Monday, December 27, 2010

Gulliver's Travel on a Sunday evening

It's been years since I watched a movie in Malaysia. Zhe suggested us to go for Gulliver's Travel in 3D at Kluang Mall yesterday evening. I wanted to watch Tron more, actually. Ha. But I wanted to tag along for some fun too. We were expecting the cinema to be freezing cold but it was just nice.ha

Ning and I with our 3D glasses which kept falling off my actual glasses.haha

IMDB rating 5.5

Not an awfully good rating but the movie in general was funny. It was more like a comedy for family. The plot was predictable yet did not lose its moments of humour. There were not enough special effects to worth watching it in 3D though.

The movie did teach me something important though. Everyone needs an aspiration and shall not be afraid to live their dream.
Dinner was Sushi King. It was actually my first time (if I remember it correctly) stepping into this restaurant. It had conveyer belt sushi too.

The conveyer belt

Some octopus sushi

A selection of sashimi

Sunday, December 26, 2010

The case of the missing crab

Uncle brought 3kg of crabs home yesterday night. In the morning, I woke up seeing Ning holding a torch looking for something. So some of the crabs went missing! lol...We searched the whole house, including upstairs. The crabs were finally found in...........................

THE STOREROOM under the staircase!

They forgot to close the door before turning in...haha

Besides that home is as uneventful as ever. Relaxing but I'm starting to yearn for something more exciting.haha

My laptop has gone crazy, can't re-upload the pictures that I have rotated-->

My new ceramic water bottle--christmas gift from Ning <3 it!
More warm coffee made possible..hahaha

My new hairstyle. I am still learning to get used to my fringe because I find it annoying sometimes.
But my godmother and godsister says it makes me look younger..haha
Mom keeps disapproving it. Her comment was 盖头盖脸。haha

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Taiwan trip

I am seriously too lazy to blog about the trip. But I will introduce Taiwan in brief ^^

Day 1: TaoYuan International Airport-->Yomi Hotel-->Raohe Night Market-->Hotel
Day 2: Yomi Hotel-->Taipei Main MRT Station-->Jiu Fen-->Gold Museum-->Golden Waterfall-->Kee Lung Temple Area-->North Eastern Corner Coastal Scenic Drive-->Yeh Liu-->Dan Shui-->Hotel
Day 3: Yomi Hotel-->Taipei International Floral Expo-->Wu Fen Pu-->Taipei 101-->Hotel
Day 4: Hotel-->Yi Lan-->Nan Ao-->Traditional Culture and Handcraft Center-->Coastal Drive-->Hualien-->Homestay
Day5: Homestay-->Toroko Gorge-->Mt. He Huan-->Yu Chi Homestay
Day 6: Homestay-->Sun Moon Lake-->Some Aboriginal Day Market-->Formosan Aboriginal Cultural Village-->Feng Jia Night Market-->Tao Yuan International Airport

SO we have travelled half the island :D
Please kindly visit my FB album :) about Taiwan trip in general, about the Floral Expo and about Taiwan food.

I would like to extend my gratitude to my godparents Aunt Lay Choo and Uncle Miaw Long for inviting me along. I have also re-established a close rapport with my bro (Ping Cheng) and sis (Hui Mei). Love you all :)

Sunday, December 12, 2010

2 years since I've been home

Malaysia has changed. The roads and buildings don't look familiar anymore. The drains smelled worse than I remembered (lol). But the weather is still sweltering hot and unbearable. And the ubiquitous mozzies :x Home is still comfy and never runs out of food. The fish pond is now full of life. And now there is Wii to play with.

As much I miss Pasar Malam, I have to give it a miss today because it is just so damn hot. Too hot for me to even walk around. Because it's sunday we get to bake :D Helped with baking tofu cake, pumpkin scones and egg tarts.

