Saturday, April 11, 2020

Lazy Keto Banana Ball's Recipe

We are indeed trying very hard to clear off ripe bananas in the pantry. It gets a bit sick to eat bananas after bananas. So there's another recipe for banana balls aka cekodok pisang in Malay-- the lazy Keto way.

300 g banana(s)- 3/4 medium sized 
50g rice flour or corn flour
25g wheat flour
25g coconut flour
1⁄4 tspsalt
1⁄4 tspbaking soda
350ml oil for frying

Serves 6
Add all the ingredients into the food processor until they become a sticky paste or dough.

Heat oil over medium heat for at least 4 minutes.

Drop a small amount of batter into the oil to test. If it cooks immediately, it's ready.

Use 2 metal tablespoons to scoop the dough up straight into the hot oil. This is because the dough is kind of gooey. That's why I deep fry instead of air fry them. This mixture of flour makes the balls fluffier.

I don't add sugar to the mix. But sugar can help the caramelization process so the bananas balls are crispier. 

Fry until the balls are golden brown.

Serve warm. 


They don't taste as good when left to cool. But if you have excess batter, you can refrigerate it overnight.

If you are adding coconut flour to a gluten-free flour blend or substituting it for flour in a regular recipe,  substitute coconut flour for up to 20% of that blend. The liquid and/or fat combination needs to be increased by about 20% (fat preserves the long term moisture of the final baked product). 

Coconut flour typically call for a lot of eggs. Every 1/4 cup (30.8g) coconut flour typically requires one egg for both moisture and structure.

When storing coconut flour, it’s best to keep it airtight and refrigerated since coconut flour absorbs moisture.

Green papaya, guava and tofu pok rojak recipe

When life gives you a box of papayas, refrigerate a few green papayas! There are not many recipes one can make with papayas but this simple rojak recipe is a family favorite.


1 medium green papaya, peeled and shredded
1 medium ripe guava, diced
10 Bentong tofupok, quartered
Nurey's Sambal Rojak dressing
Hellman's Sesame dressing

The fruits can be prepared and refrigerated a few hours in advance because it takes about 15-20 minutes just to cut them. I love to serve them chilled.

Air fry the tofupok for 10 minutes in the rolling for fryer basket. We have Butterfly Air Fryer at home. Much more spacious and economical than many other air fryers. We love Bentong tofupok because it's famous for the dense tofu filling and freshness. A slightly more sinful version will call for cut Chinese crullers instead.

Toss all the ingredients together just before serving! Instead of the conventional rojak paste, we used sesame dressing for the children. They just can't take any spiciness.

Or air fry tofupok turned inside out to make pockets to stuff raw papaya fillings. It's heavenly when dipped in sweet chilli sauce.

Simply delicious! 

Tips: Papaya when refrigerated will stop its ripening process altogether. When stored at 4C, it remains fresh for at least a week. You can store ripe papayas as well. 

Lazy Keto Homemade Pizza Recipe

Instead of ordering pizza from outside, why don't make some this MCO? Because I'm always looking at something therapeutic to do which can double as a family activity.


2eggs and make up to 100ml with water 
160 g all-purpose flour (spoon & leveled)
60g coconut flour (I used 1/2 pack of pizza base premix from GojesAtkinsFood)
1 and 1/4 teaspoons instant yeast 
1/2 Tablespoon (6.5g) granulated sugar
1 Tablespoons (30ml) olive oil
1/2 teaspoon salt
Sprinkle of cornmeal/ground oats for dusting the pan


If you are adding coconut flour to a gluten-free flour blend or substituting it for flour in a regular recipe,  substitute coconut flour for up to 20% of that blend. The liquid and/or fat combination needs to be increased by about 20% (fat preserves the long term moisture of the final baked product). 

Coconut flour typically call for a lot of eggs. Every 1/4 cup (30.8g) coconut flour typically requires one egg for both moisture and structure.

When storing coconut flour, it’s best to keep it airtight and refrigerated since coconut flour absorbs moisture.

I made my dough and left it to rise for 1hour using Kenwood BM250 breadmaker- function 8 (dough). I love it because I hate kneading dough. The dough should rise to double its size then it's ready!

