Monday, November 23, 2009

Post-exam laziness

I am officially done with 3rd year MBBS!

However, there is too much activities post-exam.
I seriously don't know where to fit all of them in.

There's paintball, Malaysian gathering, PFE, shopping, meeting up with cousin. And of course, I am moving this Sunday!

Sounds like a fruitful week.LOL.

Don't know how much will get done though :p

Starting my research next Monday!

Monday, November 16, 2009

Funniest lecture notes!

After baffling my mind with various complications of blood transfusion, I saw this on the last slide.

Not sure how relevant it is to the content of the lecture. But having a good laugh is so essential during this stressful time.

Sorry, Yu Wan. I don't think this is a good way to pray too :p

The first slide of GN lecture says:

What is a human but an ingenious machine designed to turn, with "infinite artfulness, the red wine of Shiraz into urine.
--Isak Dinesen : -Seven Gothic Tales




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