Mom is complaining that I am too skinny. (ROFL, she has never done that!) I think she's determined to forcefeed me. My cousins are all growing tangentially and I look like the tiniest person in the house. Even the Indonesian maid is bigger than

Tried Malaysian food list: Pan Mee, Wanton noodles, curry chicken, chee cheong fan, roti canai& telur, jambu, poh piah, yam cake, instant soy bean milk, milo.

I wanted to upload some photos but the internet is a bit slow for it. Oh well, I can always do it later.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Not complaining :)

I had so much to do during the semester. But now I have been too free. Waking up at whatever time I like, watching Korean series and basically slacking. Sometimes, I am even too lazy to step out of the house.haha. Of course I can't complain about my freedom!

Less than a week before I fly back to Malaysia and head to Taiwan :) I really look forward to the trip. The weather forecast is 14-20 degrees right now. Nice!

Nothing much to update about my recent life. Slacking is good~

Friday, December 3, 2010

The rite to adulthood

My dear brother,

I wish you a very happy and blessed 21st birthday!
It's time to talk and think like an adult. To value independence and shoulder responsiblity.


How should one define friends? How much do you have to know about a person for them to become your friend? What roles do they play in your life? Which is better: to have many friends or few true friends?

My observations:

1. A friend in need is a friend indeed. True in most circumstances but not in the odd occasion whereby the only time you are 'needed' is the only time you get an affectionate phonecall. No casual catch-ups, only the once-in-a-year phonecall imploring for help. They may consider me as a friend but I just think that it is plain ridiculous to only ask for favours all the time without real friendship.

2. Being too calculative. Despite being a poor uni student, friends should at least be generous to each other. Perhaps not in the sense of giving away $$ to your friend, but the occasional homemade cookies and cakes are not so bad an idea. But make sure you offer your friend decent stuff. Not chicken neck from your whole roast chicken for example. Or charging 15people a $5 box of chocolate for sharing.

3. Selective sharing. Some eccentric people tend to keep the goodies, so to speak, to only their bestest friend(s). Fair enough, but the false pretence of excusing themselves *frantically shoving all the goodies into a bag* whilst bumping into their other friends is just pathetic. Maybe it's a fault in character that can't be fixed.

4. The extremely generous and kind. They will offer their life if you ask. Nice people who drives people around all the time, never asking for return. The homey dinner boxes that you get during exam period when all you think about is studying and not good food. The pretty postcards you get in the mail box. The warm and fuzzy feeling :) You know what I mean.

5. The 'pretend' extremely generous and kind. They only do things when everyone is watching. Wash the dishes in the student common room and help to tidy up the kitchen area; leaving the dishes at home(shared house) for at least a week and never bother to follow the duty roster for housework at home.

I don't think anyone is perfect and neither am I. I need to vent or compliment what I think is disgusting or plaudable. Perhaps I have made some of these mistakes myself. But one needs to learn from mistakes.

Saturday, November 27, 2010


Last minute decision for a 3 days 2 nights getaway to Lakes Entrance& Tyers. C.Ying managed to arrange for a huge holiday house for all 15 of us. The house was much spacious and elegant than I could have imagined :D And it's my first attempt of long distance driving. I only managed to sustain my attention for about 2 hours though. Need more practice!

The day  kicked off with C.Ying's brunch when we stopped over at Traralgon-- hotdog croissant. We then headed to Lakes Entrance. The day was sweltering hot, the sand at the beach was scorching but the water was rejuvenating. And we've missed the dolphins again.haha. After a scrumptious lunch, we then explored the beach near our holiday house. The day was just perfect for beach goers. The 90 miles beach near the house was quite secluded and it's quite like our own private beach. We planned to play beach ball and frisbees but the wind was too strong and Li Ping and I had to run across the beach for about 300m just to get the ball back. It was a lot of fun to be buried underneath the sand. Very cooling. The BBQ dinner was enjoyable too as C.Wang, Ryan and I were in charge of the grill. We had onions. corns. sausages, mushrooms, chicken pieces and lamb chops.

