I had 3 firsts in my life in just a short 5 hour volunteering in the centre-- my first pottery, aboriginal painting and puppet show!
I started off by working with a half-completed aboriginal painting which I still have no idea what it is supposed to represent. My placement mate was helping with a painting of a snake in outback Australia. I had to paint numerous dots according to certain patterns. It had been a while since I last drew. I was lost at some point as I had no idea what pattern was I following but the end-product looked neat! I should have taken a photo!
It was just as exciting when i got hands-on for shaping a piece of clay. The client whom I was working with was really artistic. He was genuinely excited to his artwork as well as meeting me as one of the new volunteers. A lot of patience and concentration was needed though. I needed to translate his thoughts carefully onto the clay which is going to be an oval-shaped plate. Given his inability to move and speak freely, I did most of the job but it was a rewarding experience for both of us. This may sound cliche, but it has dawn upon me that a lot of things that I take granted in life maybe very difficult to be achieved by people with disability.
We then enjoyed a fun-filled afternoon with an awesome puppet show. There were real-sized pupets involved. With agility, the performer gave lives to the puppets just by moving the strings!
She made this puppet which can be 8 feet tall all by herself using simple materials like sofa cushion and cast!

This belly dancer puppet is named Chacha. She could actually twist her buttock when she was dancing with the rhythm!

The performer gave us some puppets to play with as well. I was holding a caterpillar puppet. Victor, Melody and Rebekah are my placements mates.

I hope the fun will continue when I get back from rural placement!