I am a person who does not believe in branded clothes, bags and shoes. But for wallets, I have to say it is extremely important to get one of good quality. After all, it contains all the essential items like credit cards, identification cards and cash. Many wallets are stylish but lack safety features. Some designs are just not practical due to limited space for cards and notes storage. While others are too bulky and can be a hassle to bring around.
I was elated when I came across Josk wallet. It's proudly made in Malaysia. It has all the features I like- good quality leather, durable, many compartments, anti-RFID at just the right size.
Josk GBR9319 Wallet
I love black wallets because it does not stain easily and is classic as well as elegant. Josk GBR9319 Wallet is made of High-Quality Grade 15 Luxury Cow Leather. It's made of full grain leather- this means the leather has full, complete grain of the hide intact.
Full grain leather is the least processed which makes it long lasting and resistant to wear and tear. It does not tear and usually the stitching fails before the leather.
As full grain leather is much more porous comparing to top grain leather, water tends to get absorbed into the leather- therefore Josk wallet is also treated to make it water resistant. With use, the leather continues to look good, resists scratches because it absorbs oil and form what's called patina to minimise the appearance of defects. Try and wave a lighter against the Josk wallet and it won't catch fire because this is how one recognises real leather. This means if you really like leather, get products made from full grain leather!
These are the measurements and specifications for my beloved Josk wallet.
Measurements approx: 10cm (W) X 18.5cm (H)
Measurements approx: 10cm (W) X 8.5cm (H) When Close.
Measurements approx: 10cm (W) X 8.5cm (H) When Close.
Exterior:1 safe slot for holding most frequently used card such as pass card, parking card, or ID card.
Interior:1 large EXPANDABLE up to 2.5cm compartments which can hold up to 120 currency notes; some credit cards, 6+1 single credit card slot, 1 wide side pockets for more cards, currency notes, receipts &papers.
To me, it has ample of space for all my cards. I used to leave many of my membership cards at home. But I can bring all of them with me now without having a hard time to look through the compartments because they are clearly visible. The anti-RFID feature is a must these days as credit cards with pay wave function make frauds much more frequent.
The simple and elegant design makes Josk wallet a great choice for young professionals like me. It fits into my small sling bag both at work and when I'm traveling. Most of my work clothes do not have pockets therefore I tend to bring a small bag around for essential personal belongings. Josk wallet is versatile and fits my active and hectic lifestyle.
Still can't think of what to get for your loved ones? Whether for birthday or anniversary, Josk is definitely a great choice. Get on to Shopee to grab your own Josk wallet and take advantage their Nationwide free shipping.