We had trouble planning what to do on day 2. It's because there are a zillion things that we could do! Everyone was ready for the day at about 8.30am. lol. The sun was so bright that no one could sleep in. After much detouring and asking around, 6 of us (C.Wang, Ryan, K.Wen, Li Ping, Jess and I) finally started crabbing. The others went cycling around Lake Entrance beach. It was interesting to note that how hiring nets was not the way to go. So we bought 2 nets and ended up with 3 nets instead (someones abondoned theirs). According to one of the other 'crabber', he used to get about 100 crabs in a day. But he only got like 3 that day. And we got 2--one got away and the other one was terribly handicapped. The excitement of finally getting a crab was overwhelmed by my sympathy towards the crab. We didn't eat it. It had no pincers and there was a mussel deeply wedged into it's right eye. I suspect that it lost  a fight and ended up in this pathetic state. We cleaned it and put it in a pyrex bowl. It passed away peacefully during the night. We then buried it at the beach near our house. Now we've got nets, more excuses to go crabbing! The night was a 'romantic' one with our own 'high school' themed dinner. Everyone dressed up. But I didn't really have anything in my wardrobe vaguely resembling high school gear so I just dressed up as a girl scout. haha.

The last day was a lazy one. It was quite a gloomy morning though. We packed our luggage and left the fun behind.

Photos on FB, group photos

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

At least there is no more exam for the next few years!

Yes, I have officially finished 4th year (I hope)! I have survived and hopefully have succeeded. The gruelling papers& OSCEs. The morning awakenings. The palpitations. The life with books. The life with exam talks. The life without enjoyment.

But I probably have enjoyed myself a little bit too much these few days.
Holiday Day 1: Lunch at Yum Cha Inn. Mow the almost 1m long lawn in our front and back yards, then off to Southland shopping, then PFE till home at 2am.

Day 2: A lazy start, then return Amy's lawn mower, then Dandenong Market, then shopping at South Wharf, then buffet dinner at Chilli Padi, then BBQ at Zhi Xuan's.

Day 3: PBL gathering at Chaddy for a few hours. Had heaps of dessert at Lindt cafe then had Hungry Jacks for lunch. Also explored the store a bit.

And the next few days went by in a blur, including cleaning the house for the coming inspection. But I am coming down with a cold. I can feel it :X

Photos on facebook!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

1 more day!

The ordeal is going to be over soon. Gone the days with early morning awakenings and palpitations! Last paper tomorrow but I just can't seem to concentrate on last minute revisions. The excitement is too overpowering :D :D

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


I have never dreamt so much in my life and actually remembering it! It's about, erm, now I have forgottten. Must be the terrible exams. I've got PTSD. Source: exams :p

Anyways, my long neglected blog, hello~

2 more days of exam till freedom/emancipation(as Tae called it :D)

lalalala. Extremely exhausted after OSCEs. Didn't perform at my best in some of the stations because I was too nervous but I think I'll pass :D

Went to Dinnis's, the Indonesian place for dinner today. First time there. Food is tasty but a bit too salty. Also tried es teler (like ice kacang with avocado and jackfruit). Not bad. Met Ken Chuah and Eugene Tan there too. What a coincidence!haha. Talking to Ken has put things into perspective. I can imagine myself being a junior doctor soon.

Enough is enough. Be self-contented :)

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


Thanks aunt for sharing this article.


One young academically excellent person went to apply for a managerial position in a big company.
他通過了第一級的面試,董事長做最後的面試,做最 後的決定。
He passed the first interview, the director did the last interview, made the last decision.

董事長從該青年的履歷上發現,該青年成績一 貫優秀,從中學到研究生從來沒有間斷過。
The director discovered from the CV, that the youth's academic result is excellent all the way, from the secondary school until the postgraduate research, never has a year he did not score.

The director asked, "Did you obtain any scholarship in school?" and the youth answered "none".

董事長問,是你的父親 為 您付學費嗎?該青年回答,我父親在我一歲時就去世了,是我的母親給我付的學費。
The director asked, " Is it your father pay for your school fees?" the youth answered, my father passed away when I was one year old, it is my mother who paid for my school fees.

