Friday, February 25, 2022






更重要的是他们家的产品也适合过敏性皮肤使用,因为配方温和,没有硅油, 苯甲酸酯或刺激性物质。里面的植物精粹温和的滋养头皮。护发素里的迷迭香叶油和薄荷油促进头皮血液循环,也帮助改善脱发,头发外观和亮度。我使用后觉得头发光泽改善许多,头皮屑也减少了。

ANNERGY 强壮头皮系列不只产品质量保证,也很注重教导大家怎么护发。记得要关注@annergycollection 专页才能及时看到最新的护发知识!





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Thursday, February 24, 2022

MummyJene The Best Blog For Health Tips Routine


As a fulltime working doctor mommy, I really need to juggle my time well. Learning from fellow mommies like MummyJene provide great support and resources through mommyhood..Below are her tips!

During the early weeks of the quarantine period, my besties and I took to the challenge of exercising at least 15 minutes daily. Amazingly, most of us became very consistent. One bestie outshined us all by sticking to her 30-minute to 1-hour exercise every morning. When most of us just started our day, she would be sending us a photo of her post-workout selfie. Then at tea time, we would take a break from whatever we are doing and say hi to each other through our chat group. We usually share how productive our day was. And this bestie who finished her workout before 7 am would have the most productive day. Her dedication to fitness was inspiring that in the second week, most of us have followed her suit. This is how accountability partners or groups can improve our motivation to achieve our goal of a healthy lifestyle

Stay-at-home vs Working Mom Healthy Lifestyle Tips

Most of us would love to have an accountability partner with a similar schedule. This is where staying at home vs working mom differs. The schedule is what separates us. But instead of focusing on our differences, I want to encourage you that our similarities are far more important. Let's start with a health tip routine with MummyJene's blog.

Healthy Morning Routine For The Busy Working Mom

The morning rush is an epitome in the house of a busy working mom. "Hurry" and "we're late" are the most repeated words. And if you were like me, you probably missed a lot of breakfast throughout the year. The best way to stop these morning problems is to start your day earlier and to boost your energy. But how do we do that? MummyJene has great tips on her website on how to achieve a healthy lifestyle. According to her, starting small and not getting overwhelmed is the first step. Here is a list of her morning routine for a great healthy day.

  1. Rise early. The rule of thumb for Mummy Jene is to always start your day earlier than the children. When you have the house to yourself, you have a minimal distraction.

  2. Exercise. If you are a working mom, early morning is the best time for you to exercise. This is the time that you have the most energy, so grab the opportunity and sweat it out.

  3. Start your day with a glass of water. Staying hydrated is essential in body functioning. After 8 hours (probably less because you're a mom) of sleep and a good sweat from your exercise, you need to replenish on the water. This way, your body is ready for a new day. Plus, it's good for your metabolism.

  4. A quiet time to yourself. Quiet time is a good way to rest from exercise and to create a balance of physical and emotional wellbeing. Depending on you, quiet times can be done through bible reading and prayer, or reading a good book with coffee. As long as you find the needed calm to steady your heartbeat and your breathing.

  5. Don't go hungry. A full meal will help you avoid munching all day and avoid all the extra calories. Plus a healthy meal gives you the right energy boosts needed for the morning hustle.

Healthy morning routine for tired stay at home mom

According to the Pew Research Center, stay-at-home moms (SAHM) have risen over the past decade. And because of this change in trend, awareness of the health condition of SAHM has also increased. It has been known that loneliness and depression are more prone to stay at home vs working mom. Acknowledging this, MummyJene has published health tips that focus on holistic wellbeing. According to her, children will benefit the most if they have a healthy mummy to take care of them. Be healthier with this morning routine.

  1. Start early. Again, it's always good to start your day earlier than the children. When you have the house to yourself, you have the least distraction.

  2. Drink a glass of water. Staying hydrated helps your body function in its optimal state. After your sleep, you need water, so your body kickstarts its metabolism and is ready for a new day.

  3. Have a quiet time. This is probably the most important that you need to be consistent with. Your quiet time in the morning will have a tremendous effect on your emotional health. You can do whatever you like in your quiet time. Be it prayer, meditations, or just plain procrastination. It's not being lazy, it is self-care.

  4. Set your schedule. Schedule your day. This is important because everything happens differently at home, depending on the mood of the children. Make a priority list of the things that you need to complete. Household chores are unending. So a schedule can help you manage your expectations and not over exhaust yourself. 

