Showing posts with label The aged. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The aged. Show all posts

Saturday, August 10, 2019

Elderly living solutions 乐龄生活辅助 | Jasper Lodge East (Kuantan 关丹)

Our parents have spent their life caring for us.  So it's only natural that we would want the best care for them.  Studies have shown that half of those over 60years old need some form of assistance in daily living. How do you know what help do your elderly parents need?

There are a few simple tests to try.

1. The FRAIL scale 衰弱量表

Those who scored 1-3 is likely to need some help in managing basic necessities and can consider home help or assisted living.  A score of 4-5 almost always mean that person needs round the clock assistance or supervision in a Aged Care facility run by professionals rapidly especially for those with many sickness and complex medication regimes.

2. The timed up and go test (TUG)

This short YouTube video shows how the test is performed.  You can try it with your parents at home.

Those who need more than 12 seconds to complete the task will need intensive rehabilitation which includes a comprehensive and tailored physiotherapy program and good dietary plan. This may mean a medium term stay in an Aged Care facility with a dedicated rehabilitation team.

3. The abbreviated mental test 失智测量

Ask the aged the following questions:
Their age? Date of birth? Current year? Where they are now?

If they can't answer one of the questions,  they will need to be assessed by a geriatrician for possible dementia. Moderate to severe dementia makes living without full-time supervision and assistance unsafe because they may leave the stove on, take medications twice or wander out of home without knowing their way back.

Jasper Lodge East offers a comprehensive range of living solutions for the elderly.  Home care can be arranged.  Daycare programs are run in the Jasper Lodge centre. Full-time Nursing Home residency is also available for those who need.

Give us a call or contact us at our website 24/7 to find out what's best for the aged.

Jasper Lodge 

Criteria for choosing a Nursing Home 怎样选疗养院 | Jasper Lodge East (Kuantan 关丹)

Do you know that our Malaysian population is ageing so rapidly that almost a quarter is 60 years and above? Unfortunately, as we age, we become more frail and may suffer from sickness so that at some point we will become dependent on the others to care for us. When the time comes, how do we choose the correct place to spend the rest of our life in?

1. Find a nursing home run by professionals.

The reason why you or your parents need help with activities of daily living means you cannot cope at home anymore. An example is an elderly parent who has just been discharged from the hospital after suffering from a stroke. He or she may not be able to move one side of the body freely-- this may make toilet trips and feeding self impossible. Besides getting professional nurses to assist in these basic necessities, recovery from stroke also needs months of daily intensive and guided physiotherapy to regain maximal strength and function of the muscles. Risk factors for developing another stroke should be minimized by treating risk factors such as diabetes mellitus, high blood pressure and high cholesterol by an experienced doctor who is trained in caring for the old called geriatrician. Another lay person will need a lot of training and experience to care for the elderly. 

2. Find a nursing home which has a good dietary plan.

Getting older does not mean that one can ignore having a good diet because there are just very few years left to live. As we age, our body loses the capacity to absorb nutrients and many bodily functions also deteriorate with wear and tear. This is why a healthy diet is extremely important. A biscuit and tea diet, very commonly found in elderlies who have no means to cook for themselves, can jeopardize their health. A healthy meal can be planned using the Suku Suku Separuh plate. Everyone should have 3 main meals and 2 teatimes during the day. This means a quarter of the plate should be filled with rice/grain/bread, a quarter with meat/chicken/fish, a quarter with fruits and the last quarter with vegetables. 

3. Find a nursing home which offers an attractive social program.

Many old people are lonely. Their adult children are busy with work and caring for their own family. The parents do not want to appear needy by demanding their children for regular visit. After all, the grandchildren need more time with the parents, no? But this means many elderly suffers from loneliness and depression. They long for companionship and a good support network from others. So it's very important to have social activities such as support group, religious fellowship, art and craft, as well as gardening activities in the center. 

Jasper Lodge East is coming to Kuantan soon. Its nursing home fulfills all the criteria listed above. And it's a subsidiary from Jasper Lodge-- a trusted elderly living solution led by qualified doctors and nurses, as well as physiotherapists and social workers experienced in caring for the elderly and the needed. It's not just a place to live in, but it offers all the help that one can possibly need after losing independence. Jasper Lodge also aims for our residents to live in privacy, dignity and respect. 

We know you want the best for your elderly parents. Send in your enquiries now. Jasper Lodge has a 24 hours hotline to answer all your burning questions.

Jasper Lodge 


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