董事長問,那你的母親是在那家公司高就?該 青年回答,我的母親是給人洗衣服的。
The director asked, " Where did your mother worked?" the youth answered, my mother worked as cloth cleaner. The director requested the youth to show his hand, the youth showed a pair of hand that is smooth and perfect to the director.

董事長問,你幫你母 親 洗過衣服嗎?該青年回答,從來沒有,我媽總是要我多讀書,再說,母親洗衣服比我快得多。
The director asked, " Did you ever help your mother washed the cloth before?" The youth answered, never, my mother always wanted me to study and read more books, furthermore, my mother can wash cloths faster than me.
董事長說,我有個要求,你今天回家,給你母 親洗一次雙手,明天上午你再來見我。
The director said, I had a request, when you go back today, go and help to clean your mother's hand, and then see me tomorrow morning.
該青年覺得自己成功的可能很大,回到家後,高高興 興地要給母親洗手,母親受寵若驚地把手伸給孩子。
The youth felt that its chance of landing the job is high, when he went back, he happily wanted to clean his mother's hand, his mother feel strange, happy but mixed with fear, she showed her hand to the kid.

該 青年給母親洗著手,漸漸 地,眼淚掉下來了,因為他第一次發現,他母親的雙手都是老繭,有個傷口在碰到水時還疼得發抖。
The youth cleaned his mother's hand slowly, his tear drop down as he did that. It is first time he found his mother's hand is so wrinkled, and there are so many bruises in her hand. Some bruises incites pains so strong that shiver her mother's body when cleaned with water.
青年第一次體會到,母親就是 每天用這雙有傷口的手洗衣服為他付學費,母親的這雙手就是他 今天畢業的代價。
This is the first time the youth realized and experienced that it is this pair of hand that washed the cloth everyday to earn him the school fees, the bruises in the mother's hand is the price that the mother paid for his graduation and academic excellence and probably his future.
該青年給母親洗完手後,一聲不響地把母親剩下要洗 的衣服都洗了。
After finishing the cleaning of his mother hand, the youth quietly cleaned all remaining clothes for his mother.
That night, mother and sons talked for a very long time.

Next morning, the youth went to the director's office

The director noticed the tear in the youth's eye, asked: " Can you tell you what have you done and learned yesterday in your house?"
該青年回答說,我給母親洗完手之後, 我幫母親把剩下的衣服都洗了。
The youth answered, " I cleaned my mother's hand, and also finished cleaning all the remaining clothes'
The director asked, " please tell me your feeling."

該青年說,第一,我懂得了感恩,沒有我 母親,我不可能有今天。第二,我懂得了要去
The youth said, Number 1, I knew what is appreciation, without my mother, there would not the successful me today. Number 2, I knew how to work together with my mother, then only I can realize how difficult and tough to get something done. Number 3, I knew the importance and value of family relationship.

董事長說,我就是要錄取一個會 感恩,會體會別人辛苦,不是把金錢當作人生第一目標的人來當經理。你被錄取了。
The director said, " This is what I am asking, I want to recruit a person that can appreciate the help of other, a person that knew the suffering of others to get thing done, and a person that would not put money as his only goal in life to be my manager. You are hired.
這位青年後來果真工作努力,深得職工擁護,員工也 都努力工作,整個公司業績大幅成長。
Later on, this young person worked very hard, and received the respect of his subordinates, every employees worked diligently and in a team, the company's result improved tremendously.

