Showing posts with label Yingzangel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Yingzangel. Show all posts

Saturday, April 13, 2019

Tun Mahathir Commemoration Coin- the oldest prime minister | review

The last general election was a dream. On 9 May 2018 which also happened to be my birthday, for the first time in Malaysia's history, unexpectedly, the opposition won the election. It became the headline for many countries. It showed that the Rakyat chose their leaders. A great evidence of democracy.

The other historical moment was when Tun Dr Mahathir was sworn in to be the prime minister for the second time. At the age of 93, he remained charismatic and dedicated. Not only is he the oldest serving state leader in the world, he has also previously served the nation from 1981-2003 ( even before I was born!).

Well, I'm not here talking about politics. Being a budding geriatrician, I'm well aware of the physical limitations ageing can cause. And much to my respect, Tun Dr Mahathir defies it all. Even his wife, Tun Dr Siti Hasmah is aging gracefully and still has sharp mental faculties.

The people are just in awe. Age is not a limit to attain great achievements. There's no such thing as one is too old for anything. We decided to get our hands on Tun Mahathir Commemoration Coin as a memento. To remind ourselves that nothing is impossible.

The Star dedicated an article for Tun Dr Mahathir's achievements 3 days after the election ended. I love how beautiful this diagram depicts his contributions to Malaysia. Despite having to go through a coronary bypass grafting in 1989, he remains tenacious. What an attribute!

Even has a list of tech legacies spearheaded by Tun Dr Mahathir. His vision for the development of Malaysia, to put us on par with the rest of the developed world.

1. KLCC, Petronas Twin Tower
2. Proton
3. MSC Malaysia
4. Cyberjaya
5. LRT
6. Sepang International Circuit
8. The Penang bridge
9. Smart schools
10. The MSC bill of gurantees

This commemoration coin is made of 0.1g gold and a beautifully carved Tun Mahathir's portrait. The casing documented a brief history about Tun Mahathir with his signature at the bottom of the page. The cover also features the now Pakatan Harapan logo which means The Alliance of Hope.

We wish the 'new' Malaysia the best led by the 'new' government!

Interested to get a copy of Tun Mahathir Commemoration Coin? Get it here.

Monday, April 1, 2019

Simple skincare routine | Sanny & Joleen Lifestyle cleansing cream and sun screen

Our whole family was down with a virus last week! But life still had to go on. And I'm glad that everyone is well enough to go back to work and school. And of course I have to restart my blogging momentum during my free time. 

The recent haze and hot weather has not been kind on my skin either. And I'm glad when these Sanny & Joleen products arrived in mail. I have recently used their antioxidant serum and reviewed about it here

The concept for Sanny & Joleen Lifestyle products is being down to earth. The packaging is simple and the ingredients are natural without unnecessary fragrance or additives. Therefore, there's no mineral oil, laurate, animal derivatives, alcohol and propylene glycol. Another proudly made in Malaysia product. 

Aloe vera is widely used in many skincare products because it's moisturising and heals the damaged skin. It gives the cleansing cream a cooling effect too. 

The active ingredients in aloe vera are

Saponins- gentle cleansing and exfoliating

Lignin- allow nutrients to penetrate directly deep into the skin

Inorganic elements- anti-inflammatory

Mono& Polysaccharides- regulate excessive sebum and minimise pores

Vitamins- nourish the skin and act as antioxidants

Essential Amino acids- enhance skin cell to be more resilient to the changing environment

The amount of sunlight that we are getting recently is getting excessive. So it's even more important to get good sun protection now. An SPF of at least 30 is essential for daily use. 

What's more interesting is the antipollution technology. 

Eisenna extract- promotes fillagrin and ceramide production which act as a barrier against pollutants

Bean sprouts extract- protects DNA against mutation due to free radicals

Centaurea cynus flower (corn flower)- promotes lymphatic endothelial cells function to remove pollutants

What does Dr Yingzangel think?

The cleansing cream clears the impurities and makeup residues on my face effectively. And it doesn't dry my skin too much. The consistency is slightly watery but easy to foam up. 

The sun screen is light weight and not greasy. Even though it does form a visible barrier layer. It is also water and sweat resistant, a very important criteria for sunscreen in hot Malaysian tropical weather. And the antipollution technology comes just at right time to combat effects of the haze. 

