unpredictable with sweltering hot sunny day and chilly raining evenings, many have fallen to viral infections. I have just recovered from one but my poor 5 month old has caught the virus from me. Because he's so young, he's not suitable to use cold medications. Therefore, traditional remedies like this garlic balm come in a very timely manner.

Gajah Baring Balsamo contains white garlic, olive oil, vitamin E, sunflower oil and bee wax. It's made of real garlic so it smells exactly like one! Without any added fragrance or artificial colouring that may cause allergies in those with sensitive skin.

I also love how Gajah Baring Balsamo comes in the form of a solid balm because I have way too many stained baggage items due to ointments/creams in the liquid form. When rubbed into the skin/chest gently, it doesn't really give any heaty sensation but it does help to relieve blocked nose. This helps my little boy to sleep better because he could breathe easier and was more comfortable. The other options is nasal irrigation which I find really unpleasant for both parents and children. My boy often chokes when I tried to irrigate his blocked nose which made his all the more irritable.

With every purchase, it now comes with a cute froggy body thermometer like this. I would like a thermometer is an essential item in every home's medicine cabinet. This is particularly because high grade fever can be an indication of serious infection which may require hospital admission.

In young children, they are also prone to having what we call febrile fits-- when body temperature is too high, it can cause convulsion. Even though febrile fits usually do not carry any serious consequences in our children's development and is usually self limiting, it's still better to know the exact body temperature and to lower it using paracetamol or other medications when needed. It can be a real scary sight. To learn more about febrile fit, refer to this RCH article.

If you are interested, you can get a Gajah Baring Balsamo at RM29.90 (excluding postage RM8 West Malaysia, RM12 East Malaysia)

For more information, please refer to the official website
Gajah Baring Balsamo
FB: Gajah Baring HQ (Garlic Balm)
IG: gajahbaring_hq
Distributed by ARS Pure Solution
Contact no.: 0187665694

OLESS lip balm

This is another family friendly product. This lip balm is homemade and safe for children use because the flavour and coluring are food grade. It's exactly like putting strawberry candy directly on the lips. Yums!

OLESS lip balm contains extra virgin olive oil, vitamin E, strawberry flavour and colouring.  These are nourishing ingredients that moisuturise the lips to deal with problems such as cracked lips, dry lips and pigmented lips.

Look at how excited baby Bing is! He has been observing me putting on my coloured lip balm so he immediately knew what to do with this lip balm. Strawberry is also his favorite flavour! I think this lip balm is going to finish in no time.

The price tag is also affordable at only RM10 each (excluding postage RM8 West Malaysia, RM11 East Malaysia).

For more information, please refer to
Official website
FB: Zuraini Muhammad
IG: zmbeauty_hq
Contact No.: 01132484182
Distributed by ZM Beauty

P.S. If you purchase these items during Raya period, you will also get these extra duit Raya packets. I love the design, so elegant :)

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Drive safe on the road

As a full-time working mother, I drive myself everyday to work. Picking up baby Bing to and from the babysitter usually falls within my daily responsibility too. Being a mother of 2 lovely boys, you would have thought I'm a pretty cautious driver. But I must admit this is not always the case :p

I have had my fair share of speeding tickets on the highway for instance. Having had a close friend who just had her car declared as total loss due to skidding, I now know better than to play around with the speed limit. I also have my moments of showing attitudes to other drivers sometimes after a terrible day especially when confronted by someone with poor road etiquette but I have learnt that it doesn't pay to retaliate. Instead I let the mat rempits and tail gaters pass.

Image courtesy of EZtakaful

Besides adhering to speed limits, mobile use and texting while driving has become one of the devils. Being a doctor, sometimes there's no off time. From fellow doctors, nurses to allied health, one gets called all the time. And it can become tempting to pick it up while driving. Therefore I have learnt to use Bluetooth earphones while driving.

The other common danger is fatigue. After experiencing microsleep on the highway at full throttle, now I always make sure I'm well rested before the start of the journey. For trips longer than 1-2 hours, I'll stop and rest be it a quick toilet break or just a way out for some fresh air. Now that the R&R pitstops are equipped with clean and spacious bathrooms as well as many food choices, baby Bing loves to stop by too. Making sure our tired toddler gets enough sleep and fastened in his car seat also ensures a peaceful drive. One main problem for Malaysian families - letting young children loose without car seat! Can't stress how much this can save your children's life in an accident. There's no such thing as children refusing to stay in car seat because as with everything else it comes with habit and discipline.