假如一位孩子從小嬌生慣養,習 慣了被人圍著寵著,什麼都是“我”第一,父母的辛苦都不知道,上班後,以為同事都應該聽他的, 當了經理後,不知道員工的辛苦,還要怨天尤人。這樣的人,會有好的學校成績,會有得意風光的一時,但社會上的這 類人,都不能成大事,都不會感覺到幸福,都要跌跟鬥,那父母是愛孩子呢還是害孩子呢?
A child who has been protected and habitually given whatever he did, he developed "entitlement mentality" and always put himself first. He is ignorance of his parent's effort. When he started work, he assumed every people must listen to him, and when he became a manager, he would never know how suffering his employee and always blame others. For this kind of people, he can have good result, may be successful for a while, but eventually would not feel sense of achievement, he will grumble and full of hatred and fight for more. If we are this kind of protective parent, did we love the kid or destroy the kid?
你可以讓你的孩子住 大房子,吃大餐,學鋼琴,看大屏電視,但你在割草時,也要讓 你的孩子在大太陽下拔拔野草,你在吃飯後,也要讓你的孩子洗洗碗,不是你沒有錢雇人,而是你真心愛孩子。你要讓 孩子知道,即使父母掙不少錢,但早早的白髮,和那位洗衣服的母親沒有本質的差別。但更重要的是,要讓你的孩子學 會感恩。
You can let your kid lived in a big house, eat a good meal, learn piano, watch a big screen TV. But when you are cutting grass, please let them experienced it. After a meal, let them washed their plate and bowl together with their brothers and sisters. It is not because you do not have money to hire a maid, but it is because you want to love them in a right way. You want them to understand, no matter how rich their parent are, one day their hair will grow gray, same as the mother of that young person. The most important thing is your kid learn how to appreciate the effort and experience the difficulty and learn the ability to work with others to get thing done.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

How you know you have found the guy who loves you-->When he says

Just The Way You Are

Oh, her eyes, her eyes, make the stars look like they're not shining
Her hair, her hair, falls perfectly without her trying
She's so beautiful, and I tell her every day

Yeah, I know, I know, when I compliment her she won't believe me
And it's so, it's so, sad to think that she don't see what I see
But every time she asks me do I look ok, I say

When I see your face, there's not a thing that I would change
Because you're amazing, just the way you are
And when you smile, the whole world stops and stares for a while
Because girl you're amazing, just the way you are

Her lips, her lips, I could kiss them all day if she let me
Her laugh, her laugh, she hates but I think it's so sexy
She's so beautiful, and I tell her every day

Oh, you know, you know, you know, I'd never ask you to change
If perfect's what you're searching for then just stay the same
So, don't even bother asking if you look ok
You know I'll say

When I see your face, there's not a thing that I would change
Because you're amazing, just the way you are
And when you smile, the whole world stops and stares for a while
Because girl you're amazing, just the way you are
The way you are, the way you are
Girl you're amazing, just the way you are

When I see your face, there's not a thing that I would change
Because you're amazing, just the way you are
And when you smile, the whole world stops and stares for a while
Because girl you're amazing, just the way you are. Yeah

*When he thinks you are beautiful even if you are wearing your sloppy pyjamas without any makeup*


Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Demi Lovato and Joe Jonas - This Is Me

You're the voice I hear inside my head
The reason that I'm singing
I need to find you
I gotta find you
You're the missing piece I need
The song inside of me
I need to find you
I gotta find you

I wonder what the psychiatrists would make out of these lyrics.
Erotomanic delusion with auditory hallucinations :p

Friday, September 3, 2010

What's left of my dear home country

Whenever anyone asked me what my future is like, I can't give a definite answer. As much as I wish to be home and contribute to the development of my dear home country, I just can't be pushed around anymore. Despite 53years after gaining independence, the mindset of the authority is still backward. Who does not want to be home? To be around whom they love? But, what if this means that I am going to be discriminated against for the rest of my life?

I hesitate.

Nothing much I can do to change things. I am neither famous nor affluent. Look at what has happened to those who just want to tell the truth.

Not that I will express my anger and frustration using the strong words used in the video. But how long will it take before the leaders wake up from the delusion?

I love my country but my country does not love me.

The original song by Namewee.

* It is not my intention to defame by posting these videos. The songs do not fully represent my view, but merely that of the artists. *

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

A friend posted the English version on facebook.
So I youtubed the mandarin version.

This song is a patriotic song for Singapore. But I love it, love the lyrics.

