I am a person who makes decisions about what I like quickly. I shop quickly too. And I think I have finally found the profession of my choice :D in ED
Amongst the things that I saw and did yesterday (I know it was public holiday but I had to do 4 shifts in a week):
1. Did an Electrical cardioversion for AF
2. Did 30+ stitches for a kid who fell onto a picket fence
3. A severely displaced and shortened NOF due to motorbike accident
4. Interviewed a dude who just decided to come to ED because the swelling in his feet refused to go down after cellulitis (and he came on Australia Day because he had nothing better to do.lol)
5. Interviewed a dude with gout
6. A poor kid with hundreds and thousands of cactus thorns (is that how you name them?) on her hands and arms
7. A FOOSH (she has WPW syndrome too and I managed to get that right on an ECG!)
8. A kid with pharyngitis and abdo pain (?EBV)
9. A lady with multiple PE and breast ca
10. A young guy with migraine
11. An old lady with asthma and URTI
12. A slashed wrist (no suicide but cut by power tools)
And I think there were more patients that I have seen but have forgotten.lol
Such is the variety of clinical presentations in ED.