  5. Take note to include exercise in your schedule. You can do this early in the morning, during kid's nap time, or in the afternoon while hubby is home to entertain the kids. Exercise can be done at any time of the day as long as you know how to manage your energy.

  6. Eat a healthy breakfast. Take it as the liberty to prepare a healthy meal every day for you and your family. Nothing beats a nutritious meal. As they say, let food be thy medicine.

I hope this article helps you to build a balanced lifestyle!

Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Everything You Need To Know About Malaysia Car & Motorcycle Road Tax


Do you know that vehicles and motorbikes all need road tax, car tax, or Vehicle Excise Duty in Malaysia? Or are you completely confused about the road tax system in Malaysia? Road and car tax, or Vehicle Excise Duty, is a responsibility by any car or motorcycle owner, which vehicles (either private or company) are used on public roads - paying tax is compulsory if you own one. Car tax rates are based on different factors. Find out these and more in this article.

What Is Road Tax?

Road tax is a fee you pay on your vehicle or motorcycle if you want to drive on the road. If your car is duly registered in the country – it has a number plate – then you must pay road tax. The tax money is paid directly into the central government purse used for road work and maintenance. Road tax is administered by the Road Transport Department (JPJ).

How Much Do I Pay For Road Tax?

Are you ready to renew your vehicle road tax? The amount you pay for road tax depends on:

  • The vehicle's engine cubic capacity

  • Your location

  • Type of use (private or company)

  • Type of car

Vehicle's Engine Cubic Capacity

The bigger the engine size of your vehicle, the more tax you pay. The price increase is because it's believed that the bigger the vehicle's engine size, the more the car pollutes the environment. Hence, big engine vehicle owners have to pay more for driving more polluting cars. It is to encourage ownership of less polluting vehicles.

Location (East or West Malaysia)

The location you reside in plays a significant role in determining the amount you pay for Malaysia's road tax. If you stay in East Malaysia, you will probably be spending a lesser amount than others in West Malaysia. The condition of Sabah and Sarawak road infrastructure and the network isn't the same as the ones in Peninsular - therefore, driving from one place to another in areas like Sabah and Sarawak takes a longer time.

Similarly, many people in this location (Sabah and Sarawak) drive four-wheel drive vehicles with strong engines due to the geographical condition, rugged terrain, and inferior road surface. Due to these reasons, vehicle road tax rates are cheaper in East Malaysia. Road Transport Department (JPJ) said that the more affordable road tax structure in Sabah & Sarawak is meant to compensate for all the inadequacies in that location. Furthermore, in locations such as Labuan, Langkawi, and Pangkor, if your vehicle engine capacity is 1,000cc or less, you pay a flat fee of RM20; however, If your vehicle engine capacity is more than 1,000cc, you'll have to pay 50% less of the road tax price being paid in Sabah or Sarawak.

Type Of Use (Private or Company)

The type of use of your vehicle also plays a role in determining the amount you pay for road tax. If your vehicle is registered as a private car, you will pay less money than cars registered as a vehicle.

Type Of Vehicle

All vehicles in Malaysia are divided into two broad sections:

  • Saloon: Sedan / Hatchback / Coupe / Wagon / Convertible

  • Non-Saloon: MPV / SUV / Pick-ups / Commercial

These two categories also pay a different amount for vehicle road tax. Private cars are classified as 'saloon' vehicles; they pay a lesser fee to Non- Saloon cars. However, MPV, SUV, or pickup trucks are classified as non-saloon vehicles and pay a higher rate than saloon cars. For the Non- Saloon cars category, it does not matter if it's private or company-owned; you pay the same amount.

Final Thought

We must make sure that our roads are safe by paying our road tax regularly. If you want to renew your road tax or auto insurance, you can always do it online at

Friday, December 24, 2021

Vit’s Italian Mi Goreng Series Will Definitely light up Your Christmas Theme

 Hello, Vit’s Noodles Lover! Let’s welcome December with a festive cheer because we’re definitely feeling the holiday spirit! Christmas is coming and there could be no greater method for partaking in this merry season than with some Christmassy food and pastries. Furthermore, nothing rings in the bubbly cheer like Christmas gifts and food, obviously!

Do you guys know that Vit Makanan (Kuala Lumpur) Sdn Bhd started out as a food trading company in 1975 and gradually ventured into the instant noodle industry. Since the expansion and with the best people in hand, our capabilities and resources have empowered us closer to becoming the world’s preferred noodle expert that signifies global standards in nutritional value, quality and services.