I have not listened to this song for a while.
Yet I am always on the verge of tears contemplating the lyrics.
Very touched.
Home is the place I would rather be.
Even though I might have been to so many other corners of the world.

*Miss home*
What a beautiful song!

每一次我感到彷徨 不自禁就会回头望
我知道心中有个地方 一定会有一盏灯
照亮每一颗黑暗的心房 指引未来方向
沿着生命河流向前航 就能登陆理想

我的家 收藏 我的欢喜悲伤
只要点燃希望 梦就会自由飞翔
我的家 给我 一双坚定翅膀
我的梦 不论在何方 一生的爱 唯有家

再也不会感到彷徨 不会再失意回头望
我要用心中一点烛光 燃放千万户辉煌
要让繁华的城市更灿烂 世界和平共享
全凭生命河流来导航 一起登陆理想
全凭生命河流来导航 一起登陆理想

This is Home Truly
  Where I know I must be
  Where my Dreams wait for me
  Where that river always flows

  This is Home Truly
  All my Senses tell me
  This is where I won't be Alone
  For this is where I know it's home

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Banzai Aotearoa!!!! Slideshow

Banzai Aotearoa!!!! Slideshow: "TripAdvisor™ TripWow ★ Banzai Aotearoa!!!! Slideshow ★ to Melbourne and South Island by Angel Yun Ying Ho. Stunning free travel slideshows on TripAdvisor"

Saturday, August 7, 2010

New blogger background

I was just experimenting with the template designer.
And thought this background suits me a lot.
I wish my heart is like autumn--quiet but has irresistible beauty.
The kind of solace that is different from the frigid winter.
The kind of peace that is away from distractions in summer.
The kind of isolation that is devoid of blossoms.

I have not written anything for quite an extended period of time.
I have been too preoccupied with studies.
Not exactly good because I think I am obsessed about it.
But I will do my best :)

Friday, June 25, 2010

Terrifying dental visit

$30 xray of my teeth. No dental caries, no split in tooth. What is the source of the pain? Gum?
Thus, had calculus removal and topical fluoride application on my whole set of teeth.

And it cost $120 in total...

BUT, the lancinating pain struck again when I bit into----->a piece of kiwi fruit!
15minutes after I saw the dentist.

At least there is no tooth extraction :D

Perhaps I should start visiting a dentist regularly. That is, if I can muster enough courage to see one :p

Sunday, June 13, 2010

The heart of Australia

It took a while for Ryan to convince me to spend 5 days of the winter holiday to venture into the outback. I was not particularly impressed to walk through dusty and muddy paths to begin with. However, the Red Center was indeed breathtaking.

Soon we realised that travelling via a campervan/caravan is a popular option amongst the locals. We rented a Mercedes campervan from Maui and were very satisfied with its features. The total distance we drove was at least 2000km!
Our house for 5 days

Day 1: Alice Springs->East Macdonell Ranges
Jessie Gap 500m walk

Corroboree rock 1km walk

Trephina Gorge about 2km walk
Outback treat: emu, kangaroo, crocodile, buffalo all on one plate @ Bojangles
Starry night

Day 2: Alice Springs->Kings Canyon
Kings Canyon Rim Walk 7.2km
Sunrise on the way to Uluru
Needless to say, the pictures have told the story.

Day 3: Kings Canyon->The Olgas
Valley of the wind walk 7.4km
 One of the nice lookout points along the way.

Walpa Gorge walk 2.6km
 The green plants are spear vines.

Sunset at Ayers rock
 The colour of the rock changes every so frequent and it can be red and then glowing orange in half a minute~We had our picnic tables and chairs strategically placed to watch sunset.

Day 4: Ayers Rock->Alice Springs->West Macdonell Ranges
Sunrise at the rock
Spot the moon~
The climb 1.6km/863m above sea level.
There is quite a lot of controversy surrounding climbing the rock and you can read about the debate. Nevertheless, I found the rock worth climbing. The climb was quite challenging with rewarding scenery.