Being a safe driver is not only important to both the drivers and her passengers, but it's also a civil responsibility. Now that the motor insurance is liberalised, there's even more incentive to drive safely! The following diagram from Bank Negara Malaysia sums up the benefits to consumers. Those who have low risk profiles i.e. no accidents and who maintains their car well get to pay lower premiums. That's definitely great news and beneficial incentive for Malaysian drivers.

To read more on how you can benefit from the liberalisation of motor insurance/motor Takaful, kindly refer to

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Birthday Treats for Daycare- ideas and activities

Happy belated birthday baby Bing! My eldest had just turned 3! This is his first year at kindergarten/afternoon daycare. So as new as it is a learning experience for him, it's also new for us as parents. We are glad that he loves schooling. Basically he's the positive vibe there!

Bing with his trophy, medal and gift pack coming first in individual running, games and group games just 2 weeks before turning 3.

A simple discussion with Bing and we have decided to celebrate his birthday at school. Hubby and I do take Bing's opinion seriously because it's good to train him to make decision on his own. As long as we could remember, we offer him choices as long as it's not hazardous. This makes him think and gives him a voice as well as respect.

One afternoon after school brought us to the Mr DIY near our house for gift shopping. We love to shop here because their children section is simply fabulous! Good quality craft sets, books, stationery and toys at affordable prices. We deliberately chose a few different things to mix and match. Because there's more fun in the gift preparation this way.

LOT A1 & A3, GROUND & FIRST FLOOR, LORONG BUKIT SETONGKOL PERDANA 1, Lorong Bukit Setongkol Perdana 52, PERUMAHAN, 25200 Kuantan, Pahang
03-8961 1338

Baby Bing couldn't wait to prepare gift sets for his school mates. In each bag, he carefully placed an English alphabet book, a pencil with cartoon eraser attached, a whistle and a hand puppet craft set. We got 12 sets of these goodies at around RM50 only.

As for Bing's birthday cake, he decided to have a chocolate cake instead of his usual favorite pandan layer cake. We love to frequent Summer Bakery on the way to work. Not only are the pastry and cakes fresh, but it's also great value for money. We often buy bread and cake flour from the bakery as well (Baking is another Bing's hobby. That's story for another day!)

Summer Bakery
Jalan Darat Makbar, Kampung Darat Makbar, 25100 Kuantan, Pahang
016-936 8520

The Oreo chocolate cake had just the right amount of chocolate- light and not too rich. We simply love the presentation! What's the best about their cakes are that they are not too sweet. Just enough to satisfy cravings but good for parents like us who don't want to deal with more dental caries. Being a May baby as well as a Teacher's Day boy, we got 10% off because it's also Mother's Day promotion. The bakery opened as early as 7.30am so we were ready for our birthday party really early.

We notified the teachers a few days in advance and they have put up a simple yet lovely birthday decoration at school. With balloons and stuff. They have also prepared birthday hats for the children. Thank you teachers!

Bing got really excited when everyone sang a birthday song to him. As usual, he blew everyone's birthday candles and of course his! In the next half an hour, half of the cake was devoured by the happy children. We actually prefer this more traditional type of cake than fondant which has way too much sugar and artificial colouring.

After morning teatime and cake, Bing then handed the goodie bags to his school mates. The hilarious part was that he was really sad to part with the gifts and was only consoled after he also got a set himself (which explained his sulking face).

I finally managed to grab a photo with the birthday boy. So that's how awesome Bing's 3rd birthday went! I hope this gives you all some amazing ideas about what to do for your children!

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Lost and Found | Tag La Review

Do you know that a person wastes on average 10minutes everyday looking for misplaced items?

I vividly remembered when Mr husband lost his one year old mobile phone after an unfortunate trip to a local hawker center. We tried to use Google's Find Your Phone to locate it. But it only works when the phone is switched on and connected to data. We gave up after 24hours and resorted to erase the phone data remotely as many confidential information was in it.

Not only is it costly to lose precious items,there are many things that money simply can't buy. For example, we have many photos kept for memory sake in and out of work. So we are really excited to try out Tag La.

What is Tag La?

