Friday, November 27, 2020

Anti-ageing diet | Eternelle International Review

 Being in my mid 30s, I really feel the slump after the occasional night out. In fact I can barely stay awake past 10.30pm. Sometimes I have knee pains as well after some workout. Age is catching up fast. Luckily one of our best defense against ageing is a healthy diet. 

Many think they do not need to focus on nutrition as much as they get older. Some simply survive on a tea and biscuit diet. In order to embrace healthy ageing, we need to fuel ourselves up with 30kcal/kg/day and 1.2g/kg protein a day! (Assuming normal body weight). Don’t forget to choose healthy and carbohydrates with low glycemic index (think multigrain and whole meal), ditch that added sugar, red meat, processed meat and saturated animal fat. Besides that ensure 3 servings of vegetables and fruits respectively following the Suku Suku Separuh concept. Don’t forget to drink 30ml/kg/day of fluids as well. 

If you are a busy person like me, I do supplement my diet to maintain my energy level and youthful appearance. Eternelle International is a great anti-ageing product. Formulated in Korea and produced in Malaysia, each sachet contains collagen peptides and N-Acétylglucosamine (NAG).

1) GreenNag is a naturally occurring precursor of hyaluronic acid, also abundant in breast milk. It boosts collagen production which helps to maintain skin elasticity, faint wrinkles  and boost skin hydration. Besides that it lubricates joints and slow down the ageing process. 

2) Collagen Peptides Optima are premium collagen peptides hailed from Korea. It is formulated to enable better absorption into the blood stream and tissues without getting broken down by the gut. The average molecular sizes are 500 da.  Extracted 100% from fish scales, it is Clinically proven to increase skin flexibility & elasticity in 2-4 weeks.

Other active ingredients include

Hyaluronic acid- makes up collagen in our body, important for healthy skin, hair, joints and bones.

Yeast derived L glutathione -- this is a atrong antioxidant that prevents ageing related changes in cells

Milk thistle extract is proven to help people with fatty liver problems, especially if scarring has already happened in the liver

Bilberry, branberry and grape seed extract, Peach and strawberry powder, Multivitamin  - these fruits contain many vitamins and minerals, as well as antioxidants essential for health

Fibersol- contains fiber that can supplement dietary intake in order to help with constipation

Please do always lookout for certifications for any type of supplements that you plan to start. I am happt to know that Eternelle International is manufactured and certified with HACCP, GMP, Food safety ISO22000, SGS Heavy Metal & Microbiology Tested. This ensures quality and safety of the product. 

More about the research behind Eternelle can be found here.

Consume 1-2 sachets a day in the morning on empty stomach- pour directly into the mouth then rinse your mouth with water (I prefer to mix the powder in cooled water instead). 

What does Dr Yingzangel think?

The individually packed sachets are easy to travel with. I usually just bring a sachet to work everyday as I usually arrive early before breakfast to beat the jam. I love how neutral the taste is. If you do not like to take the powder on its own, you can add it to plain water or your morning beverage. With any supplements, please always consult your health professionals before starting- as it may still interact with other prescribed medications. be very careful if you already have chronic illnesses like diabetes, hypertension, kidney and liver dieases. 

No matter what supplements you have decided to try, do remember that there is no shortcut to health. A balanced diet and sufficient physical activity are still the key to maintain health, no matter your age.

For those who are interested to try-->

Use the code dryingzangel to get free shipping for the whole Malaysia and Singapore (for 1 year)!

Website :

FB page :

Instagram: @eternelleintl

Disclaimer: the opinion given is merely a personal experience and does not constitute formal medical advice. Please seek your medical professional's advice before any complementary therapy. Always ask for certified professionals before proceeding with treatment and stop if discomfort or side effect ensues.

Thursday, November 12, 2020

Be In Control In 4 Weeks With Glucerna

I am very honoured to be involved in this program. Do you know that 1 in 3 Malaysians run the lifetime risk of getting diabetes mellitus (DM)? The figure is only going to soar as we face the obesity pandemic-- staying at home during this period is not helping either. 


