Thursday, October 28, 2021

Turning Water into Disinfectant, not Wine to fight against COVID-19 | ELECLEAN

 Familiar with the bible chapter describing how Jesus turned water into wine? Such miracle exists now using some brilliant technology in fighting COVID. The pandemic has made hygiene and sanitization the priority for everyone. However using alcohol and bleach based solutions can cause skin and mucosal irritation, particularly for children and the elderly who have more sensitive skin. But it is not always possible to reach a tap and wash our hands with soap when we are out and about. Luckily we have found an innovative solution.

Introducing a safe and effective disinfectant using the world's first advanced technology called ELECLEAN, turning Water to Disinfectant! This technology is also featured by World Health Organization (WHO). ELECLEAN owns more than 34 patents in this area of expertise. The technology is inspired by Dr Chen during his overseas humanitarian mission trip.

We have been using ELECLEAN device at home. We just have to pour in clean water and activate the device and wait for 15 minutes. Tada, an SGS approved, safe and effective sanitiser is done and ready to be use! There is no alcohol, no chemical, no preservative and stabiliser in this sanitiser. In other words, there is no toxic or chemical residue left on the skin.

My boys are convinced this is magic. Do you know the science behind the advanced eletro-oxidation technology converts water into reactive oxygen species, namely hydrogen peroxide, hydroxyl radical and superoxide radical which is effective against 99.9% viruses and bacteria such as H1N1 and E.Coli as certified by their partner labs.

Furthermore, water is cheap and easily accessible. ELECLEAN device also comes in travel friendly size weighing only 100g to allow us to bring it on the go, satinizing any inanimate surface besides our hands. It is powered by USB rechargable batteries.

ELECLEAN is classified as a household electrical appliance. It is reusable for many years. Undeniably, this is envinronmentally friendly because we can reduce the usage of bottles and say goodbye to many disposable sanitiser.

We are so grateful for ELECLEAN which is an award winning product in the global fight against COVID-19. Try it yourself and witness the difference! Remember to use my 15% discount code YINGZANGEL15%.

Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Ayam Brand™ Community Care Campaign 2021 Supports Lives, Promotes Health and Sparks Livelihoods of 3 NGOs in Pahang

 The COVID-19 pandemic is a trying time for all us with charity organisations particularly hard hit as contributions from corporate donors and the public have reduced.   


Ayam Brand™, famed for its quality, no preservatives and no added MSG, healthy and convenient canned food, is here for Malaysians with the return of the Ayam Brand Community Care Campaign 2021. Themed #AyamBersamaMu, it promotes healthier lifestyle choices through the 3S concept of the Malaysian Healthy Plate, nurtures livelihoods through the #AyamFutureCreator program while contributing two months’ supply of Ayam Brand products to participating homes. 


This year’s campaign is fully virtual and SOP-compliant for the health and safety of all participants, allowing experts dietitians from KPJ Damansara Specialist Hospital and 18 year old entrepreneur and well-known content creator Arianna Natasha of Arianna Kitchen to interact with children in all states.


It will aid and educate 1,500 children from 32 charity homes nationwide while providing them with more than 230,000 healthy Ayam Brand meals. This includes 101 children fromPertubuhan Kebajikan Baitul Husna Kuantan, Pusat Jagaan Chahaya, and Pertubuhan Kebajikan Rapha Kuantan.


According to Ayam Brand™ General Manager Ms Chin Lee Foon, the CSR campaign which is now in its fourteenth year has contributed more than 2 million healthy meals to more than 25,000 people from 539 charity homes and NGOs.


“More Malaysians are now focused on healthier lifestyles with many of us enjoy making our own meals. The Ayam Brand team considered this in creating the #AyamBersamaMu campaign so that it is timely, relevant and useful to all participants giving them expert advice on better diets and inspiring them to be future content creators, while providing tangible support of two months’ supply of our products for each participating home. In addition, #AyamFutureCreator participants stand to win a total of RM6,000 in Perbadanan Tabung Pendidikan Tinggi Nasional (PTPTN) SSPN saving plans,” Ms Chin explains.


