Wednesday, April 23, 2008

My first community placement!

I have started to believe that the uni is organising this for us, the second year medic students so that we can enjoy a day out of uni and do something meaningful yet relaxing. This is due to the fact that I had such a fun session at a centre for adults with various disability.

I had 3 firsts in my life in just a short 5 hour volunteering in the centre-- my first pottery, aboriginal painting and puppet show!

I started off by working with a half-completed aboriginal painting which I still have no idea what it is supposed to represent. My placement mate was helping with a painting of a snake in outback Australia. I had to paint numerous dots according to certain patterns. It had been a while since I last drew. I was lost at some point as I had no idea what pattern was I following but the end-product looked neat! I should have taken a photo!

It was just as exciting when i got hands-on for shaping a piece of clay. The client whom I was working with was really artistic. He was genuinely excited to his artwork as well as meeting me as one of the new volunteers. A lot of patience and concentration was needed though. I needed to translate his thoughts carefully onto the clay which is going to be an oval-shaped plate. Given his inability to move and speak freely, I did most of the job but it was a rewarding experience for both of us. This may sound cliche, but it has dawn upon me that a lot of things that I take granted in life maybe very difficult to be achieved by people with disability.

We then enjoyed a fun-filled afternoon with an awesome puppet show. There were real-sized pupets involved. With agility, the performer gave lives to the puppets just by moving the strings!

She made this puppet which can be 8 feet tall all by herself using simple materials like sofa cushion and cast!

This belly dancer puppet is named Chacha. She could actually twist her buttock when she was dancing with the rhythm!

The performer gave us some puppets to play with as well. I was holding a caterpillar puppet. Victor, Melody and Rebekah are my placements mates.

I hope the fun will continue when I get back from rural placement!

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Post-exam celebration

Besides the Boxhill trip that we went which was described on Jess's blog, we just could not have enough fun!

*Jess, thanks for promoting my 'poo'... :P

Yesterday, we went to Springvale for grocery shopping. Oh my god, I have never seen such a crowd in Melbourne! It was as if the stuff were free. All the shops were filled with people and all the restaurants were so crowded as well. Sheryl (who is kind enough to drive us there), Jessica, Ryan and I spent 20minutes just to find a parking space for 2 hours.

We were famished by the time we got off the car. Sheryl recommended us to a Vietnamese restaurant which her aunt brought her to for dinner recently.

This bowl of beef noodle was bigger than my face! We also ordered beef tendon noodles, pork chop set and pork chop meehon individually.

The jackfruit smoothie was so delicious! And it was only $3.50! Sheryl drank 2 glasses when she had dinner with her aunt.

Afterwards, we had a very satisfying tomyam seafood steamboat together for dinner. There was lobster ball, salmon, crabstick, meehon (yes, again), mushroom, beansprout and prawn! (please stop salivating on your computer :P)

Too bad that we were all too busy eating to take photos...haha...

Anyways, I will be going to my rural placement from 28 Apr-9 May :)

I am so excited!

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Huong YW, 2008

Yu Wan said, “I did not know you are as slim” when she saw me wearing a new coat. As a matter of fact, we had been classmates for the whole year in 2007.

She then said, after a week, “I had always thought that Yun Ying is as tall as me” when she saw me walking to the lecture theater today. Well, I am almost half a head taller than her…

Afterwards, she told Jessica, “Actually Yun Ying’s figure is quite good!”


Do I have delusion that she was my classmate?!?!?!

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Nothing is impossible!

Yesterday I was literally blown away by the wind!!! First time in my life!!!

Well, did I in any way imply that I have become very slim?'s actually because the wind was so so so strong!A humogous tree in front of the Menzies Building was rooted by the wind. You may say that I am insane as I actually enjoyed being blown by the wind :P

Anyways, at night, we still followed the original plan for our floor outing despite the storm--ice-skating at Oakleigh!!!Being a first-timer, I was actually brave enough to skate in the middle of the rink(ehem...actually I was more like trying to walk on the ice). Well, as expected, I sustained from traumas(I sound so doctor-ish)--a blister on left ankle, a 6cm diameter swelling on the right knee and impacted coccyx...In exchange for fun, I had to limp to uni just in time to find out that the lecturer did not turn up.And to wake up feeling the whole body did not belong to me!

What a fun-filled day :p

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Enchanted Maze and Sorrento 一日游


当我到达Enchanted Maze 的时候,虽然天气事万般的寒冷,但当我一见到迷宫的时候,什么也被抛到九霄云外去了!

就吸引我的不就是那 Maize Maze。 在那用玉蜀黍做成的迷宫里,我找回了一直住在我心中的孩子。好久都没有肆无顾忌得绕着田野奔跑的感觉。顿时,觉得自己年轻了好多。当我第一次进入迷宫时,风不停地在我耳边呼啸着,玉蜀黍随着风婆娑起舞,煞是好看。好奇心促使我们回答一道又一道的问题,人也渐渐暖和起来了!当我身在迷宫时,虽看不见出口,却心无怯意。第一次虽然成功的抵达出口,但却无法把所有的答案找毕。所以我们不甘示弱,又再回到迷宫里。当我们完成所有的问题是,心里很是甜滋滋的,就像小孩获得糖果那般。

另外一个令我难忘的迷宫就是 Hedge Maze. 这个迷宫高度达三米,深入其中时根本就犹如进入丛林的怀抱里。那里边路线曲折,又有好多分叉路,有好几次根本都迷失了方向感。但我却倍感兴奋,因它使我联想起哈里波特--火焰杯决赛里的迷宫!真的是好梦幻哦!

过后,我们便向 Sorentto 出发。那里是个沿海地区,海水清澈见底,夜间许多海鸟悠哉闲哉的在沙滩边戏水。我们还在那里享用了澳洲沿海地区驰名的 Fish and Chips。 我们交了一份三人套餐,里头有 Whiting 鱼片,还有苏东圈与炸虾球。更有半公斤那么多!虽然心知油炸食物并不健康,但美食当前,也就暂时毫无顾忌了。

p.s. 希望我的华语程度还说得过去。。。

Monday, March 24, 2008

Ryan's 21st birthday

This is the first time I actually spent so much effort cooking!!!!


This is the link of what I cooked :)
I had neither cook salmon nor bake apple pie before.
Birthday Dinner

Another MISU member joins the 21st club!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

My condolences

I had barely known him during PCLs. But Thomas Klos did not look like the kind of person who would leave the world so early. He was smart to begin with and was active in class, asking questions and communicating well with his fellow PCL mates.

My friend, RIP.


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