Having a strong family history of DM, I knew I have 67% risk of getting DM. So I always try my best to maintain a healthy lifestyle. On the odd day, I will still have a few cheat days. But I did not expect the bad news to come so early. During my second pregnancy, I was diagnosed with Gestational DM. Read more about GDM here.


I felt really depressed and started with calorie counting and carbohydrate restriction. I also tried to become more physically active by increasing my level of incidental activity such as walking up the stairs instead of taking the lift. However my sugar control was still going downhill and never recovered even after delivery-- I was confirmed to have prediabetes.  Being a doctor, I probably have too much exposure about how detrimental even prediabetes can be. It practically makes the immune system weak and raises the risk of kidney problem, stroke and heart attack much higher than normal healthy population. Good sugar control is essential at all times, especially when a person is first diagnosed as our body develops memory and makes maladaptation to persistently high blood sugar levels.  Sometimes it gets really frustrating, not able to enjoy my food as much, especially during festivities. 


Prediabetes usually does not require medications but the risk of becoming overtly diabetic is at about 30% each year. I was aware that meal replacement can be useful in achieving better sugar control and can help weight management. I do recommend my patients to try meal replacement especially if they are overweight/obese. And now I am also giving it a go!


Glucerna® by Abbott is a diabetes-specific formula (DSF), which is a complete and balanced nutritional supplement formulated for people with diabetes or prediabetes. If you read more about diabetic diet, you will soon realise that carbohydrate counting and restriction is one of the keys. Choosing the correct carbohydrate-- ie those with low glycemic index (GI) which only release carbohydrate slowly into the bloodstream. The concept of suku suku separuh (fill your plate with a quarter of carbo, a quarter of lean protein and half of vegetables/fruits). Portion control is therefore also important. Gaining enough nutrition can be tricky for diabetics but it can be done easily when we are empowered by the knowledge to have a balanced diet with the help of DSF.


Wondering about the science behind Glucerna® ? The keywords are myo-inositol and slow release carbohydrate system which makes the body more sensitive to insulin by increasing GLP-1 levels (an important hormone lacking in DM), hence lowering blood glucose. The new Glucerna contains 4 times higher myo-inositol! Other active ingredients like Omega 3, 6 and 9 are vital for heart's health, as well as dual fiber blend of soluble fibers which relieves constipation and indigestion. Besides that 28 vitamins and minerals are also found in Glucerna with 35% higher folate and 56% higher iron levels which are essential for ladies with gestational diabetes.


Even if you don't like milk, Glucerna® is still an excellent choice because it comes in many flavours like vanilla, chocolate and the newest flavour, wheat and if you like, add some coffee powder/espresso shot and voila, it becomes so palatable. As Glucerna® is lactose free, us Asians do not have to worry about bloating and diarrhoea as many of us are lactose intolerant. 


Glucerna®  can also be used in cooking-- I sometimes substitute it instead of using coconut milk in puddings and curries. Combining it with oats also works well. If you like cold food, freeze Glucerna® with cut fruits into icicles! Remember to always combine meal replacement with healthy diet and exercises!


How is meal replacement done? This is the recommended guideline: 




Eg. morning snack and supper supplement


NORMAL WEIGHT: BMI 18 — 23kg/m2 ( I am in this category)


Eg. breakfast supplement




Eg. breakfast and snack replacement


What does Dr Yingzangel think?


I felt discouraged at times in my journey of getting good sugar control. After 4 weeks of  Glucerna® meal replacement program, the fluctuation of blood sugar level has fortunately plateaued so I feel so much more empowered and in control now. The main problem I face was a rise in blood sugar level after meals as my body cannot respond adequately to secrete enough insulin. Meal replacement also works well by reducing the total amount of calories consumed in a meal. Remember to cut down other food intake especially carbohydrates when you are on meal replacement therapy or else there can be weight gain (total caloric intake exceeds total energy expenditure). As a Doctor myself, I will still ensure I do my regular check-up because this is where I can review my medication and nutritional intake and evaluate if it is working. One must always be aware of what we put in our body. 