On a lightly floured work surface using rolling pin, gently flatten the dough into a disc. 

Place on prepared pan and, using lightly floured hands, stretch and flatten the disc into a 12-inch circle. 

Lift the edge of the dough up to create a lip around the edges. Let the dough rest for 15mins for preparing for the toppings.

Preheat the oven at 250 degrees Celsius fan forced.

To prevent the filling from making your pizza crust soggy, brush the top lightly with olive oil.

Using fork to dent into the surface of the dough to prevent bubbling. 

Fresh and messy straight from the oven! Just how I love it. I made small individual pizzas as finger food.

Top with your favorite toppings and bake for 12-15 minutes. 

Alternatively, if you don't like the bread like consistency of the loaf, make and bake the dough using option 7 of Kenwood BM250 bread maker. 

Slice the loaf and place your toppings and bake them for another 10minutes! It becomes a bruschetta instead.

To make savoury pizza, place halved cherry tomatoes, sliced button mushrooms and coarsely chopped prawns on a bed of cheddar slices with ketchup and sprinkle a generous amount of mozarella cheese on top.

To make sweet pizza, replace the ingredients with  cheddar slices, chocolate spread, ripe banana slices and mozarella cheese.

Thursday, April 9, 2020

Homemade Soy Milk and Lazy Keto Bean Paste Cake Recipe

Philips soy milk maker is one of the best kitchen companions especially for those who prefer non dairy milk. The most frequent function I use is nevertheless the soymilk function.

Basically just wash and immerse a cup full of soy beans/red beans/black beans/almond refrigerated overnight. Use the cup provided in the package. I use CED Organic Soy/Black Bean.

The next morning, pour the beans into the soy milk machine, fill up uncooked filtered water between the highest and lowest water level. Select the soy milk function then wait patiently for 20 minutes. The machine will do its magic! 
A fresh glass of almond milk doesn't have the strong odour its factory made counterpart has.

After the machine beeped, filter the hot milk. Let the bean paste settle down and dry a while. 

The milk tastes better warm than chilled. It can be refrigerated for about 5 days. 
The leftover bean paste can be added to 1.5 tbsp of all purpose flour + 1tbsp rice flour+  0.5tbsp of coconut flour+ 1egg + 1tsp of sugar. They can be molded into ball shapes and deep fried into golden colours to become a great afternoon tea. It's versatile because mashed bananas can also be added to the fund mix into banana balls. For a healthier version, air fry the balls instead.

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Lazy Keto Chocolate bread recipe | Kenwood BM450 bread maker

Bread can be hard to come by while we are on Movement Control Order, so we started using our bread machine more. It is also a simple activity for my stay-at-home boys!

BM250 Program 1 - Basic Bread


Below is the recipe using normal bread flour taken from Kenwood website.

Put the egg/eggs into the measuring cup or a jug and add sufficient water to give:
1kg Loaf 300ml
750g Loaf 225ml
500g Loaf 185ml

Add the chocolate when the machine makes an audible sound after approcimately 20 minutes during the kneading cycle.

*If you don't have chocolate at home, this is how you can make it using cocoa powder-
77.5g cocoa powder + 3.5tbsp oil/butter= 100g unsweetened chocolate (I placed  a total of 44g cocoa powder + 2.5 tbsp oil right at the beginning)

Halfway kneading in the bread machine.

To make 100g of semi sweetened chocolate, add 5 1/4 tsp sugar.

To make 100g of sweetened chocolate, add 14tsp sugar.

I don't like buying too much ingredients for the pantry, so I thought this is a good hack-- and also I can control the amount of sugar going into the recipe. Instead, I tend to throw in a handful of raisins as it's more nutritious and my children's favorite!

I also started using bread improver to enhance the texture and appearance of my bread. 2tsp will do for a 500g loaf. It's not an absolute necessity but I did notice the bread has changed into a denser texture. Be sure you read through the ingredients in your bread improver and get those of good quality. Read more about bread improver in this article.

We are trying to go low carb and low GI so for 500g loaf,I used 60g coconut flour  with 240g high protein flour, 50g whole wheat flour (1:1 ratio to high protein flour), 2 eggs and add water to 240ml total amount of fluid. Turn to light crust. Sugar wise, it's still needed  as stated in the table to feed the yeast so the dough can rise. I put 2 tbsp of sugar with 2 tsp of yeast.