 I have conquered Ayers Rock!

Cultural Center
We were not allowed to photograph there. There were several Aboriginal Art Galleries there, with some of the pieces pricing up to $3000! There were stories about how 4 different tribes had a great battle near the rock and created the landscape.
Aboriginal life at a small town in the outback

Day 5: West Mcdonell Ranges->Alice Springs->Melbourne
Glen Helen Gorge
 This gorge was just behind Glen Helen Resort which we spent a night at.

Ormiston Gorge(Ghost gum walk+Waterhole walk) about 2-3km walk

Dingo sighting at the waterhole~

Standley Chasm about 1-2km walk
Simpsons Gap
Unfortunately, we had a flat tire 5km away from Alice Springs. But fortunately, emergency help arrived within half an hour.
This looked pretty impressive, eh?

I am in awe of the rocks and sands which can look really spectacular! A great trip during this winter indeed.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Medical Speciality Aptitute test

This is so different from what I think I would like to be...
Take the test yourself

Rank Specialty Score
1 general surgery 42
2 urology 41
3 neurology 41
4 otolaryngology 40
5 orthopaedic surgery 40
6 radiology 40
7 endocrinology 40
8 neurosurgery 39
9 ophthalmology 38
10 preventive med 38
11 occupational med 38
12 aerospace med 38
13 plastic surgery 38
14 physical med & rehabilitation 38
15 hematology 38
16 emergency med 38
17 allergy & immunology 38
18 nephrology 37
19 pathology 37
20 infectious disease 37
21 thoracic surgery 37
22 obstetrics/gynecology 37
23 cardiology 36
24 colon & rectal surgery 36
25 anesthesiology 36
26 gastroenterology 36
27 dermatology 35
28 radiation oncology 35
29 general internal med 35
30 med oncology 35
31 rheumatology 35
32 pulmonology 35
33 nuclear med 34
34 family practice 34
35 psychiatry 33
36 pediatrics 33

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Of craziness and night shifts

Since I am a peace keeper, the only way for me to get my deliveries done will be during night shifts. I try to avoid conflict, especially with the midwifery students. However, this also translates into a whole day of no sleeping(or sleeping for 2-3hours). And unfortunately, as our roster is NOT designed for us to stay overnight, I usually will have clinics/tutorials the next morning. Hence, the constant need to drown myself with caffeine. I used to get palpitations with a small cup of nescafe. However, I have realised that coffee doesn't work very well with time.

Doing nights is fun as I have plenty of opportunities to learn and ask questions. However, this also means that I might not be at my perfect state of learning in the wee hours of the morning. There are also more spontanoeous delivery happening, that is if lady luck is on your side. I once went home at 1am just to find out the next morning that the lady gave birth at 2.45am. Night staff are usually friendlier too. And I get to be the crazy medical student who does not need sleep. Haha. Fun.

But the problem is I need to find things(other than studying) to do in order to fill up my free time. This is just because studying too early in the morning(or rather, too late at night) doesn't work for me.

The part I worry about the most is usually when I am driving. With my passable driving skills, driving home when I am sleep deprived does not stand me in good stead at all. However, I can't find a place for me to sleep anyway.

Despite the cons, I still think I will enjoy night shifts. Less time, more deliveries~

Sunday, April 18, 2010


芸 颖  何何系您指定的姓氏用字。从生辰八字上看,名字中需有木相助,何字的五行属性为木。

芸 从生辰八字上看,名字中需有木相助,芸字的五行属性为木。从生肖上看,生肖为牛,名字中应有艹部首为吉,芸的部首为艹。

颖从生辰八字上看,名字中 需有木相助,颖字的五行属性为木。

音律何、芸、颖的读音是hé、 yún、yǐng,声调为阳平、阳平、上声,音律较好。
字型何为左右结构,7画;芸为上下结构,7画;颖为左右结构,13画;字型优美,利于书 写。
意蕴名字可以趣解为:“香草 • 聪敏”。 

