Monday, October 30, 2023


 Good oral health is the basis of general well-being. It ensures a healthy smile. This boosts self confidence and leaves a lasting impression during social encounters. 

Our family believes in MISMIS® oral care products.  MISMIS® is a premium natural oral care brand that pledges to provide superior products harnessed from the power of nature combined with innovative technology. MISMIS® range from adult toothpaste, toothbrush, travel kit, mouthwash to kid’s toothpaste and toothbrush.

MISMIS®  Commitment to Your Smile

MISMIS® is registered with the Ministry of Health, consistently tested for COA (Certificate of Analysis), certified Halal by JAKIM, and operate from a GMP-certified factory.  MISMIS® Cocoa Mint Premium Natural Toothpaste (the active ingredient being polyphenol cocoa-tannin) is tested in-vitro by reputable SGS laboratory for effectiveness in inhibiting the growth of the predominant bacteria, Streptococcus mutans, by an astonishing rate of more than 99%. This is the main culprit for dental caries. 

The Natural Goodness

MISMIS® products are crafted with care, infused with natural ingredients that not only promote oral health but also elevate your overall oral care experience.

Collaboration and innovation betwween MISMIS® and Malaysian Cocoa Board, has discovered the power of polyphenol cocoa tannin, a natural antibacterial agent inhibits the growth of harmful bacteria in your mouth. This unique ingredient does not only ensures fresh breath but also contributes to a healthier smile.

Beyond Clean: The MISMIS Difference

What sets MISMIS® apart is their commitment to purity. MISMIS® products are free from parabens, SLS (Sodium Lauryl Sulphate), and fluoride. This provides effective oral care without compromising on your well-being.


NFA Technologies Sdn Bhd received the 2022 Malaysian Cocoa Industry Award for Best Innovation, recognizing their excellence in introducing MISMIS®  Cocoa Mint Natural Toothpaste.

Market Penetration

MISMIS® products are conveniently accessible at AEON, LOTUS, pharmacies, and dental clinics. Annually, the brand actively distributes samples to introduce new consumers to its offerings and participates in the 'Kempen Beli Barangan Malaysia' campaign. As part of its ongoing growth strategy, MISMIS® is currently in the process of expanding its presence to other major retail chains.

NFA Technologies Sdn Bhd is committed to actively supporting humanitarian aid initiatives. Their engagement extends beyond Malaysia, reaching regions such as Fiji, Bangladesh, Indonesia, and many others. They consistently contribute to and endorse hygiene programs as part of their ongoing effort to make a positive impact to communities in need.

MISMIS®  is the trusted local brand that offers my family the optimal choice in oral care. And it can also be yours!

For more info, visit or MISMIS®  social medias: -







Sunday, September 17, 2023



乳牙健康在小孩成长过程扮演很重要的角色。所以我们家选择用Mismis Dental Kit (2 in 1) Just for Kids


Dental Kit (2 in 1) Just for Kids:儿童口腔护理新时代

这非凡的产品是为满足儿童口腔护理需求而精心设计,设有各种各样迷人的牙刷款式设计,专为儿童打造,并以Chocolata Bubble Gummy两种可口的牙膏口味作为配搭。此套装也配置了生动的互动游戏,孩子们将被美术卡片吸引并乐在其中。



为了满足注重健康的消费者们不断演变的需求,在Dental Kit (2 in 1) Just for Kids的配方中,天然成分占了惊人的99%。这精心配制的配方突出了全面性的口腔护理,为培养可持续的儿童口腔卫生习惯打下基础。这与众不同的特点加强了父母们选择此牙膏的信心,符合我们的价值观--不含潜在的有害添加剂又环保。

为坚守安全承诺,Mismis 坚决不在Dental Kit (2 in 1) Just for Kids的配方中使用对羟苯甲酸酯、氟、含十二烷基硫酸钠(SLS),和十二烷基聚氧乙醚硫酸钠(SLES)。这强调了与家长们共同优先孩子健康的决心,让家长们安心的选择符合他们的核心价值的牙膏。在培养良好口腔健康习惯的同时不影响整体健康,此产品为尽责的口腔护理制定了新的行业标准。



Mismis 坚定不移的以为家家户户提供优质的口腔护理为使命。Dental Kit (2 in 1) Just for Kids的定价合理,以确保不同经济背景的家庭能享受优质的口腔护理品。这帮助父母在家中灌输口腔卫生习惯,为孩子们的终生口腔健康打好基础。