Each participating home has received an #AyamBersamaMu starter kit of kitchen utensils, lighting, and filming accessories as well as Ayam Brand products for their journey towards becoming future creators. The two months’ supply of products include kids’ favourites that are high in protein and rich in Omega-3 namely Ayam Brand Tuna Mild and Spicy, Ayam Brand Saba Deli Natural and Ayam Brand Baked Bean Cheese.  


Ayam Brand emphasizes the contribution of its canned fish products as many charity homes lack regular access to fish such as tuna and saba that are a good source of Omega-3, which is an essential fatty acid that our body cannot produce. Omega-3 may help to prevent coronary heart disease, promote healthy nerve activity, improve vitamin absorption, maintain a healthy immune system and promote cell development. Omega 3 is also important in the development of vision and brain among children.



The KPJ Damansara’s Dietetic Services team are providing a virtual workshop on the Malaysian Healthy Plate popularly known as #SukuSukuSeparuh that recommends each daily meal to consist of a quarter protein, a quarter complex carbohydrates and half of fruits and vegetables, in portions based on the individual’s palm, fist and cupped palm size. This easy to visualize guide can be a guide for lifelong healthy eating. 


“Prevention is better than cure, we are committed to reaching out to the community and sharing vital health knowledge. Teaching the young about living a healthy life helps to create a healthier nation for the future especially during the pandemic. #SukuSukuSeparuh is easy for children and adults to grasp to follow for a healthier lifestyle,” says Ms Rushda Adiba Ismail, Dietitian at KPJ Damansara Specialist Hospital.


The Ayam Brand Show Us Your Healthy Plate competition saw teams from each home, assembling healthy meals based on #SukuSukuSeparuh guides. The top three teams for each state will receive trophies, certificates of participation and customised lunchboxes. 


Arianna Natasha, the 18-year-old founder of Arianna Kitchen and self-taught content creator has almost 400,000 Instagram followers proved an excellent mentor for the children through the easily relatable #AyamFutureCreator workshop session. 


“I wish there had been a program like this when I started as a content creator. Content creation is hard work that requires skill, patience, and creativity. It can be a good career and the start of an online business for these kids, providing them with livelihood through the #AyamFutureCreator program,” Arianna shares, adding that Ayam Brand sandwiches were among the earliest snacks she learned how to prepare for herself as a child. “It is amazing that I’m working with one of my favourite food brands and get to mentor others.”


The #AyamFutureCreator competition requires teams of children to create a 1 to 3 minute cooking video using Ayam Brand products, using #SukuSukuSeparuh Malaysian Healthy Plate principles, based on the tutorial by Arianna. The kids will need to film, edit, tag, hashtag and promote the video on social media to hone their skills as content creators. Arianna, the Ayam Brand team and the KPJ Damansara Dietetic team will decide on the winners, who stand to win a total of RM6,000 in PTPTN SSPN saving plans.


“We have not had events since the pandemic began as we follow SOPs closely. The kids have been so excited by the #AyamBersamaMu virtual event. They enjoyed the #SukuSukuSeparuh workshop, even the adults found it very useful for our own meal planning. They loved the #AyamFutureCreator workshop because all of them would like to be famous content creators. Our thanks to Ayam Brand™ for supporting NGOs for many years. We are glad to be selected because the two months’ supply of products will see us through times like these when donations are scarce. Our thanks to Ayam Brand™ for always being with us and caring for the community,” explains Ms Grace of Pertubuhan Kebajikan Rapha Kuantan.


“I need to eat more vegetables, fruits, protein and Omega-3 to be healthy and grow tall and strong. I think I can win the #AyamFutureCreator competition, and start my own business like Kak Ary. Thank you Ayam Brand for helping me become a future creator!” says one of the participants.