:芸指去香, 是一种多年生的草本植物,全草有香气,可供药用,有驱虫、通经的作用。(此字在人名库中共出现约:154800次)

: 颖字的原义是指谷穗上的苞片,引申指尖端或聪明杰出的人。(此字在人名库中共出现约:656380次)

天格3解析: 进取如意的增进繁荣数。
地格26解析: 变怪奇异的豪侠数。
人格12解析: 意志薄弱,难酬志向,百忍尚可得和平。
外格17解析: 突破万难的刚柔兼备数。
总格28解析: 四海漂泊,豪杰气概,终世浮躁。
向上进取,容易成功而富贵,基础犹如立足于磐石。使之泰然安 康,心身健全,得享长寿配置大吉。
表面温和而内有怒气,处处为了别人而不顾自己吃亏,提防被人 所害。

Wednesday, March 24, 2010


Dear xxx staff,

I would like to lodge a complaint with regards to the motor vehicle accidents claim center.

My car was involved in an accident on 24/03/10 at about 8am at xxx. It was hit by a company car from behind as the other driver could not stop the car in time. The driver knew that it was his fault and was completely happy for us to lodge a claim as he was insured by xxx as well.

When I first contacted xxx, the staff member was very approachable. However, as I was only available later in the afternoon for my car to be towed away, I had to wait for at least 1 1/2 hours for my call to be picked up at the claim center. I even had to borrow a phone from an office nearby as my mobile battery and credit ran out. I completed the basic claim form after 45minutes, and then the tow service and taxi service were contacted.

However, the tow service did not reach us. As directed by xxx, I had to call up the tow company myself. The company just gave an unsatisfactory response saying that the job was cancelled as the driver could not find my car. If I did not call, I would have wasted my time waiting for nothing. Furthermore, I was served by a different personnel everytime I called (I had to call at least 6times and each time had to repeat the exact same information even though I had provided the claim number. And no one seemed to understand where the problem was.) I was even belittled by one of the staff as I was really frustrated that there had been no progress. I had to wait for about 1hour after lodging the claim before I got to go home.

In addtion, the staff members could not give me a definite answer. I understood that my policy does not provide a booking for a rental car when my car is being repaired. I was told repeatedly by different staff members that I could go to Hertz and get a discounted rate and then fill in a claim form with the receipt. However, no one could tell me for sure whether will the rental fees be reimbursible.

Unfortunately, I am very disappointed with the standard of service I received today. I felt that I had wasted my time.

I wish you can take appropriate actions at the earliest convenience.

Thank you.

Yours Faithfuly,
Yun Ying Ho

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Busy Rotation

No time to sleep, no time to think, no time to blog!

Not complaining though.

But I need to cure my fatigue.

Monday, February 1, 2010

1st day of 4th year

Everyone was absolutely daunted by the commitment required in this semester. And I have to do nights in MMC ED for my paediatric rotation. Fun, considering I know nothing about paediatrics. But there is a roster, if you don't want to grab the opportunity, others will. It's that competitive.

Am home now after the most boring tute ever. Case based tute, I thought it's something interesting. Just found out that it's about social, legal, ethical aspects of a patient. FUN!

I really wish that I can cook with my housemates. However, given my craxy schedule, it's near impossible.

Gotta prepare for Directed Activities for next week.

And I have gotten the textbooks from Such a loser!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Too busy to update!

I have finally found 10mins to update my dusty blog since forever!
While waiting for my centrifuge to much for my holiday :p

So, I went around Melbourne and Sydney with Ryan and his family :)
It was fun and I got to re-visit some places which i hadn't explored enough.
There were simply too many photos to be sieved through and uploaded.
So, if you are interested, come visit me and I will show you the pictures :)

And I am back in the freezing lab.
And, believe me, I don't think I am cut out to be a researcher. Way too clumsy and absent-minded and COLD.

I want more holiday. The laid back me is struggling to wake up in the morning to work. And it's weird being called a 4th year medical student. Not used to it. And the dates. It's not 09 anymore.


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