Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Dedicated to my dear family...

Home, Sweet Home

I definitely miss home here in Monash and it is so hard to keep myself involved in family events. Just want to let my dear family members (especially Ping Cheng and Hui Mei since you both read my blog) know that my heart is always with them ^^

Mid pleasures and palaces though we may roam,
Be it ever so humble, there's no place like home;
A charm from the sky seems to hallow us there,
Which, seek through the world, is ne'er met with elsewhere.
Home, home, sweet, sweet home!
There's no place like home, oh, there's no place like home!

An exile from home, splendor dazzles in vain;
Oh, give me my lowly thatched cottage again!
The birds singing gayly, that come at my call --
Give me them -- and the peace of mind, dearer than all!
Home, home, sweet, sweet home!
There's no place like home, oh, there's no place like home!

I gaze on the moon as I tread the drear wild,
And feel that my mother now thinks of her child,
As she looks on that moon from our own cottage door
Thro' the woodbine, whose fragrance shall cheer me no more.
Home, home, sweet, sweet home!
There's no place like home, oh, there's no place like home!

How sweet 'tis to sit 'neath a fond father's smile,
And the caress of a mother to soothe and beguile!
Let others delight mid new pleasures to roam,
But give me, oh, give me, the pleasures of home.
Home, home, sweet, sweet home!
There's no place like home, oh, there's no place like home!

To thee I'll return, overburdened with care;
The heart's dearest solace will smile on me there;
No more from that cottage again will I roam;
Be it ever so humble, there's no place like home.
Home, home, sweet, sweet, home!
There's no place like home, oh, there's no place like home!

John Howard Payne

Monday, September 29, 2008

Whoa...I am writing yet another assignment!

Simple Rules:
1. Each player starts with eight random facts/habits about themselves.
2. People who are tagged need to write on their own blog about their eight things and post these rules.
3. At the end of your blog, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names.
4. Don't forget to leave them a comment telling them they're tagged, and to read your blog.

Well, I asked Ryan NOT to tag me in the first place but in the end, thanks Chris for tagging me..LOL..

1. I LOVE to collect recipes but I hardly ever cook/bake anything new…LOL..I have just taken a photo of chocolate muffin recipe that I saw in the common kitchen. Jess told me that she wil wait for me to bale the muffins for her, then I went, “Maybe I will do it after the exams”(which is still a good month away). My attention is invariably drawn to the mini recipes found in the supermarkets eg Coles and even online. Don’t ask me why, I just LOVE to see food ^^

2. Dieting never works for me which connects to the point above. I have tried reading about all sorts of dieting methods eg high protein diet but I will abandon my plan as soon as I see the GLORIOUS FOOD!!!! I don’t blame myself for doing that as how many people in the world can resist the temptation? I have this crazy craving for Doritos once in a blue moon. No matter how much junk did I consume, I would still need a piece or two of Doritos chips to be satisfied ^^From a lecture a couple of weeks ago, I have learnt that dieting does not work well for people who are at an average BMI. Oh well, this is as good as an excuse I can have ^^

3. I LOVE to wear skirt despite the erratic weather in Melbourne. Therefore, I religiously check weather forecast every morning to make sure that I don’t miss any opportunity to wear skirts ^^ I used to be extremely tomboyish as there was not even a single skirt in my wardrobe but I guess I have become more feminine :p

4. I am clueless with directions. Do not ever ask me for directions. But the hilarious side of it is I will eventually get to my destination, probably with a little bit of detour. I rely heavily on my ‘sense’ of direction. Reading map, therefore is definitely a hard chore. I can orientate myself on the map but I just have problem translating into the real situation at hand. So you know who not to trust when you get lost next time ^^

5. Lame jokes. You can ask Jess for details since she has been my cooking mate for the whole year. Any subject can become my topic but I may not make people laugh, that’s the thing. Anyways, I often laugh at things that people don’t even find it distinctly humorous. I guess there is just a wiring problem somewhere in my almighty brain.

6. I sleep very early and wake up very early too! I guess the number of my friends who actually sleep at the same time as I do is countable. I just can’t kick the habit of turning in early. I get so muddle-headed at 10ish and the only thing in my brain is sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep……….I stop concentrating at the tasks at hand. Some people asked me what will happen once I become an intern, well, let the patient wait :p

7. I LOVE colours. Have a look at my hand-written notes and you will realise that I have at least 6 colours for one lecture. I will fall asleep looking at my lecture notes if they are all in yellow highlighting! I also have a whole set of magic pens ^^ I used to find time to draw too but it seems a bit difficult to do that given my 8am to 5pm uni timetable

8. I LOVE to sing especially in the shower. That’s the reason why I love Deakin showers which has an extremely loud ventilating system. I can sing and sing and sing without worrying that I may go off key^^ I sing when I am cooking too. Actually, there is not a place where I can’t sing!