Tag La is a tracking device. It is connected to a mobile app via Bluetooth. Not only can it track a precious item attached to Tag La, it can also reverse track the mobile phone with the app.

Tag La is now selling at version 2 already! It's very easy to set up the device. Step by step instructions are provided to sync the device to the mobile phone with the Tag La app installed.

It is also elegantly designed. At the size and shape of a coin, it's light and can be easily attached to items using a key ring. It comes in a variety of attractive colours like red, blue, yellow, green and white.

How to use Tag La?

I have made a short YouTube video to show you all how to use its basic functions.

Once the Tag La is connected to the phone via Bluetooth, the icon will turn yellow. One can easily click  "Find'. The Tag La will then beep and announce its location! Vice versa, when the Tag La is pressed twice, the phone will ring even in silent mode. This is within 75feet of BlueTooth range. The Tag La device is powered by battery that lasts around 6 months.

If the device is out of range, don't worry. One can locate the device's last seen location on Google Map to identify where the item is. Once tracking range is exceeded, the phone will automatically receive a notification that one has left the item behind. Last resort, use the crowd GPS function. Others with Tag La who happen to pass by your item will be able to update your item location. Last but not least, Tag La can be used as a selfie remote to take a photo with in-app camera.

What does Dr Yingzangel think?

This is a creative yet simple solution to make sure that important items don't get lost ever again. It only took me 5minutes to set it up. And it was user friendly even to the ones who are not technologically inclined. And I love it because it is again, proudly Malaysian made and owned!

Retail Price at RM79.90 each. Subscribe to Tag La now with your email and you could be the lucky winner of a free Tag La every month!

Tag La

Monday, May 13, 2019

Hygienic and safe disposable sanitary pads | Joui Review

Do you know that a woman can use up to 24,000pcs of sanitary pad in her whole life?

Every woman has this intimate need-- to tide through her monthly menstruation with the  safest and most hygienic sanitary pads. Menses can be physically messy-- remember those days in school when she keeps checking the back of her uniform for possible leaks? It can also be emotionally wrecking when the menstrual cramps interrupt work and sleep. Not to mention the roller coaster that her mood becomes.

JOUI is going to launch officially on 17/5/2019! It's a revolutionary disposable sanitary napkin brand that makes women breeze through this unbearable misery. In fact JOUI literally stands for " joy of using it”

What makes JOUI so unique?

JOUI sanitary pads have the following features

- Premium packaging
- Convenient to carry around
- Disposable bag for sanitary pad
- 360 Degree fully sealed for woman’s intimacy hygiene
- Made of soft cotton with slim surface
- Longer than usual sanitary pads
- Breathable
- It has double layers to secure the position around the buttocks to prevent leakage.
- Each set conveniently lasts for a month.

Watch this video to understand about JOUI 8 layers design. 

Layer 1- Breathable soft cotton surface to increase absorption and maintain skin dryness

Layer 2- Utilities patented Cozeft technology which has 5 health benefits.

Layer 3- Special water channel from SAP (Super Absorbent Polymer) which is 100% absorbent to prevent leakage.

Layer 4- SAP from Japan Sumitomo enhances water retention, absorbs up to 150ml or 50% and dries the pad surface within 8seconds.

Layer 5- Air laid surface ensures any leakage from SAP is 100% absorbed.

Layer 6- Side guard prevents leakage from the sides.

Layer 7- Soft wings with breathable and waterproof polyethylene film eliminate moisture and heat.

Layer 8- Back adhesive layer to secure the pad in place.

Besides keeping all the menses safe inside, JOUI also uses this breakthrough cozeft technology which promotes the following 5 benefits:

-Nano silver reduces vaginal discharge and odour

-Negative ions help to improve energy level, dispels depressed mood and fatigue

-Analgesia relieves menstrual pain

-Rejuvenation cells have anti-aging properties and help new cells to be produced.

-Far infrared improves microcirculation and maintain a balanced pH around the vaginal area, thus minimising the risk the get certain gynaecological conditions.

I have never known that there's so much awesome technology used in our most intimate companion down below! But come to think of it, it's vital to choose sanitary pads wisely because the skin around the vagina is the most sensitive and has to go through the stress of labour and delivery.

I have also put JOUI's absorbency to test. Watch my YouTube video to see how fast it absorbs fluids and keep the surface dry. I'm totally amazed! And the pad surface is just so soft and comfortable. 