Sanny & Joleen Lifestyle
Official website
Instagram @sannyjoleen

Antioxidant Serum by @sannyjoleen is now 15% when purchase on Save additional 15% storewide with code DRANGELHO. Free shipping in Malaysia, code valid till 20 May 2019

Friday, March 29, 2019

Essential oil for children featuring Audelia Naturals Mummy's Rescue Kit

Having 2 young children in tow means that I need all the help to get things going. I really enjoy weekdays because at least I get enough time for lunch because the youngest goes to the babysitter and the eldest to daycare. Weekends go by in a blur. I am lucky if both boys nap at the same time, just like today. So I get to do some work.

I got some new helpers from Audelia Naturals recently. This Mummy's Rescue Kit is indeed in time for rescue. . There are 4 roll on oils in this cute kit-- each tackles a different but common health concerns that parents have for their young ones. And it's proudly Malaysian owned.

Baby Bing loves the packaging- Bear for immunity. Cat for tummy, Sheep for bedtime and Bunny for sniffles.

These are the main essential oil blend used in the products.

Bear/Immunity- boswellia carteril oil
Roll on the feet at night

Cat/Tummy- peppermint oil, eucalyptus oil, lavender oil
Roll on the tummy/feet when needed

Sheep/ Bedtime- listed cubeba fruit oil, basil oil, eucalyptus, geranium oil
Roll on the feet/up the spine at night

Bunny/sniffles- orange peel oil, lemon peel oil, peppermint oil, eucalyptus oil
Roll on the chest/back when needed

Baby Yi is almost 4 months old now. He's all about chuckling and cooing when he is happy. But putting him down for sleep can be a real struggle. He tends to shriek and cry, even while breastfeeding. Some days, I just have to hold him and paced around the house. If I'm lucky, I get mom to help me for that while I settle the eldest. He can also be gassy with bad reflux on certain days. And this doesn't help his sleep at all. Therefore, he has been trying on Bedtime and Tummy Oils.

Baby Bing, on the other hand, is a very active toddler. Now that he has just started to attend daycare, virus is everywhere and it's so easy for him to catch a bug. He also has sensitive airway, just like what runs in our family. So early morning coughs are fairly common. Having weaned off from breastfeeding for1.5 months now, he needs the immunity boost. Hence, Immunity and Sniffles Oils are suitable for him.

What does Dr Yingzangel think?

Besides seeking medical help, sometimes tricks like these essential oils can really help. Studies have shown how essential oils can help people to relax and relieve common ailments like stomach discomfort. Parenthood can be crazy at times and I am glad that I don't have to figure it how to dilute and blend useful essential oils like this for my little ones. The roll on concept is great because I don't have time to diffuse it-- and risk toppling it! Or have the little ones accidentally ingesting them if they have simple caps.

The packaging is also cute. The size of the roll-ons are just nice 10ml which is also travel friendly. Most importantly, they do help!  3 of the oils are only lightly scented.

For those who have sensitive skin/allergy, please perform a patch test before using any products including Audelia Naturals. Just apply the oil at a small area, say at the back of the forearm and wait for a day. Discontinue if there's any reaction. 

Audelia Naturals
Official website

Disclaimer: the opinion given is merely a personal experience and does not constitute formal medical advice. Please seek your medical professional's advice before using alternative products. Stop if discomfort or side effect ensues.

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Healthy instant meal under 5 minutes | Master Pasto Review

Most of my lunch hour is spent in a hurry. As a general physician, not only do I have to do ward rounds in the morning, but I also have to see patients in the clinic afterwards. And we do not have designated lunch hours. Depending on the work load, it can mean no lunch at all. But it's definitely not healthy because irregular meal times can make my gastritis play up.

Besides cash on delivery options, it's nearly impossible to get my hands on nutritious hot lunch. And being Asian, I prefer hot food than cold salad or sandwich anytime.
I'm glad that Master Pasto has produced convenient instant pasta so I can finally get yummy hot lunch under 5 minutes!

There are 3 main flavours available- spaghetti bolognaise, mushroom and aglo olio. These are the most popular pasta sauce that one can get from any decent Western restaurants.

Bolognaise is a tomato based sauce. An Italian classic that goes so well with chicken. The Master Pasto version is more on the sweet side.

The mushroom variety is served in carbonara sauce. This is a cream based sauce that comes with mushroom slices and some chicken. It's slightly sour in flavour.

Aglo olio is spicy in flavour with generous drizzle of olive oil. It goes well with seafood such at prawns and squid. But the Master Pasto version is more saucy with chicken pieces.

The pasta is of Angel hair variety because it's thinner and easier to reheat.
What's more, these instant pasta also have the halal stamp so I can share with my Muslim friends at ease. Great food is meant to be shared!