Want to change for the better? Request samples at Glucerna webpage, or even make your purchase online at Lazada & Shopee official store now!




To understand how other fellow Malaysians are living with diabetes: 


Abbott conducted an online survey from 2-12 October 2020 to find out more about people with diabetes in Malaysia and how they are managing their condition, including how they are making daily decisions about their food and nutrition. The survey aimed to identify areas that people with diabetes struggled with the most, with a focus on understanding areas that can be better supported.


● A total of 158 Malaysian residents with diabetes participated in the survey, comprising a mix of genders and ethnicity. Among the respondents, 24.7% provided feedback with the help of a caregiver, which was allowed to enable less tech-savvy people with diabetes to also participate.


● The respondents mainly indicated that they had been diagnosed with diabetes for:

o 3-5 years (34.8%)

o Less than 3 years (19%)

o 6-8 years (17.7%)


● The respondents were mainly aged:

o 50-59 years (28.6%)

o 40-49 years (22.9%)

o 30-39 years (22.3%)


● Most respondents reported going for follow-ups at a frequency of:

o Every 4-6 months (48.7%),

o Every 3 months (25.3%)

o Do not go for follow-ups (12%)


● Most respondents has recorded a latest HbA1c reading of:

o Within 6.5-7.0% (51.3%)

o Within 7.1-8.0% (26.6%)

o Below 6.5% (12.7%)



● The HbA1c readings were mainly steady, with respondents reporting that they were:

o Showing no change in trend (55.1%)

o Trending upwards (17.1%)

o Trending downwards (13.9%)



● When asked about how diabetes impacted their lives, the respondents indicated that they were struggling, agreeing (strongly agree, agree or somewhat agree) to the following statements in the indicated percentages.

o I feel that diabetes controls my life (96.2%)

o I feel that managing diabetes is taking up too much of my mental and physical energy every day (95.6%)

o I feel overwhelmed by the demands of living with diabetes (94.3%)

o I feel that I am often failing with my diabetes routine (92.4%)

o I do not feel confident in my day-to-day ability to manage diabetes (91.8%)

o I feel angry, scared and/or depressed when I think about living with diabetes (90.5%)

o I feel that I am not sticking closely enough to a good meal plan (90.5%)


● Nevertheless, 58.2% of respondents still felt they were managing diabetes very well or quite well.


● The respondents indicated that fitness and diet management factors were among the key stressors in their diabetes management, saying that the following activities were stressful (very or slightly stressful):

o Achieving or maintaining a healthy weight (74.7%)

o Daily carbohydrate or calorie counting (73.4%)

o Management of emotions (72.2%)

o Reducing or giving up favourite foods and drinks due to unsuitability (72.2%)

o Following a diet suitable for people with diabetes (71.5%)

o Regular exercise (70.9%)

Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Eco Beauty Squad Interview

Warning. Long post ahead! Thanks @thefaceshopmalaysia for selecting me to tell my story about content creation! Of course, @venicemin and @fishmeatdie are my awesome mentors this round.

About Yourself

1. What are the biggest and most life-changing milestone/s and/or achievements of your life?


Being able to undergo undergraduate training in Melbourne on a scholarship was definitely the life changing moment for me. I am the only child and had not lived away from my family until I turned 20. It was not easy fitting in a completely new environment, struggling to understand the culture and the peculiar Oz accent. I was not used to having cold milk and salad for lunch. Neither was I familiar with the way people socialized. But I was glad to have the support from my fellow uni mates. We explored mundane day to day activities together. We also travelled a lot-- from there I really learnt to be open minded and to assimilate different culture. This included my first and last time bungee jumping as well as visiting a hot spring while surrounded by first snow. I also met my then bf now husband there. 