Christmas is a magical season and by buying Vit’s products, you can absolutely feel the Christmas soul! Vit’s Noodles will be happy to introduce to you guys about our new Italian series that definitely will level up your instant noodles craving.

Aglio Olio is a traditional Italian pasta dish from Naples, Italy. Usually cooked with just olive oil and garlic, Aglio Olio is fragrant and a classic pasta dish. You should attempt Vit's Italian Mi Goreng Aglio Olio flavor that is tasty, we bet.

If you prefer tomato-based pasta sauces, Vit’s also got it in Bolognese flavour! Made with fresh tomatoes, garlic and herbs, their new Vit’s Italian Mi Goreng Bolognese is going to be any kid’s or adults comfort food.

Therefore, we would like to take this opportunity to present you with our new product “Vits Italian Mi Goreng Carbonara” featuring exclusive products for you to taste and enjoy. Vits Italian Mi Goreng Carbonara is the latest menu of Vits Italian Mi Goreng series. Its Italian Mi Goreng Carbonara is a combination of Mi Goreng inspired by the classic Italian menu. Introducing the latest Vits Italian Carbonara from Vits made from cheese, chicken ham, butter, chili flakes and cream adding the aura of Italian cuisine. It tastes just as good as being in Italy. Vits Italian Carbonara Fried Noodles is free of preservatives and artificial colors.

The taste of classic cuisine that will satisfy you and the preparation of simple and original recipes. Perfect for those of you who care about time and the aroma of real Italian cuisine.  You can make delicious Italian-style Mi Goreng in as few as four or five steps at home to satisfy your Italian food cravings.

You can be sure that these Italian-style quick noodles will become your new favorite meal due to their affordable prices.

Been craving for your favorite comfort food? You know where to buy? The promo is only Rm 5.95 available at Shopee and Lazada. 

Now you can grab the first and only Malaysia’s Italian Series Instant Noodles from @vits_malaysia. Products are available online and Aeon stores at the moment.

#vitsnoodles #vitsitalianmigoreng #vitsmalaysia

Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Living With COVID-19 : A New Era with a Multi-Pronged Approach in Response to COVID-19

 While the pandemic continues to devastate communities around the world, it is apparent that the COVID-19 virus will be among us for a long time. In Malaysia, the COVID-19 pandemic has not only impacted the economy and the society, but also our healthcare resources. With this in mind, Roche Malaysia recently organised a media round table to focus on the management, interventions and treatment options, aside from the required vaccinations, to help communities, especially the vulnerable patients, cope with living the new normal. 

The esteemed panelists included Dr Chua Hock Hin, Consultant of Internal Medicine and Infectious Diseases from the Sarawak General Hospital and Dr Leong Hoe Nam, Consultant of Infectious Diseases at Rophi Clinic, from Mount Elizabeth Novena Specialist Centre, Singapore while the session was moderated by Dr. Peter Tok from the Centre for Clinical Outcome Research, Institute for Clinical Research, Malaysia.   

“The public needs to be aware that there are  treatment options  which are present now  and soon to be available which will help to control symptoms, as well as contributing to the prevention  and treatment of this disease,” said Dr. Peter. He believes that these tools are needed to prevent and fight future COVID-19 outbreaks and minimise economic shutdowns while ensuring the public feels more at ease living with COVID-19.


“COVID-19 is the biggest global health challenge of our time, but how do we learn to live with it? said Dr. Chua. “One of the best ways is to equip ourselves with the necessary knowledge to understand the disease and the variety of treatment options which includes modern medicines, diagnostics solutions and vaccines. As we are all aware, many companies, research institutions and governments are working tirelessly in collaboration to find therapies that have the potential to treat and manage COVID-19, while the search for safe and effective treatments must continue. That is why it is imperative that the healthcare system acts early alongside vaccines with preventive and treatment methods, in order to eradicate the COVID-19 disease.”

He also added that the “most vulnerable" COVID-19 patients need to be protected as these are patients who are unable to build up an adequate antibody response against COVID-19. These patients, although they have been vaccinated, are also susceptible to breakthrough infection due to their underlying medical comorbidities or medications. “There are a number of different treatments available as well as currently being developed, aiming to address the needs of both non- hospitalised and hospitalised sick patients,  ranging from prophylactic therapies to treatment. This will hopefully help to prevent them from developing severe illness and offer more treatment options when they are  hospitalised, allowing these patients to have a new ‘normal’ and living with COVID-19.”