Now, JOUI is going to be free for my readers! Of course I have to share with you this great news fast before it runs out!

Join JOUI's 1,000 boxes giveaway for the first 1,000 customers. 

1. Sign up now on: myjoui
2. Refer Joui to 5 female friends!! 
3. Get your FREE SANITARY PACKAGE for every friend who signs up !

The more friends you refer the more JOUI package you will get :) Hurry up while stock lasts.

IG: @myjoui

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Lang Tengah Family 3D2N Getaway | Summer Bay Resort Review

Island hopping is not the privilege of the young and single. Us, with 2 young boys on the tow, managed to enjoy thoroughly on a 3days and 2 nights trip to Lang Tengah island at Summer Bay Resort just offshore of the Terengganu state of Malaysia. It's the site of shooting for the popular Chinese movie, Love U U (夏日乐悠悠).

 Remember the iconic pink church?

Recently a short movie was also produced locally featuring The resort.
Watch the short clip here.

Summer Bay Resort is a accredited 4 star accommodation which brings together the idea of living luxuriously as well as in a bohemian style. Do you know that many tourists also visit here after medical tourism such as in vitro fertilization which is gaining momentum in Malaysia.

We self drove from Kuantan around 6am and arrived at Merang Jetty just short of 9am. The drive was leisurely with a few pitstops for breakfast and toilet breaks along the highway. The toll road is so much easier to drive to compared to the old windy and narrow state roads. Summer Bay Resort has its own special shaded carpark which is guarded. Transport will then be arranged to Merang Jetty which is 1km away.

The speedboat left around 10.30 am. The weather was great and sunny with a calm water. The boys had fun watching the view and whirring past other islands. Towards the end of the half an hour ride, both were lulled to sleep by the waves. 

A welcome sour lime drink and cold towel washed away the fatigue. Check in was a smooth process for at least 6 rooms concurrently in which the guests arrived in the same boat trip. The staff were lovely and extremely helpful. We paid for an all inclusive package- accommodation, snorkelling and food so that we don't have to worry about spending on the island. The price is very attractive for the quality of service provided.

We settled down in deluxe pool view family room with 1queen bed and 2 single beds- a very thoughtful design for family. Besides the spacious bedroom, there were also two separate showers with toilet. The room was also clean and well maintained.

Other facilities include safe, bar fridge, wardrobe, flat screen TV and plenty of RO water. Water here is treated on-site and freely available. Remember your last vacation spending USD22 for a bottle of mineral water on an exotic island? Here you can unlimited supply free of charge!

Our lovely balcony overlooking the pool with clothes line available both outside the room and on the balcony.

The food here was equally awesome. A great variety with yummylicious way of cooking. It's Chinese buffet style (for lunch and first night dinner) and unlike many other all inclusive tourist package, the ingredients were fresh and delicious. The presentation was attractive. I could smell the cooking even from our room. And we looked forward to meal time- breakfast, lunch, teatime and dinner. There's no need to bring extra food into the island because they can also cater to your special dietary requirements if you inform in advance.

A 3D2N stay will include a wonderful spread of BBQ dinner like this. One can even order extra portion of seafood if desired but there were more than enough to savour. For those who chose the 4D3N package, a steamboat dinner will be arranged.

We rented snorkeling equipment and follow a free daily snorkeling trip around the vicinity. For more exciting options, one can purchase night snorkeling options to sight baby sharks and sting rays, or island hopping to redang and turtle point. Even the romantic option of appreciating the beauty of blue sand in the middle of night ocean. The snorkel guides are so friendly that baby Bing enjoyed his first snorkeling trip.

If going out on the boat is not an option, you can still snorkel around the resort because corals and baby sharks are not far away from the jetty.

There are many other activities to enjoy:
-sunrise walk
-scuba diving and licensing
-sand play
-turtle watching
-blue sand discovery
-pubbing at Sunset Bar
-supper at Mamak stall

The sun rise walk was worth the 15-20 minutes walk. Some parts were steep and required support from ropes and surrounding tree branches. It's not easy but I managed to do it while baby Yi was in the carrier.

Watch my YouTube for our awesome experience at the resort.

What does Dr Yingzangel think?

Besides quality accommodation and food, the service here is really tiptop. The staff went as far as locating baby Bing's lost monster truck in the hotel room after we checked out! We would definitely be back again! A true home away from home which is befitting as Maldives in Malaysia!

