Thursday, January 6, 2011

The night with little sleep and lots of drama

Ryan and I took the midnight express train intending to travel from Kluang to Kuala Lipis. There were a couple of 'interesting' incidents.

A woman in her 60s was a chatterbox. Her seat was at the 2 o'clock direction from us. She had to repeat everything she said for at least 5 times. As much as I tried to block her voice out of my head, it was in vain. I only managed to shut my eyes when she stopped chatting which was a rare occasion. One of the funny things that she said was, " 火车没有停居峦啦,难怪酱快啦。它只是有停kluang一下啦!" For those who didn't get the joke, 居峦and kluang refers to the same place 0_o!! Her pronunciation was also off. For example, she kept referring 吉兰丹 as 吉林丹, 回去 as 飞去. 真令人啼笑皆非。

When the train drove through Kemayan, it stopped again in the middle of nowhere. Ryan and I was awoken to a half empty carriage. It then dawn upon us that an accident had happened. Most of the passengers were already alight, joining the growing crowd at the scene. There was a lot of speculations around it. The general consensus was that a car had skidded and plunged onto the railway tracks from the overhead bridge on 光明路。The train driver saw the white Proton car and braked. However, the car was still run over by the train and dragged along for about 100m. The passenger survived but the driver was killed. It took about 2 hours for them to rush the survivor to the nearest hospital and to tow the car away from the rail. It sounded as if there was a lot of excitement. But we were just stuck in the train and bored. haha.

So the estimated time of arrival was 3.30am. We reached Kuala Lipis at 6.10am. After a plate of spicy fried noodles, we headed home. I only managed to force my eyes open at 11am.

The poor car crushed beyond recognition
Mom was so worried when she heard about the eventful journey. But we could barely feel the impact. Lucky us. I could only feel fatigue :p

Monday, December 27, 2010

Gulliver's Travel on a Sunday evening

It's been years since I watched a movie in Malaysia. Zhe suggested us to go for Gulliver's Travel in 3D at Kluang Mall yesterday evening. I wanted to watch Tron more, actually. Ha. But I wanted to tag along for some fun too. We were expecting the cinema to be freezing cold but it was just nice.ha

Ning and I with our 3D glasses which kept falling off my actual glasses.haha

IMDB rating 5.5

Not an awfully good rating but the movie in general was funny. It was more like a comedy for family. The plot was predictable yet did not lose its moments of humour. There were not enough special effects to worth watching it in 3D though.

The movie did teach me something important though. Everyone needs an aspiration and shall not be afraid to live their dream.
Dinner was Sushi King. It was actually my first time (if I remember it correctly) stepping into this restaurant. It had conveyer belt sushi too.

The conveyer belt

Some octopus sushi

A selection of sashimi

Sunday, December 26, 2010

The case of the missing crab

Uncle brought 3kg of crabs home yesterday night. In the morning, I woke up seeing Ning holding a torch looking for something. So some of the crabs went missing! lol...We searched the whole house, including upstairs. The crabs were finally found in...........................

THE STOREROOM under the staircase!

They forgot to close the door before turning in...haha

Besides that home is as uneventful as ever. Relaxing but I'm starting to yearn for something more exciting.haha

My laptop has gone crazy, can't re-upload the pictures that I have rotated-->

My new ceramic water bottle--christmas gift from Ning <3 it!
More warm coffee made possible..hahaha

My new hairstyle. I am still learning to get used to my fringe because I find it annoying sometimes.
But my godmother and godsister says it makes me look younger..haha
Mom keeps disapproving it. Her comment was 盖头盖脸。haha

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Taiwan trip

I am seriously too lazy to blog about the trip. But I will introduce Taiwan in brief ^^

Day 1: TaoYuan International Airport-->Yomi Hotel-->Raohe Night Market-->Hotel
Day 2: Yomi Hotel-->Taipei Main MRT Station-->Jiu Fen-->Gold Museum-->Golden Waterfall-->Kee Lung Temple Area-->North Eastern Corner Coastal Scenic Drive-->Yeh Liu-->Dan Shui-->Hotel
Day 3: Yomi Hotel-->Taipei International Floral Expo-->Wu Fen Pu-->Taipei 101-->Hotel
Day 4: Hotel-->Yi Lan-->Nan Ao-->Traditional Culture and Handcraft Center-->Coastal Drive-->Hualien-->Homestay
Day5: Homestay-->Toroko Gorge-->Mt. He Huan-->Yu Chi Homestay
Day 6: Homestay-->Sun Moon Lake-->Some Aboriginal Day Market-->Formosan Aboriginal Cultural Village-->Feng Jia Night Market-->Tao Yuan International Airport

SO we have travelled half the island :D
Please kindly visit my FB album :) about Taiwan trip in general, about the Floral Expo and about Taiwan food.

I would like to extend my gratitude to my godparents Aunt Lay Choo and Uncle Miaw Long for inviting me along. I have also re-established a close rapport with my bro (Ping Cheng) and sis (Hui Mei). Love you all :)

Sunday, December 12, 2010

2 years since I've been home

Malaysia has changed. The roads and buildings don't look familiar anymore. The drains smelled worse than I remembered (lol). But the weather is still sweltering hot and unbearable. And the ubiquitous mozzies :x Home is still comfy and never runs out of food. The fish pond is now full of life. And now there is Wii to play with.

As much I miss Pasar Malam, I have to give it a miss today because it is just so damn hot. Too hot for me to even walk around. Because it's sunday we get to bake :D Helped with baking tofu cake, pumpkin scones and egg tarts.

Mom is complaining that I am too skinny. (ROFL, she has never done that!) I think she's determined to forcefeed me. My cousins are all growing tangentially and I look like the tiniest person in the house. Even the Indonesian maid is bigger than

Tried Malaysian food list: Pan Mee, Wanton noodles, curry chicken, chee cheong fan, roti canai& telur, jambu, poh piah, yam cake, instant soy bean milk, milo.

I wanted to upload some photos but the internet is a bit slow for it. Oh well, I can always do it later.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Not complaining :)

I had so much to do during the semester. But now I have been too free. Waking up at whatever time I like, watching Korean series and basically slacking. Sometimes, I am even too lazy to step out of the house.haha. Of course I can't complain about my freedom!

Less than a week before I fly back to Malaysia and head to Taiwan :) I really look forward to the trip. The weather forecast is 14-20 degrees right now. Nice!

Nothing much to update about my recent life. Slacking is good~

Friday, December 3, 2010

The rite to adulthood

My dear brother,

I wish you a very happy and blessed 21st birthday!
It's time to talk and think like an adult. To value independence and shoulder responsiblity.


 Good oral health is the basis of general well-being. It ensures a healthy smile. This boosts self confidence and leaves a lasting impressio...