Ok, it’s time to tag more people!!!! I have decided to be less evil by just tagging 5 people ^^

My lucky 5-Yeu Sheng, Hui Mei, Ping Cheng, Clarice, Leo

Monday, September 22, 2008

Food Scare :(

Singapore finds more melamine in food

September 22, 2008

SINGAPORE has found the potentially deadly chemical melamine in a third milk product imported from China, authorities say.

New laboratory findings showed White Rabbit Creamy Candy from China is also contaminated with melamine, the city-state's government announced late yesterday.

Melamine is at the centre of a widening food safety scandal in China, where authorities said nearly 13,000 children were in hospital yesterday after drinking toxic milk powder.

On Friday, Singapore suspended the import and sale of all milk and milk products from China after local tests found samples containing melamine, which is used to make plastics.

"These products include milk, ice cream, yoghurt, confectionery such as chocolates, biscuits and sweets, as well as any other products containing milk from China as an ingredient,'' the agri-food and veterinary authority (AVA) said.

Retailers and importers have been told to recall these products.

AVA said its tests first found melamine in samples of Yili brand iced yoghurt, and then in the Dutch Lady brand of strawberry-flavoured milk.

At least four children in China have died from drinking poisonous baby formula.

Melamine was initially reported only in milk powder but Chinese authorities later said they found it in some regular milk as well.

The chemical can make milk and other food products appear to have a higher protein content than they actually do.

It has become apparent in recent days that people in China have been deliberately watering down milk and then adding in the melamine to boost the protein content and make the product look normal.

Countries from Brunei to Burundi have barred Chinese milk products as a result.

Melamine can cause chronic nephrotoxicity and finally acute renal failure. It is excreted poorly by the body.

There are also some other food which maybe complicated eg Snickers, M&M, Biskit,
Dove chocolate bars, Mentos yogurt balls, Oreo wafer sticks, and Want Want Take One Baby Bites.

I don't know how true is that, but my friends, be careful!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

To my dearest sister,

Promise Yourself

Promise yourself to be so strong that nothing can
disturb your peace of mind.

To talk health, happiness, and prosperity to
every person you meet.

To make all your friends feel like there is
something in them.

To look at the sunny side of everything and make your
optimism come true.

To think only of the best, to work only for the best,
and expect only the best.

To be just as enthusiastic about the success of others
as you are about your own.

To forget the mistakes of the past and press on the
greater achievements of the future.

To wear a cheerful countenance at all times and give
every living person you meet a smile.

To give so much time to the improvement of yourself
that you have no time to criticize others.

To be too large for worry, too noble for anger, and too
strong for fear, and to happy to permit the
presence of trouble.

Saturday, September 20, 2008



姓  名: 何芸颖
出生日期: 西元1987年5月9日 (農曆76年4月12日)
靈  數: 39



Sunday, September 14, 2008

Of glamour...

The following link has photos from the recent Deakin Ball:

Ryan's facebook
My facebook

Everyone looked so gorgeous and we had a great time taking pictures and dancing to the music ^^Ryan bought me the dress from Spencer St DFO. I fell in love with it when i first tried on it! And I owed Christina for styling my hair!

I have to submit my preference for clinical attachment next year soon. Should I settle for the all-mighty Alfred or the medical-student-friendly Dande?

Say being a doctor is glamorous but who knows how much effort have the medical students put in?

Behold the challenges ahead! Glamour oh glamour!

Thursday, August 28, 2008

I love urban week!

This week has been the most exciting one since I was enrolled in medicine a year and a half ago. All the clinical skills that we had been doing were taking histories and role playing, nothing as exciting as this week besides injection.

So, I had just rushed back from uni after a venepuncture tute! At first, I was overwhelmed by the detailed instructions given and the registered nurse in charge was in fact quite strict. When I first had my hands on the mannequin, they were shaking uncontrollably but I got used to that after while. All the instructors kept on hammering the important instructions so that they were etched in our minds. After that, we had s try on each other and it was so exhilirating! I did alright but I could feel palpitations and my stupid hands just wouldn't stop shaking violently. I did get some aewsome blood from Li Ping though.

Speaking about Li Ping, I wish to apologize to her. She inserted the needle and perhaps went into a wrong direction because I still have the puncture site for donating blood several weeks ago. So, she decided to pull the needle out slightly, thinking that she might have gone too deep and so the needle went all the way out from the skin! It was very painful for a second or so and I flinched. I am sorry for my over-reaction. Luckily, she did one successfully on another guy's arm ^^

My arm after venepuncture!

Breast examination on monday was awesome as well. We were supervised individually like in the venepuncture tute as well. The CTA people were well-trained and I did not feel a minute of awkwardness in touching the breasts.

Just a side note, we had a mini floor function yesterday night and watched Dark Knight. And dinner was at the famous Pancake Parlour. Eva, Mehgan, Ken, Chau Wang and I reached home after midnight, wondering would we get terrible nightmares. It was a terrific movie but the Joker was such a psycho and made me feel sick in the tummy though.


 Good oral health is the basis of general well-being. It ensures a healthy smile. This boosts self confidence and leaves a lasting impressio...