There are two ways of preparing these pasta.  I prefer the microwave option as it's easily available in my clinic's pantry.

There's no need to refrigerate the pasta even though it's already cooked. And there's no MSG or preservatives. Much healthier than my occasional Curry noodles or calorie loaded char kuay teow.

This is a short video showing the most basic way to cook the instant pasta. For your information, I managed to prepare dinner in 15 minutes only!

If I'm up to it, I can also add additional ingredients for the pasta such as carrots, tomatoes, chicken, extra mushroom, cheese and sausages. That will take up maybe another 5 minutes to prepare.

What does Dr Yingzangel think?

I love how convenient and fresh these Master Pasto pasta are. It even comes with proper meat and vegetables in the sauce. And it doesn't taste like instant pasta at all. The portion is just nice and even for a picky eater like Bing, he practically licked the plate clean and still asked for more. But we prefer to reheat the pasta for at least two minutes after adding some hot water because the pasta will be softer and less salty which is how we like it. 

So now I don't even have to pick up my phone and order for lunch/stress for dinner! All I need is less than 5 minutes. I can also easily get my supply from Master Pasto's website because delivery is free within Peninsula Malaysia

Master Pasto sites

Sunday, March 24, 2019

Is milk with A2 better than A1? | Diamond Pure Milk review

To be honest, I have just recently come across this milk with A1 vs A2 debate. Apparently it's a hype especially in Australia and New Zealand since 2000. I totally missed it even though I lived in Melbourne for 5 years! If you haven't heard about it. I'm here to explain it all.

What's A1 and A2?

A1 and A2 are different casein protein found in cow's milk. The proportion varies with the cow breed. The only difference between A1 and A2 is a difference in the 67th amino acid in the chain. When A1 is digested, it can create BCM-7. This was accused to be causative of certain diseases which has been proven untrue. It's very similar to the antivaxxer claims against vaccinations.

However, recent studies have shown some evidence that milk with A2 is easier to digest and more suitable for those who have gut discomfort after consuming milk with it without lactose intolerance. This is pending verification in larger scale studies.

Read more about the story behind this A2 milk movement on ABC.

Milk with A2 is generally more expensive as there's genetic modifications involved in its production. So the jury is still out there about this debate.

But, cow's milk is still a very important source of nutrition for us, especially calcium. 2 glasses of milk a day will cover our requirement and make our teeth and bones stronger.

Diamond Pure Milk

It's not easy to get milk that's only A2 here in Malaysia. Diamond Pure sources its milk from New Zealand and it's 100% milk with A2. The curious ones, now you know where to try milk with A2 out!

There are 4 main flavours-
Manuka Honey
Low fat milk with Manuka honey
Inulin fibre

Manuka honey is another fabulous food that you should know about. It has wonderful wound healing and antibacterial properties that we do use them in patients with diabetic foot ulcers in certain conditions. WebMD has it down in details here.

Inulin is a type of fiber found in certain plants such as chicory root. As with all fibers,  it helps to relieve constipation. Besides that, it also increases the growth of healthy bacteria in the gut which alleviates indigestion and maintain a healthy immunity. It has also been reported to lower the level of triglycerides. Read about inulin on webMD.

The other variety has natural kiwi fruit added. Kiwi is rich in vitamin C that's almost twice of other citrus. The presence of fibre and actinidain further helps with digestion. Besides vitamins and minerals, the kiwi fruit also contains Omega 3 fatty acids.

What does Dr Yingzangel think?

Even though there's no solid evidence that milk with A2 is definitely healthier, I love the taste of Diamond Pure milk. It's rich and fragrantly milky! The additional flavours were also pleasant and did not overpower the natural freshness of milk.

Baby Bing was so excited to unpack our fresh haul of milk cartons! This was the first successful attempt in getting him to drink cow's milk that's not chocolate or strawberry flavoured.

Since the milk comes from New Zealand, the quality of the milk can be assured as well. Just a gentle reminder that children younger than 1 year old should not consume cow's milk nor honey for health reasons.

Diamond Pure milk can be purchased from various specialty grocery stores listed on their website.

Friday, March 15, 2019

Sanny & Joleen Lifestyle Antioxidant Serum | Review

Age is catching up with me. That is why I am constantly reviewing beauty products that may at least allow me to age more gracefully. Besides having healthy lifestyles including consuming an adequate amount of water each day, a good beauty regime is absolutely essential . This time I have tried a facial serum by Sanny &Joleen Lifestyle. I have previously written about the importance of facial serum in this article

Sanny Joleen is proudly made in Malaysia. It was established in 2014 in the aim to fulfil needs using the most basic and simple way. It has now expanded its market to Thailand, Indonesia and Singapore as well. 