I was also fortunate to be offered an opportunity to attach to one the most prestigious health facility in London. I was alone for 2 months. But the experience was one of a lifetime. Till to day, my values and approach to managing patients are still very much shaped by these experiences. My husband and my outlook in life is to dream big and work hard towards our goals-- dare to be different and shine. We encourage our children to do the same.


2. Why do you think it's important for you to share your life's stories/experiences with others?

The more I progress in my career, the more humble I am by the vast amount of knowledge and experience each expert has. So I believe that I have to share my knowledge to others' benefit as well. It is very important to keep the mind sharp -- at least learn a new thing everyday. I am learning to become an expert doctor in the care of older adults-- therefore, keep updating our mental faculty remains the most vital way of preventing cognitive impairment. This includes being creative when producing new content. Why do I share mainly on social media? Because that is where most people are getting their information from and one of the most effective ways of passing the message I want to convey about loving life. I try to share some tips about healthy living in each of my posts for example. And I like people to see how an independent woman like me can juggle between work and family-- hopefully to inspire other young mothers and to build a supportive community to share our joy and challenges. 


3. What does it mean for you to be bold and "dare to be"?

Confidence definitely comes from knowledge and experience. To explore, to see, to feel and to able to relate to every moment in life. And to reflect on my life so I can be better and stronger everyday. When I am confident, I automatically put on that smile and look. I do pay attention to my physical appearance as well because that is a way to showcase my boldness and character. As I am in a leadership position at my workplace, I need that energy and assertiveness to bring my team to another level to provide consistent and quality patient centered care. 


It is very important to voice out opinions even if it is clearly different from others. I do encourage my team to brainstorm and provide ideas as well for each patient as every team member sees the case from a different perspective and is able to give constructive input. To me 'dare to be' means being able give and accept constructive feedbacks as well as to learn from mistakes for self improvement. 

4. What do you think sets you apart from other participants?

As a fulltime working physician, I enjoy showcasing my medical knowledge and incorporate them into skincare and beauty. After all, any good skincare regime is futile without healthy lifestyle because it does not stem from within. To maintain good skin health, fundamental things like adequate hydration, avoid smoking, a balanced diet and active lifestyle are the basis-- but it is still not being emphasized enough. And this becomes even more important as people ages. 

5. If you had the power to change the world today, what would you do?

The world is becoming less healthy-- both physically and mentally. Due to the current pandemic, many has become even more sedentary by working from home, and getting daily necessities d elivered to doorstep. This means a huge loss in the level of incidental activity. People who have no means to maintain social connectedness, especially those who are underprivileged (the poor and the old), their routines get disrupted, they may lose the means to be able to fend for themselves and make a living . Frail older people are particularly vulnerable when they become home bound.

We may not be able to curb the transmission over the short term but I believe everyone needs to come together as one, to embrace the new normal,  stop the chain of transmission, while at the same time, be mindful of those who are being disadvantaged and still find means to reach out --- even if it is as simple as helping to set up video call for an elderly to contact their loved ones. 

As a single person, I will not be able to reach out to everyone. But to bring about the awareness to more people using my social media handles-- so everyone can do their part in keeping our society together and healthy. 

Your Experience of the Campaign

1. Why did you decide to take part in this campaign? 


I have always been interested in content creation. I see this campaign as a leaping ground for me to get first hand information and knowledge how to revolutionize my love for sharing and to really get the message across to my followers. Getting accepted and being able to join the top 55 contestants mean a lot to me. It is an acknowledgment to my dedication in producing quality contents. It has also become a source of motivation for me to carry on. 


2. What are some of the key things you have learnt thus far in this campaign?

[Talk about key learnings, share exciting experience, what have you applied from the workshops so far]


It has been an educational journey. I have learnt how to position myself in the world of content creation, how to produce quality content that will attract engagement including the story I want to tell, the angle, the lighting, the editing as well as the focus. Anyone can post on social media but whether the post will resonate with others depends on how sincere and how others can relate to the post. As people tend to scroll through contents, the first impression of the posts become the determining factor of whether your readers will invest interest. 

3. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

I will complete my subspecialty training in geriatrics after 3 years. By then I am hoping to promote healthy living as well as healthy aging. I want to build a supportive online community who continues to make important conversations and to live healthily. And of course become an inspiration to those around them. As I become older, I want to live by example and prove I can still be youthful and beautiful. 

I am also hoping to let the older generation know-- becoming old is not an excuse to stop learning or to live healthily. In fact they should treasure and maintain their level of independence. The Eco Beauty Squad campaign has definitely improved my skills at content creation-- to portray the ability to shine through natural beauty using healthy lifestyle, aided by suitable skincare products.








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Monday, November 2, 2020

Is collagen supplementation worth the hype? | Vii Nutrition Sakura Collagen Review

 I have tried many collagen supplements but believe me, I am choosy when it comes to what to consume. I will show you why and how to pick the right product off the shelf.

40 years down the road, this is what face app think I will look like without me doing anything to slow the skin aging process. I think this looks fairly graceful but I definitely don't mind having less wrinkles :p

Collagen is abundant in human and animal connective tissue as the secret ingredient which makes skin elastic, joints lubricated and bones strong. With ageing, collagen production diminishes. So supplementing diet rich in collagen sounds like the way to go-- but most are quickly broken down during digestion, so how can any of this be true? Therefore, only certain collagen preparations work such as hydrolyzed collagen and collagen with enteric coating to withstand stomach acid to allow most of the protein molecules to be absorbed into the bloodstream.

Always find out the exact ingredients in what you take. Make sure they are natural and produced by reputable source. I always research the products before purchase using reliable search engine like SFA.

In my constant quest for safe and effective collagen supplement, I have been taking Sakura collagen for a month now.

What is in Sakura Collagen by Vii Nutrition?

Patented Verisol® collagen peptide is the pioneer in the market developed by Gelita, the world's leading collagen manufacturer from Germany. . A unique membrane coating technology is used to prevent breakdown by the digestive system to allow the collagen to be absorbed by the body and gets delivered to its target site (underneath the skin, in the joints and bones). Verisol® also lasts for 192-hours - far exceeding the standard collagen peptide's at 8-hours.

Patented sakura extract is derived from hand-picked fresh petals within the "golden seven days" of its bloom. It contains two main active ingredients Caffeoyl Glucose and Quercetin Glucose. These are potent antioxidants to prevent premature skin aging and are able to stimulate skin cells from producing more collagen. As an anti-glycation agent, sakura extract also inhibits melanin formation to reduce skin tanning. Japanese Yuzu extract helps skin cell renewal and protects the stability of collagen. At the same time, Roselle extract is also rich in antioxidants.

Besides that, Vii Nutrition have also established a collaboration with Fitoplancton Marino - a world leading Spain-based company producing marine microalgae called TetraSOD® which forms the backbone of Vii Nutrition’s MA+ product. All Vii Nutrition products undergoes vigorous Pro Nutri Technology (PNT) Research, partnering with local scientists in both UPM and University of Malaysia Sabah. Therefore, the product quality is assured by multiple certifications such as GMP, MESTI, Halal, as well as ISO 9001.

What does Dr Yingzangel think?

Preliminary research suggests that collagen supplements are safe and effective to improve the health of skin and joints. But be cautious because the Ministry of Health does not regulate supplements, making it impossible to know if the supplement really matches what’s on the label. Therefore, choose brands that use third party testing, like NeoCell, rather than generic brands. Be vigilant and do not believe extreme claims-- especially in the ability to reverse aging, effects of unhealthy lifestyle, diet and previous smoking, as well as excessive UV exposure.

Disclaimer: the opinion given is merely a personal experience and does not constitute formal medical advice. Please seek your medical professional's advice before any complementary therapy. Always ask for certified professionals before proceeding with supplementation and stop if discomfort or side effect ensues.

Vii Nutrition Official Website


 Good oral health is the basis of general well-being. It ensures a healthy smile. This boosts self confidence and leaves a lasting impressio...