Tuesday, October 6, 2009

End of year

Stress has definitely been building up. I can see, smell, sense and taste it everywhere.

The medical students are worried about both the written paper and OSCE(given that we will NOT have stems provided a week before).

Less and less students are staying back late on the wards. You can see people reading during lunch or holing up the library.

Everyone wants their PBL to be finished ASAP. Lots of revision sessions for common clinical problems and clinical skills are being held.

No more lazy weekends because we have just realised that we haven't learnt enough for the exam. Such as the norm year after year because there is no 'enough' in medicine.

Why Study For Exams.... Are they not about what you know, not about how much you can cram into your head the night before?

The more we study, the more we discover our ignorance
--Percy Bysshe Shelley

If one studies too zealously, one easily loses his pants.
--Albert Einstein

Thursday, October 1, 2009

l.o.v.e from everyone at home

Thanks anut for sharing such a nice poem...

The secret is within u.
and the more u use the power(think wat u wan, u become) within u,
the more u will draw it to u.
u will reach a point where u wont nid to practice anymore, bcos

u will be the power,
u will be the perfection,
u will be the wisdom,
u will be the intelligence,
u will be the love,
u will be the joy...

The earth turns on its orbit for u
the oceans ebb n flow for u
the birds sing for u
the sun rises n it sets for u
the stars come out for u
every beautiful thing u c,
every wondrous thing u experience,
is all there,
for u
take a look around
none of it can exists, without u
no matter who u tot u were,
now u know the Truth of Who u really r.
u r the master of the universe
u r the heir to the kingdom
u r the perfection of life
now u know the secret

by rhonda byrne
the secret
to teen power

jus to share after reading ha

jus for tis time
bye n take care
l.o.v.e from everyone at home

Friday, September 11, 2009


Akshay started the game Assasin amongst the Dandenong students.

And I got killed on the first day.

Hashrul lied that there was a tute organised and Ryan and I had to follow different registrars. I was a bit suspicious at first but trusted him and got killed...gah....what a bummer. But it's getting interesting watching others playing..haha

Finally got my phone back and memory card replaced! Yay!

Starting in colorectal ward next monday. It should be pretty interesting as it's one of the biggest unit in Southern Health.

Monday, August 31, 2009

The cutest USB I've seen

Today was the opening day for our student lounge after we have been using it since the start of the semester. We had a great tea time and of course freebies ^^ And I bet no one could resist the temptation of owning one of those cute surgeon USBs.

I got bored while studying for hand examination. Therefore, show time!
*Sorry for the poor quality. I took it using my old phone*

My Dr.USB without his head.

Dr. USB running towards a MET call.

Dr. USB saving the pretty patient.

Dr.USB compared with my normal USB.

Dr. USB taking a photo in front of his 'house'

p.s. Bro, it's soooo cute! Too bad I couldn't get you one :( All the best in your exams and assignments! I will teach you to cook whenever you decide to come over^^

Saturday, August 29, 2009


Saturday is the day to relax and rejuvenate myself from the intensive learning exercises in a clinical environment. But 2 incidents nearly ruined it.

1. On the way back from grocery shopping this morning, a car was going to turn out from the driveway into the street. I was driving on the street. I saw the driver looking at my direction. Somehow, the driver did not see me and decide to just swerve the car out. I panicked and jammed the brakes. And then blasted my honk. And shrieked. Fortunately, no one was injured. I was just 1minute drive away from home.

2. On the way back from playing badminton, Ryan was cruising along Princes Highway. This red car stopped at a small junction, waiting to turn into the highway. The driver turned and stared at Ryan. And as if he did not see our car at all, he started to turn SLOWLY into the highway. We were driving 80km/h on the highway. Having quick reflexes, Ryan sounded the car horn and pressed the brakes with all his might. I was screaming and I could hear the tires screeching. Good timing to test the brakes after the 6 monthly service. Our car just managed to stop 5cm
away from the mindless driver's.

Often, people tend to think that they should be safe as long as they obey the traffic laws. But what if you just happened to meet poeple who haven't brought their brain along while they are driving? It's not just a matter of money, it concerns life and death.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Yet Another Friday

I wanted to finish all my MCRs this week yet I only managed to finish one:(

One of the doctors was not free and one of the patients just disappeared.

Anyhow, I just started to play waka-waka(FB version of Pacman yesterday) and I shall say it's extremely addictive!

p.s. Finish 10% of the year this week, half of what I expected..haha...maybe I am too ambitious

by the way, I love Soul Eater!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Windy day...take II

I clerked a patient this morning for tutorial on Friday. She must have told so many people about what happened that she knew exactly what to tell me.

Our group then had a suturing workshop. We sutured pig throttles which smelled a little bit too meaty at times. But it was completely different from suturing synthetic skin. And I conquered my fear by opening an ampoule! Nothing to boast about, I am too excited^^

Please don't rain :(


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