As with most of the other natural skincare products, Sanny & Joleen antioxidant serum does not contain the following - sodium laurel sulfate, sodium Lauretta sulfate, animal derivatives, mineral oil, alcohol, harsh detergent, artificial colors, synthetic fragrance, EDTA and propylene glycol. These are ingredients commonly used in skincare products that may dehydrate the skin, clog pores or even cause eczema to flare up. 

The key breakthrough ingredient used in this antioxidant serum is none other than tocotrienol. 

Tocotrienol and tocopherols are members of the Vitamin E family. However, Tocotrienol are purportedly 40-60 times more potent as an antioxidant. This in turn helps to lessen the effect of photo-aging which is Ageing of the skin caused by sun exposure. Tocotrienol is a powerful antioxidant that protects against ultraviolet light, radiation and ozone. It helps to prevent skin aging &; improves skin elasticity by stimulating collagen synthesis by reducing this enzyme -- MMPs activity, potentially effective in skin regeneration & smoothingeffect. Tocotrienol also promotes skin whitening by reducing tyrosinase activity and decrease melanin content. It is also effective in reducing acne, inflammation and skin redness.

Besides that, it also contains other skin food such as pantheons (pro vitamin B5), niacinamide (vitamin B3), calendula and olive oil, as well as benzoyl acid. These help to keep the skin moisturized and to prevent breakout. 

Not only can it be used on the face, it can also be used on the body to lighten pigmentation, fade acne scars, reduce the effect of sunburn and to fade stretch marks. Use it sparingly after cleaning the area twice a day. The consistency is almost gel like.

What does Dr Yingzangel think?

I love how simple the packaging is. Very down to earth. The serum itself is also a very honest product. Slightly cloudy in colour and not sticky. It gets absorbed very quickly into the skin. It's lightweight and does not burden the skin at all. It also doesn't carry any scent. 

For the price tag, it is indeed an effective product. My skin colour has become more radiant with a week of continuous usage. What's more is as Malaysians, we should definitely support local skincare brands that produce such quality products. I would love to try their other products including the cleansing cream and sunscreen. 


Official website
Instagram @sannyjoleen

Antioxidant Serum by @sannyjoleen is now 15% when purchase on Save additional 15% storewide with code DRANGELHO. Free shipping in Malaysia, code valid till 20 May 2019

Monday, March 11, 2019

Cebion Effervescent Vitamin C and Calcium | Home Tester Club Review

Supplementing your diet with vitamin and minerals. Is it necessary, or is it a myth? Many studies have been done in this regard. Arguably, if you can have a good and balanced diet, there is no need for supplements. Then why is there still so much hype about supplements? Simply because we can rarely get enough in our diet.

Vitamin C, for example, in most of the studies, at least 500mg is needed to achieve health results. That is much higher than the daily recommended intake (RDA) of 75-90mg for adults. Even with supplementation, one will still need 5 servings of fruits and vegetables in a day! It's just not practical at times, to be so consistent in our vitamin C consumption. Therefore, supplementing has become the easy way out.

What is Vitamin C important for?

1. Reduces the seriousness of a cold and to prevent it from becoming lung infections
2. To boost the immune system weakened by stress
3. Preliminary studies have shown a 42% reduction in risk in developing stroke
4. Lessens the effect of skin aging

Read more about Vitamin C on webMD

Calcium, on the other hand, is also very important. At my age, I need 1000mg elementary calcium a day. Many Asians are unfortunately lactose intolerant, so milk and yoghurt may not be their best friends. Lactose free milk is also fairly hard to source for in parts of this world. So supplementing maybe a good idea too. It is widely known that calcium plays vital roles in bone and teeth health particularly later on in life when people become at risk of osteoporosis. Want to know more about calcium supplements? Read here on webMD.

So I have been given the chance to try Cebion Effervescent Vitamin C and calcium tablets, thanks for Home Tester Club. Each tablet contains 1000mg vitamin C and 600mg calcium carbonate (240mg elemental calcium). This is a trusted brand by an international pharmaceutical company called Zuellig Pharma. I am very much familiar with their other products such as Prolia/denosumab used in treating osteoporosis.

It is very simple to use. Dissolve a tablet in a glass of water and watch the effervescence. I personally find this very therapeutic. Then drink up! Remember to avoid taking this with caffeine/iron tablets because it will reduce absorption.