NFA 科技私人有限公司:Mismis品牌旗下儿童口腔护理方案突破创新的推动者

NFA科技私人有限公司为尖端产品的开发赋予动力,以成为Mismis品牌的成立和开发的动力引擎为荣。通过与马来西亚可可局的合作,Mismis 为满足当今客户们不断变化的需求而实现了创新口腔护理方案。




为了证实有效性,Mismis 对儿童牙膏进行了全面的体外测试。结论性结果充分表明,证明了该产品出色的抑菌功能,惊人的成功抑制超过99%。这一响亮的验证不仅仅突出了该牙膏的有效性,也呈现了MismisNFA科技取得可信、可靠并经科学验证的成果的不懈努力。此外,Mismis也注册于马来西亚卫生部的国家药剂监管局(NPRA),获得大马伊斯兰发展局(JAKIM)的清真认证,他们的工厂也获得良好生产规范(GMP)认证。为了确保产品的安全,他们的产品分批不断地接受必要的检测和《分析报告》鉴定。

最后,Mismis NFA科技之间的合作和努力为儿童口腔护理立下了举足轻重的里程碑,体现在了Dental Kit (2 in 1) Just for Kids的革命创新。这精心设计的产品体现了他们的共同,可靠的理念,致力于健康、安全和可及性。以令人信服的99.9%天然成分配方,加上了无对羟苯甲酸酯,无氟,无十二烷基硫酸钠/十二烷基聚氧乙醚硫酸钠的配方,成就了家长们为孩子们寻得完善和全面性口腔护理方案的黄金标准。在科学验证的基础上,此产品的有效性更显稳固,为卓越儿童口腔卫生开展新时代。在Mismis决心为口腔护理重新定义的带领下,接受这创新产品的家庭开始了一段变革性的旅程,迈向更健康,更光彩照人的微笑。



成立于2014年,NFA科技私人有限公司以一支先锋之力崛起,其独特之处在于它是第一家公司致力于生产和销售融入了可可多酚萃取物以及各种天然成分如丁香、橄榄和椰子精华。 他们的产品也向国内和海外贸易市场销售,专注于满足家庭各个年龄组对清真口腔护理方案的需求。

一项标志性的成果就是NFA科技私人有限公司和马来西亚可可局之间的合作,融合了科研和专业知识以利用高质量的可可多酚为创造Mismis知名口腔护理品牌的关键成分。在各个重要实体包括马来西亚科技发展机构(MTDC)、马来西亚国内贸易及消费人事务部(KPDNHEP)、人民信托局(MARA)、大马清真工业发展机构(HDC)、马来西亚生物经济发展机构、中小型企业机构(SME Corp)的大力支持下,NFA科技开辟了一条致力和全面创新的道路。值得关注的是,NFA也与各种非政府组织如大马青年志工团队(MyCorps建立了有意义的伙伴关系,积极的贡献于国内和海外(如孟加拉、印度尼西亚、斐济以及其它国家)的“个人卫生项目”。

Mismis产品可在全国的牙科诊所、药房、超市和杂货店买到,包括了永旺(AEON)、Lotus超市,Maslee 指定药房、和清真便利店。Mismis产品也可在各个线上平台上购得,包括了Big2 Bazaar、虾皮(Shopee)、Ourshop、来赞达(Lazada)、和Shoppymore,以及其它各类电子商务平台。



Mismis 来自于这具有感染力的标语:“Make It Smile, Make It Smile”的英文首字母缩写,让消费者每次遇到Mismis的时候都加倍的欢笑和欣喜。无论Mismis到了何处都留下喜乐和笑容的足迹。








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Monday, January 9, 2023

Cerahi Kehidupan Bersama TOP’

Back-to-School Campaign Returns to Support 200 Children from Program Perumahan Rakyat (PPR) Communities Kuala Lumpur

The majority of Malaysian families eagerly anticipate the start of the new school year, racing to equip their children with all new school necessities to motivate the kids to excel in their primary education. However, for urban poor families, the new school year is laden with major expenses. While the percentage of urban poor is relatively low at 3.8%, Malaysia has one of the fastest urbanisation rates in South-East Asia with 77.9% of the country’s 32.4 million population living in urban areas which translates to almost 960,000 urban dwellers living in poverty. 