If you are adding coconut flour to a gluten-free flour blend or substituting it for flour in a regular recipe,  substitute coconut flour for up to 20% of that blend. The liquid and/or fat combination needs to be increased by about 20% (fat preserves the long term moisture of the final baked product).

Coconut flour typically call for a lot of eggs. Every 1/4 cup (30.8g) coconut flour typically requires one egg for both moisture and structure. Please use eggs at room temperature for the best result. It's normal for bread using coconut flour not to rise much and to appear denser.

This chocolate bread goes very well with toasted banana slices and honey.

When storing coconut flour, it’s best to keep it airtight and frozen since coconut flour absorbs moisture.

Let's main campak campak and enjoy a fresh loaf of bread! Yummy with less carbohydrates.

Monday, April 6, 2020

Crustless Quiche Recipe

For all cheese and egg lovers out there! This is a recipe that calls for very minimal carbohydrates but lots of protein. It's definitely a crowd pleaser. For a quick fix, one can line the baking dish with puff pastry if you are a carbo lover. 


6 eggs beaten
250ml evaporated milk
250g cream cheese
1/2 box cherry tomatoes halved
6 fresh Shitake mushrooms sliced
2 chicken bratwurst sliced
1 brown onion sliced 
1/2 Japanese cucumber cut into 3cm cubes
1 potatoes cut into 3cm cubes
1/2 cups sweet corn kernels
Salt and pepper to taste
Italian herbs (optional)
Mozarella cheese

Yields 7-8 servings

Mix eggs, cream cheese and evaporated milk well.

Add in all the other ingredients.
Baked at 180 degrees Celsius fan forced for 30-40mins until the top slightly browns.
Cover the top with a generous amount of mozarella cheese.
Baked at 230 degrees Celsius fan forced for another 10mins until a skewer inserted becomes clean.

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Lazy Keto Baked Doughnuts Recipe

Extended MCO means more homemade food! Bing boy loves doughnuts. But most doughnuts outside are deep fried with lots of calorie loaded toppings. So we made a baked version with a few cheats, hopefully making the doughnut a lesser evil.


250g Awanti Soft Donut Mix
41g coconut flour
1egg then add up to 135ml water
2tbsp butter
2 1/4tsp instant yeast

I got the Awanti Soft Donut Mix from Shopee.They smelled wonderfully fragrant. To make them less carbohydrate loaded, I added some coconut flour into the mix. The downside is I can't control the amount of sugar in the dough. You can make the dough from scratch using this recipe from Big Bolder Baking.

Check out this shop on Shopee! awanti6868


If you are adding coconut flour to a gluten-free flour blend or substituting it for flour in a regular recipe,  substitute coconut flour for up to 20% of that blend. The liquid and/or fat combination needs to be increased by about 20% (fat preserves the long term moisture of the final baked product).

Coconut flour typically call for a lot of eggs. Every 1/4 cup (30.8g) coconut flour typically requires one egg for both moisture and structure.

When storing coconut flour, it’s best to keep it airtight and refrigerated since coconut flour absorbs moisture.

I made my dough and left it to rise for 1hour using Kenwood breadmaker- function 8 (dough). I love it because I hate kneading dough. The dough should rise to double its size then it's ready!

Initial dough size.

 After resting the dough for 1 hour, it shouldl be nice and fluffy.

Roll the dough out into 1/2 inch thickness. Use cookie cutters to make circles of dough. 

You can  also cut the center using smaller circles. Doughnuts can be left with the center intact if you want to pipe in fillings later. Leave the dough to rise again for another 30 minutes.

Baked at 190 degrees Celsius fan forced for 20 minutes. Either pipe your favorite fillings into the doughnuts or spread the same mixture as toppings instead! (Example includes peanut butter, cream cheese or Nutella spread)

Amount great topping is cinnamon sugar which can be made using-
1/3 cup sugar
1/2 tsp ground cinnamon

Enjoy! Best served on the same day as it tends to become less fluffy and harden overnight.


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