What does Dr Yingzangel think?

Cebion is a reliable brand for drugs. In the effervescent form, it is an efficient delivery system for effective nutrient absorption. This is because Vitamin C is water soluble.

And I love the taste of this Vitamin C, orangey and slightly on the sweet side. The price tag is also very much affordable comparing to many other formulations in the market. I would definitely buy again.

I hope this explains the importance of supplements. But please do get the advice of your healthcare providers before choosing any supplements- so you can the right amount, to avoid possible side effects, to make sure the right brand/formulation is consumed and to monitor for side effects.

Disclaimer: the opinion given is merely a personal experience and does not constitute formal medical advice. Please seek your medical professional's advice before starting any supplements. Stop if discomfort or side effect ensues.

Interested to get it? Head to your nearest Guardian or Watsons stores now.

Friday, March 8, 2019

Recordable gifts featuring Sneapy

I love to give gifts. But after so many years of gifting, I have run out of ideas for my loved ones. In search of something meaningful yet creative, I chanced upon Sneapy. It's a gift that is customized and goes straight to the heart.

What are Sneapy gift cards?

Sneapy gift cards are not some cards with cash value that the receiver can use to shop like your Aeon Big or Giant gift card (that's the first thing that came to my mind when I saw gift card). Instead it's something that I won't normally associate with. It is a card that allows personalized video or audio messages to be recorded.

How does one record the messages?

I thought I had to press a button on the card to record! I admitted I was quite surprised when I received the cards. It's very simple.

Step 1

Use your phone scanner to go to the QR code on the card

Step 2

Go to the website

Step 3

Record a video/audio message using the website via your phone

Step 4

Set a secret passcode (You can skip this option)

Step 5

The message is kept in the system for 10 years!

Step 6

Simply present this card to your loved one and ask them to scan the same QR code to read the message. They will need to enter the correct password which can be part of the fun itself.

What does Dr Yingzangel think?

This is such a simple yet creative idea that allows me to personalize a gift. I preferred to record video messages because I think it means more for the other person to be able to see your expression and appreciate the whole message better. But if you are camera shy, you can always choose to record an audio message only.

Comparing to physical cards, I find this gift card is easy to keep and is user friendly. I could easily prepared a card within 5 minutes. The price of RM10 each card is also fairly reasonable. I love how one can repetitively view or listen to the message over and over again without having to save it in their device.

However, I do wish that some basic video editing tools can be incorporated into the website. So that I don't have to NG so many times.

If you think you want to try Sneapy out, These are their websites.

Official website

Monday, March 4, 2019

Shapee Lafee Maternity Nursing Bra Set wireless with laces, compatible to breast pumps | Review

I have finally weaned off baby Bing at 2 years 8 months old. Even though we both treasure the bond very much, but it gets too overwhelming to tandem feed Bing and Yi during bedtime because Bing simply cannot wait for Yi to finish (Yi can take hours!). Yi has just turned 2 months old and I'll go back to work in March. So it's time to bring out the pumps again and shop for some good supportive lingerie.

My old nursing bra from Shapee last year was so comfortable that I have to try Shapee's latest laced nursing bra and underwear set- Lafee. Ditch the idea that nursing lingerie have boring designs- it now has lace too! My perfect Valentine's gift.

Read about my previous experience wearing Shapee nursing bra and using disposable nursing pads here.

Lafee is similar to Shapee's previous products in these respects:

1. 3D seamless design provides comfort all day long and virtually invisible under clothing 

2. Comfortably fit and support your changing shape each step of the way.

3. 4 hooks & extensions for greater adjustability

4. Reinforced non-slip straps for total support and comfort

5. Removable foam cups provides greater flexibility

6. No underwires

7. Front clips

Getting a good fit is important. It shouldn't cut into  the breasts or cause them to spill out. The straps shouldn’t dig into  the shoulders, and the band across  the back needs to sit horizontally without riding up.

The underwear, on the other hand,  also has this seamless design. I like how it's invisible from the outside of my pants/skirts. The beige color offers a soft finishing with the lace an elegant touch.  The material is elastic and comfortable which doesn't stick to the skin but still able to  absorb sweat well.

What does Dr Yingzangel think?

Consistent with previous Shapee products, Lafee is comfortable and uses fabric with premium quality. I really love how the laces add an interesting element to the lingerie without being too frilly and it remains practical.

