Wednesday, August 18, 2010

A friend posted the English version on facebook.
So I youtubed the mandarin version.

This song is a patriotic song for Singapore. But I love it, love the lyrics.

I have not listened to this song for a while.
Yet I am always on the verge of tears contemplating the lyrics.
Very touched.
Home is the place I would rather be.
Even though I might have been to so many other corners of the world.

*Miss home*
What a beautiful song!

每一次我感到彷徨 不自禁就会回头望
我知道心中有个地方 一定会有一盏灯
照亮每一颗黑暗的心房 指引未来方向
沿着生命河流向前航 就能登陆理想

我的家 收藏 我的欢喜悲伤
只要点燃希望 梦就会自由飞翔
我的家 给我 一双坚定翅膀
我的梦 不论在何方 一生的爱 唯有家

再也不会感到彷徨 不会再失意回头望
我要用心中一点烛光 燃放千万户辉煌
要让繁华的城市更灿烂 世界和平共享
全凭生命河流来导航 一起登陆理想
全凭生命河流来导航 一起登陆理想

This is Home Truly
  Where I know I must be
  Where my Dreams wait for me
  Where that river always flows

  This is Home Truly
  All my Senses tell me
  This is where I won't be Alone
  For this is where I know it's home

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Banzai Aotearoa!!!! Slideshow

Banzai Aotearoa!!!! Slideshow: "TripAdvisor™ TripWow ★ Banzai Aotearoa!!!! Slideshow ★ to Melbourne and South Island by Angel Yun Ying Ho. Stunning free travel slideshows on TripAdvisor"

Saturday, August 7, 2010

New blogger background

I was just experimenting with the template designer.
And thought this background suits me a lot.
I wish my heart is like autumn--quiet but has irresistible beauty.
The kind of solace that is different from the frigid winter.
The kind of peace that is away from distractions in summer.
The kind of isolation that is devoid of blossoms.

I have not written anything for quite an extended period of time.
I have been too preoccupied with studies.
Not exactly good because I think I am obsessed about it.
But I will do my best :)

Friday, June 25, 2010

Terrifying dental visit

$30 xray of my teeth. No dental caries, no split in tooth. What is the source of the pain? Gum?
Thus, had calculus removal and topical fluoride application on my whole set of teeth.

And it cost $120 in total...

BUT, the lancinating pain struck again when I bit into----->a piece of kiwi fruit!
15minutes after I saw the dentist.

At least there is no tooth extraction :D

Perhaps I should start visiting a dentist regularly. That is, if I can muster enough courage to see one :p

Sunday, June 13, 2010

The heart of Australia

It took a while for Ryan to convince me to spend 5 days of the winter holiday to venture into the outback. I was not particularly impressed to walk through dusty and muddy paths to begin with. However, the Red Center was indeed breathtaking.

Soon we realised that travelling via a campervan/caravan is a popular option amongst the locals. We rented a Mercedes campervan from Maui and were very satisfied with its features. The total distance we drove was at least 2000km!
Our house for 5 days

Day 1: Alice Springs->East Macdonell Ranges
Jessie Gap 500m walk

Corroboree rock 1km walk

Trephina Gorge about 2km walk
Outback treat: emu, kangaroo, crocodile, buffalo all on one plate @ Bojangles
Starry night

Day 2: Alice Springs->Kings Canyon
Kings Canyon Rim Walk 7.2km
Sunrise on the way to Uluru
Needless to say, the pictures have told the story.

Day 3: Kings Canyon->The Olgas
Valley of the wind walk 7.4km
 One of the nice lookout points along the way.

Walpa Gorge walk 2.6km
 The green plants are spear vines.

Sunset at Ayers rock
 The colour of the rock changes every so frequent and it can be red and then glowing orange in half a minute~We had our picnic tables and chairs strategically placed to watch sunset.

Day 4: Ayers Rock->Alice Springs->West Macdonell Ranges
Sunrise at the rock
Spot the moon~
The climb 1.6km/863m above sea level.
There is quite a lot of controversy surrounding climbing the rock and you can read about the debate. Nevertheless, I found the rock worth climbing. The climb was quite challenging with rewarding scenery.

 I have conquered Ayers Rock!

Cultural Center
We were not allowed to photograph there. There were several Aboriginal Art Galleries there, with some of the pieces pricing up to $3000! There were stories about how 4 different tribes had a great battle near the rock and created the landscape.
Aboriginal life at a small town in the outback

Day 5: West Mcdonell Ranges->Alice Springs->Melbourne
Glen Helen Gorge
 This gorge was just behind Glen Helen Resort which we spent a night at.

Ormiston Gorge(Ghost gum walk+Waterhole walk) about 2-3km walk

Dingo sighting at the waterhole~

Standley Chasm about 1-2km walk
Simpsons Gap
Unfortunately, we had a flat tire 5km away from Alice Springs. But fortunately, emergency help arrived within half an hour.
This looked pretty impressive, eh?

I am in awe of the rocks and sands which can look really spectacular! A great trip during this winter indeed.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Medical Speciality Aptitute test

This is so different from what I think I would like to be...
Take the test yourself

Rank Specialty Score
1 general surgery 42
2 urology 41
3 neurology 41
4 otolaryngology 40
5 orthopaedic surgery 40
6 radiology 40
7 endocrinology 40
8 neurosurgery 39
9 ophthalmology 38
10 preventive med 38
11 occupational med 38
12 aerospace med 38
13 plastic surgery 38
14 physical med & rehabilitation 38
15 hematology 38
16 emergency med 38
17 allergy & immunology 38
18 nephrology 37
19 pathology 37
20 infectious disease 37
21 thoracic surgery 37
22 obstetrics/gynecology 37
23 cardiology 36
24 colon & rectal surgery 36
25 anesthesiology 36
26 gastroenterology 36
27 dermatology 35
28 radiation oncology 35
29 general internal med 35
30 med oncology 35
31 rheumatology 35
32 pulmonology 35
33 nuclear med 34
34 family practice 34
35 psychiatry 33
36 pediatrics 33

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Of craziness and night shifts

Since I am a peace keeper, the only way for me to get my deliveries done will be during night shifts. I try to avoid conflict, especially with the midwifery students. However, this also translates into a whole day of no sleeping(or sleeping for 2-3hours). And unfortunately, as our roster is NOT designed for us to stay overnight, I usually will have clinics/tutorials the next morning. Hence, the constant need to drown myself with caffeine. I used to get palpitations with a small cup of nescafe. However, I have realised that coffee doesn't work very well with time.

Doing nights is fun as I have plenty of opportunities to learn and ask questions. However, this also means that I might not be at my perfect state of learning in the wee hours of the morning. There are also more spontanoeous delivery happening, that is if lady luck is on your side. I once went home at 1am just to find out the next morning that the lady gave birth at 2.45am. Night staff are usually friendlier too. And I get to be the crazy medical student who does not need sleep. Haha. Fun.

But the problem is I need to find things(other than studying) to do in order to fill up my free time. This is just because studying too early in the morning(or rather, too late at night) doesn't work for me.

The part I worry about the most is usually when I am driving. With my passable driving skills, driving home when I am sleep deprived does not stand me in good stead at all. However, I can't find a place for me to sleep anyway.

Despite the cons, I still think I will enjoy night shifts. Less time, more deliveries~


 Good oral health is the basis of general well-being. It ensures a healthy smile. This boosts self confidence and leaves a lasting impressio...