Dr Leong mentioned that apart from clinical care, supplemental oxygen and mechanical ventilation, there are several treatment options which have proven effective in treating patients with COVID-19 such as neutralising antibodies (NAbs), anti-virals, immunomodulators.  Commenting on NAbs, he said “These neutralising antibodies are naturally occurring antibodies that play an important role in the immune system. They signal the presence of a pathogen in the body so that white blood cells can locate and kill it. Neutralising antibodies are responsible for blocking the entry of a pathogen into a cell so that it is firstly unable to infect healthy cells, and secondly, it is unable to replicate and cause severe infection1. Antivirals on the other hand, work differently depending on the drug and virus type. Antivirals can block receptors so viruses can’t bind to and enter healthy cells, helping it fight off a viral infection and lower the viral load, which is the amount of active virus, in the body2 . Another treatment includes immunomodulators. This is a class of agent that stimulates or suppresses the immune system. We see it used in the fight against cancer, infection, or other diseases3.

Dr Leong further commented on NAbs, stating that, “These NAbs are a state of the art treatment and if given early to patients, we significantly reduce morbidity and  mortality of these patients.  We have made it this far throughout the pandemic, and we will continue to be resilient to face more upcoming challenges, especially with these innovative treatments.”


Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, Roche has explored multiple approaches to meet the needs of those affected by the virus. Although vaccination rates are increasing globally, most countries are entering a fourth wave of rising cases, and treatment options for the full range of disease severity and variants of concern are still needed. 

Deepti Saraf, the General Manager of Roche (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd said that, “In these exceptional times, we are committed to working with our healthcare system in their fight against COVID-19 and minimising its impact. We have developed a growing number of diagnostic solutions that help to detect and diagnose the infection, and continue to develop and support potential therapies which can play a role in treating the disease.”


“The impact of COVID-19 goes beyond those who contract it. That is why we are working with healthcare providers, authorities and organisations to help make sure patients continue to receive the latest innovation in tests, treatment and care they need during these challenging times. Building on a longstanding tradition of partnerships, we are working together to make healthcare stronger and more sustainable in the future.”


Thursday, December 2, 2021

Teeth Whitening | Fresh & White Volcanic Whitening Toothpaste Review

White teeth and a shiny, sparkling smile have been the biggest oral care trend over the last decade, stimulated by the visual-driven social media environment. During virtual meetings do you find yourself paying more attention and drawn to the person with the shiny smile? Is your own smile ready for a Zoom close-up when you are on Teams? 

Try this: smile widely, take a selfie, then zoom in for a closer look at your teeth. If you notice stains or discolorations, the new Fresh & White Volcanic Whitening Toothpaste can help you achieve whiter teeth and a brighter smile at home in just 14 days, and further helps to prevent stain build-up.  

Fresh & White is from LION Japan, the No.1 oral care company in Japan, that is backed by 130 years of experience in oral care development & innovation.  The smiling polar bear icon of Fresh & White is a mainstay of many Malaysian bathrooms, loved for its refreshing minty taste, and long-lasting breath-freshening power. 

The new Fresh & White Volcanic Whitening toothpaste was developed with our digital lifestyles in mind that have made us hyper-aware of our appearance and our smile.  

Do you know that our daily food and drinks are one of the cuplrits of stained teeth? More importantly as a nation of foodies would you want to give these foods and drinks up? 

The coffee, teh tarik, boba tea, fruit juices and carbonated drinks that fuel our lives and socialisation are among the main sources of stains on teeth. Other pigmented, highly-flavoured food such as curries, soy sauce, tomato-based sauces, vinegar, lemon, beetroot, and colourful candies contribute to stains on teeth.  You can try to cut them out of your diet, or simply switch to Fresh & White Volcanic Whitening toothpaste to keep your teeth whiter with confidence smile shiny and sparkling. 

The revolutionary Fresh & White Volcanic Whitening toothpaste is formulated with Japanese volcanic mineral and advanced whitening agent to effectively whiten teeth while being gentle to teeth enamel that helps you present a shiny, sparkling smile at all times. 

Simple to use, cost effective and without harmful side effects, make the Fresh & White Volcanic Whitening toothpaste part of your daily personal self-care routine. Take on the #FreshNWhite2WeeksChallenge. Brush for two minutes, twice a day with Fresh & White Volcanic Whitening toothpaste as part of a good oral care routine for best results. You will see a brighter, more confident smile in just two weeks. 

Chart, bar chart

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Figure 1: Comparison of Stain Removal Rate between Fresh & White Volcanic Whitening Toothpaste vs Leading Brand of Ordinary Toothpaste 

The efficacy of Fresh & White Volcanic Whitening toothpaste is proven with a stain removal rate more than double of ordinary toothpaste through lab-testing  in Japan.