Most of the urban poor are settled in Projek Perumahan Rakyat (PPR) low-cost flats, which are densely populated with limited public amenities that are often associated with drug and alcohol abuse, crime and petty theft as well as domestic violence and abuse, making the residents vulnerable. Those with lower educational attainment tend to be from households with lower incomes causing the income gap to widen. Encouraging and improving education opportunities is key to reduce income inequality.

 Understanding the plight of these urban poor families and recognising the importance of education for all, the Cerahi Kehidupan Bersama TOP (Brighter Future with TOP) charity fund-raising campaign is collaborating with MYDIN to equip a total of 200 Primary One students from hardcore poor families living in PPR communities in Kuala Lumpur, Selangor, Johor and Penang, with back-to-school essentials for the 2023/2024 school year. A portion of sales from selected TOP detergent products across MYDIN stores from December 15, 2022 to January 15, 2023 will be channelled to equipping these 200 Primary One school students. 

 The back-to-school essentials include brand new school uniform, school shoes, socks, stationery set, pencil case, and colour pencils for each child. TOP will deliver the personalised back-to-school packs to the families ahead of the new school term giving parents and children ease-of-mind that they be on a level playing field with other classmates. Since its inception in 2015, the Cerahi Kehidupan Bersama TOP campaign has benefited 3,206 children from 97 communities nationwide with back-to-school essentials, while contributing TOP detergent products to their families and caregivers. 

 TOP recently introduced The TOP Colour Signature line of Super Colour premium powder detergent and Colour Protect premium liquid detergent with breakthrough 5D Colour ProTech Laundry Technology that allows consumers to wash all laundry together with the confidence that colours won’t bleed, colourful clothes remain vibrant, and dark clothes stay dark. It prevents fabric from early aging, keeping them newer for longer helping prolong the life of garments thus promoting more sustainable living. 

Each participating family in the Cerahi Kehidupan Bersama TOP program will receive a 2.1kg pack of TOP Super Colour powder detergent from this line, and a reusable detergent dispenser. All TOP detergents including the Colour Signature line are powered by Advanced Micro-Clean Tech with Lion Japan’s Anti-Microbial Tech that deploys next generation detergent technology that effectively removes 99.9% of harmful viruses including (COVID-19 virus, Influenza A & Coxsackie), and bacteria. This specially curated multi-tech formulation includes Anti-Malodour, Anti-Mite Dust and Anti-Sebum functionalities, enhanced with Bolder Scent Technology, a distinctive fragrance with proven efficacy against malodour control while it enhances mood.

 TOP partnered with Kloth Cares and INTI to introduce the Colour Signature detergent line, and in the process collected more than 700 kilograms of good quality pre-loved clothing kindly donated by the Malaysian public. The pre-loved clothing will be cleaned and made available to participating families interested in upcycling projects. “Rising cost of living is a global issue, and the urban poor are most at risk. Back-to-school preparations for even one child can disrupt the tight budgets of urban poor families, yet education is vital for these kids to break the cycle of poverty. 

Having similar back-to-school items as other students can help to motivate them and put them in the right headspace to excel. This is why the Cerahi Kehidupan Bersama TOP campaign resonates with and is supported by Malaysians who are invested in helping other Malaysians achieve their full potential. Thanks to MYDIN for their cooperation on this campaign,” says Ms Carmen Foo, Senior General Manager of Southern Lion Sdn Bhd. 

 To support the Cerahi Kehidupan Bersama TOP campaign in providing 200 urban poor Primary One students with back-to-school essentials, the public can purchase TOP detergent products from any participating MYDIN store nationwide from 15 December 2022 to 15 January 2023. 

 “We are committed to supporting 200 children through this campaign but we hope to achieve a higher collection so that we can help even more kids. Join TOP to make a difference to urban poor families so that they can enjoy a brighter future,” adds Ms Carmen Foo in closing. 

 To find out more about TOP products and the campaign, please visit or call customer care line at 1800-880-133. - E N D S – About Southern Lion Sdn Bhd Southern Lion Sdn. Bhd. is a 50/50 joint venture company between Lam Soon (M) Bhd and LION CORPORATION, Japan. 

For more information, please visit 


 Good oral health is the basis of general well-being. It ensures a healthy smile. This boosts self confidence and leaves a lasting impressio...