It's important to have materials that are stretchable  with adjustable hooks because breasts simply grow and shrink with the amount of breast milk stored. Wearing tight bras can risk clogged ducts and mastitis.
Price wise, it's definitely good for value. The front clips can also hold my breast pumps nicely when I'm pumping at work. No need for freemies.

The downside is perhaps they can only be handwashed.  And I have no time for that. To be honest,  I have just chucked them into a laundry bag for a delicate cycle. So far so good. Ha. Please don't follow  this though. The bra insert is also in a single piece across the two breasts so it can be difficult to remove for separate washing.

Where to buy?

Shapee brand store

Don't forget your RM10 discount code LNBAH. This discount code only available at the official website for Lafee Nursing Bra only.

Sunday, March 3, 2019

Coconut Water & Mimosa Flower Body Wash by Love Beauty and Planet Review

This is my first time receiving products from Try and Review dot-com. It's a website allowing consumers to try actual products and to provide honest review. The reviewers are not paid. But you can your hands on the latest products in the market!

Coconut Water & Mimosa Flower Body Wash by Love Beauty and Planet

A simple Google search will give you a lot of information about this product from the lazada website. All the following illustrations are taken there.

The ingredients used are all natural. The main being coconut water and mimosa flower. The descriptions are so detailed that I have decided to just repost it here.

What does Dr Yingzangel think?

Using products like this which only use natural ingredients are definitely better for the skin. Free of allergens such as parabens and sulphates, this body wash will be suitable for those with sensitive skin prone to develop eczema.

Ethically speaking, this product has also fulfilled social responsibility by contributing RM1 each bottle sold towards the conservation of Malaysian tapir.That's the least we could do to help the planet. In other words, the product is also cruelty freee and began friendly.

In addition, I really love the smell of the body wash. It's just fresh coconut with fragrant floral scent. And it stayed on for at least half an hour after I showered. Not only did it clean well, it wasn't dehydrating or harsh on the skin.

Interested to get one? The retail price is RM27 on Lazada.

Friday, March 1, 2019

My big bad wolf book haul UMP Gambang 2019

I got so excited knowing that BBW is finally coming to Pahang earlier this year. We have been planning for our trip a month before the actual sales starts. Knowing that BBW is mostly about children books, it's just the right sale for our family of four.

We reached the venue at 1pm on the second day of the sale. It's a Friday, so we tried to visit BBW sale when half of our Malay friends would be at the prayers to avoid the crowd. Scheming much? We missed the left turn shortly after the UMP front entrance as the sign was in black and white only in A4 size. But there were plenty of parking spots.

The day was sweltering hot so we did not try the food trucks out. Instead, we were glad to push the sleeping Yi into the BBW exhibition hall which was air-conditioned.

This was only half of the hall. Imagine the number of books that one has to sift through. There were a variety of genre, but the main focus was on children books. From story books, sticker books, lift the flap books to activity books, I felt like bringing all the books home! However, only roughly a third of the books catered to adults.

Every customer was given a trolley to fill the books. So we could stroll in leisure and fill the trolley up. Most of us were parents with young children in carriers and strollers.

We were fast and spent 1.5 hours in the hall. The trolley was a third full. We only got preschool level books as Bing is just going to turn 3 and Yi is just going to be 3 months old. Guess how many books did we buy in total? 33 books!

 Incredibly cheap hard cover books at an average of RM10 each book, they were of good quality as well. Be careful of the occasional torn cover though. This is unavoidable due to the sheer volume of visitors coming through.

Revealing our haul of the day!

Flip the flap books. With Bing's favorite like vehicles, animals and music. We were hunting for the Lulu series but forgot to ask the staff as we could not locate it.

Sticker books and activity books. Now that Bing has entered preschool,  he has shown interest in doodling, colouring and writing. Peeling the stickers also help to train his fine motor skills.

More workbooks. These are unbelievably cheap at only RM1.50 to RM2 each book. You would have noticed most of the books are in Chinese because his current preschool doesn't teach Chinese. But it's the ideal school otherwise as Bing gets to mingle with children from all 3 races while learning English and Malay.

The bill came up to RM125.50 only! Using the RM50 voucher that I have won, we have such huge savings. Simply join their selfie contest to stand a chance to win the grand prize of a whole trolley of books!

We left the sales a very happy family. For those who wants to know about the details of the sales, please refer to my previous press release about the Big Bad Wolf Book Sale Pahang 2019. 


 Good oral health is the basis of general well-being. It ensures a healthy smile. This boosts self confidence and leaves a lasting impressio...