Summer Bay Resort Lang Tengah

Friday, May 3, 2019

Facial Cleanser for the tropical weather | Kiseki Marine Collagen Facial Cleanser Review

The hot and humid weather in tropical Malaysia can be both a bonus and downside for sensitive skin. For those with dry skin, it's less likely to get cracked and itchy skin, as well as eczema. However, problems like clogged pores, blemishes and acne are commonplace. I'm happy to introduce you all to my new discovery of a great facial cleanser which is specifically working amazingly in tropical weather-- Kiseki Japan Marine Collagen Facial Cleanser!

About Kiseki Japan
Kiseki Japan is a registered product in Japan and also certified by Malaysia Ministry of Health.  Quality control, product research & development and production process are 100% done in the manufacturing plant based in Japan which is globally recognized as the best quality in the world for skincare.

Kiseki means miracle in Japanese. Miss Cecil Beh is the founder of Kiseki Japan, who advocates women should make the best effort to achieve a confident appearance. She is a feminist and believes that a women should be confidence and happy being more active in professional workspace and business, as well as bringing positive vibes to her environment. To achieve that, her cleanliness is very important.

The main function of this cleanser are based on 3 principles-- foundation of youth, hydration and relaxation.
Foundation of youth -- Marine Fish Collagen
The majority of ingredient which is fish collagen is sourced from a prestige brand in Japan. It is water soluble and derived from hydrolyzation of fish scale. The ultrafine molecules are able to penetrate into pores to cleanse thoroughly and hydrate every layers of the skin. It also has minimal odor and is almostcolorless. The active ingredients in marine collagen such as proline and hydroxyproline are great moisturisers, acts to maintain skin elasticity and prevent excessive sebum production.
Foundation of Hydration-- Royal Jelly
Royal jelly is quite common to be known as a great ingredient for skincare products in the tropical climate. It minimises pores to create the look of velvety and smooth skin. In addition, Royal jelly also helps makeup to stay longer and adhere better by sealing skin hydration.
Foundation of Relaxation-- Natural Plant Based Fragrance Extract

By using natural ingredients, it reduces the risk of allergies and make the product more suitable for those with sensitive skin.
Besides that, Kiseki Marine Collagen Facial Cleanser also does not contain paraben and any other preservative, as well as artificial colouring.

How to use the cleanser?

Step 1. Place the face soap in the mesh provided and wet it. Gently rub it with your palm to create  fine foam.

Step 2. Gently wash outwards and upwards all over your face .
Step 3. Wash off with lukewarm water (do not use hot nor cold water to wash) and  then pat dry using a clean towel.
Step 4. Apply toner.
Step 5. Apply a generous amount of moisturizer so that your skin has sufficientskin care product tot absorb.

What does Dr Yingzangel think?

It's interesting that this cleanser comes in the form for a soap bar. I personally prefer liquid based cleanser in a tube because it's much easier to travel with. But the mesh that comes with the product makes it fairly easy to keep the soap bar in the bathroom with no mess and also just put everything together into a case while on the go.

I am doctor which has no regular working time with on-calls and always being tired. After using the product, my tired and dull skin immediately look clear and brighter! No traces of oil or impurities left on the skin. I think that's why Kiseki Japan Marine Collagen Facial Cleanser is also great for oily or combination skin like mine. My face feels so clean and refreshed with a faint floral scent left.
As this product enhances absorption of other skincare products, I could really use a generous amount after cleansing to give an extra boost to my face.
Besides that, marine collagen is one of the most versatile as it doesn't pose any cultural or religious issues in our multicultural society unlike sourcing collagen with other cheaper varieties such as bovine and porcine sources. However, those allergic to fish may also be allergic to marine collagen. So always do a patch test on your inner arm at least a day before trying it on your face if you are allergic to fish.
Interested? Head to Kiseki Japan sites to know find out more. The retail price is RM139. But quote this code angelpromo to get it at RM119 instead during their Mother's day promotion.
Kiseki Japan Marine Collagen Facial Cleanser has 1 for men and for women. Make sure you choose the correct one before checking out.

Kiseki Japan


 Good oral health is the basis of general well-being. It ensures a healthy smile. This boosts self confidence and leaves a lasting impressio...