Diagram, text

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Figure 2: Fresh & White Volcanic Whitening Toothpaste is proven to remove stains better than ordinary toothpaste, results on artificial tooth enamel 

Lab-testing involved twice daily brushing of two minutes per session on artificial tooth enamel discs made of material that is similar to human teeth using Fresh & White Volcanic Whitening on one set, and ordinary toothpaste on the other set. The results prove that Fresh & White Volcanic Whitening Toothpaste is effective in removing stubborn stain build-up on artificial tooth enamel. 

Besides, the benefits of Fresh & White Volcanic Whitening go beyond stain removal as its Anti-Sugar Shield technology is fortified with double fluoride to help prevent cavities by making tooth enamel more resistant to the action of sugar acids produced by bacteria and increasing remineralisation to strengthen enamel. With Fresh & White Volcanic Whitening toothpaste, your shiny, sparkling smile is backed by stronger cavity-free teeth! 

Fresh & White Volcanic Whitening toothpaste completes your shiny, sparkling smile with a burst of freshness with fresh mint taste. This sweet, well-rounded minty freshness leaves the mouth and breath feeling fresh and clean, giving you confidence in every breath, even with your mask on! 

Enjoy this affordable at-home teeth whitening solution for the entire family that whitens teeth, helps prevents further stain build-up, while strengthening teeth and helping to prevent cavities as well as freshening breath for shiny, sparkling smiles.

Mandy Tan, Marketing Manager for Oral Care Department at Southern Lion Sdn Bhd says, “Bright smiles are the best asset for any social media feed but keeping our teeth free of stains is challenging especially when so many of us love coffee, tea and the variety of delicious Malaysian food. Fresh & White Volcanic Whitening is the perfect addition to you and your family’s oral care routine. It whitens, brightens, strengthens, protects your teeth, and freshens your breath, effectively and affordably. Try it for 14 days and you will see the difference. Be the confident star of your next virtual meeting for all the right, bright reasons with a shiny, sparkling smile with Fresh & White.”

Fresh & White Volcanic Whitening is produced under the highest safety and quality standards. All Fresh & White products are Halal certified, safe for use by Muslims. The 140g tube retails for RM6.10 while the twin pack (2 X 140g) is available at RM10.50. To find out more visit

Thursday, October 28, 2021

Turning Water into Disinfectant, not Wine to fight against COVID-19 | ELECLEAN

 Familiar with the bible chapter describing how Jesus turned water into wine? Such miracle exists now using some brilliant technology in fighting COVID. The pandemic has made hygiene and sanitization the priority for everyone. However using alcohol and bleach based solutions can cause skin and mucosal irritation, particularly for children and the elderly who have more sensitive skin. But it is not always possible to reach a tap and wash our hands with soap when we are out and about. Luckily we have found an innovative solution.

Introducing a safe and effective disinfectant using the world's first advanced technology called ELECLEAN, turning Water to Disinfectant! This technology is also featured by World Health Organization (WHO). ELECLEAN owns more than 34 patents in this area of expertise. The technology is inspired by Dr Chen during his overseas humanitarian mission trip.

We have been using ELECLEAN device at home. We just have to pour in clean water and activate the device and wait for 15 minutes. Tada, an SGS approved, safe and effective sanitiser is done and ready to be use! There is no alcohol, no chemical, no preservative and stabiliser in this sanitiser. In other words, there is no toxic or chemical residue left on the skin.

My boys are convinced this is magic. Do you know the science behind the advanced eletro-oxidation technology converts water into reactive oxygen species, namely hydrogen peroxide, hydroxyl radical and superoxide radical which is effective against 99.9% viruses and bacteria such as H1N1 and E.Coli as certified by their partner labs.

Furthermore, water is cheap and easily accessible. ELECLEAN device also comes in travel friendly size weighing only 100g to allow us to bring it on the go, satinizing any inanimate surface besides our hands. It is powered by USB rechargable batteries.

ELECLEAN is classified as a household electrical appliance. It is reusable for many years. Undeniably, this is envinronmentally friendly because we can reduce the usage of bottles and say goodbye to many disposable sanitiser.

We are so grateful for ELECLEAN which is an award winning product in the global fight against COVID-19. Try it yourself and witness the difference! Remember to use my 15% discount code YINGZANGEL15%.


 Good oral health is the basis of general well-being. It ensures a healthy smile. This boosts self confidence and leaves a lasting impressio...