To find out more about the #AyamBersamaMu CSR campaign and #AyamFutureCreator program visit or join

Friday, October 15, 2021


全球各地在近几年都卷起了一股禁烟风潮—这可是亡羊补牢之举。生为内科专科的我自然拥护这活动!吸烟对身体几乎所有的器官都是有害的,每一根烟含有超过7000种化学物质,其中数百种(包括尼古丁和一氧化碳)对人体有毒。吸烟与约40种疾病有关, 包括肺癌和慢性肺功能衰竭。这些有害物质不知对吸烟者带来伤害,也对无辜的误吸二手烟者带来危害!




·       我想要感觉更好。

·       我不想我的孩子们也吸烟。

·       我不想感觉喘不上气来。

·       我可以用这些钱来做些其他的事情。

·       气味不好,弄脏房子,而且衣服会有味道。

·       我想要我的口气清新。

·       我不想过早长皱纹。

·       这对同我一起住的人不公平。


·       我想能活着看我的孩子们长大。



把吸烟与特定时间和情况密切联系断开连接,其实就是要改变习惯。比如您喜欢饭后吸烟,试着在吃饭后刷牙或 咀嚼无糖口香糖。






Varenicline(Champix®)bupropion(Zyban®)作用于大脑来 降低想要吸烟的欲望的程度以及缓解戒断症状。




Monday, September 27, 2021

DIY hair colour | BEAUTYLABO Whip Hair Color Review

 My hair has started greying in my teens--just like mom. Therefore I am constantly on the lookout for great hair colour products to make me look more fresh. Genetics play a big role in premature hair graying.

Normally our hair turns gray when color-producing cells stop producing pigment. In addition, naturally occurring hydrogen peroxide can also build up in the hair, bleaching the colour. Caucasians usually start going gray in mid-30s, Asians in late 30s, and African-Americans in mid-40s. Most have significant graying in their 50s.

Some causes of premature hair graying can be reversible, including vitamin B-12 deficiency or problems with your pituitary or thyroid gland can cause premature graying.

I have always preferred to colour my hair in the comfort of my home. I do not have enough time to sit for hours in the saloon. Furthermore, hair care at home is much safer during this pandemic.

Traditionally, hair colour products contain ammonia or hydrogen hydroxide which makes colour uptake much easier but can damage the mane and release a pungent smell. Hair colour in the paste form can be tricky and messy to apply on my own, resultin in uneven hair colour. Therefore, I prefer whip hair colour.

Commonly, I prefer colouring my hair brown, but I have taken a liking to BEAUTYLABO Whip Hair Color-- olive green. This colour complements my complexion very well.

The whip hair colour comes in fancy candy-colored milkshake-inspired container. Ain't no need more a mirror to use either. I just need to mix and shake the developer and the colour powder together. This produces a fun, fluffy whipped cream like concoction which can be massaged onto my hair. Unlike traditional hair colour, the colouring process is neat-- I don't have to worry about staining the bathroom floor and sink anymore!

I often miss colouring certain hard-to-reach areas such as the inner parts of my hair. But BEAUTYLABO Whip Hair Color is even from roots to hair ends which also looks natural. I also love the aromatic fruity scent combined with rose water. Besides that, my hair does not dry up after colouring. Instead, they look shiny, smooth and moisturised.

BEAUTYLABO Whip Hair Color is the product of Hoyu, a premier hair coloring trend leader originated in Japan which is now popular worldwide. I got mine from Watsons online stores. It is also available in physical stores.

#beautylabo #whip #foamhaircolor #diyhaircolor #hoyubeautylabo

Wednesday, September 1, 2021


Kulim (Malaysia) Berhad (Kulim) celebrates its 88th anniversary by unveiling its five-year transformation plan to become a leading agribusiness player.

As part of the plan, Kulim aims to strengthen its core businesses, create new growth, enhance operational excellence throughout its Group, and pave the way for an Initial Public Offering (IPO) in 2024.

Mohd Faris Adli Shukery, Managing Director of Kulim said one of his first tasks after joining Kulim in October last year was to streamline its strategic direction.


“My goal is for Kulim to strengthen its position as a leading agribusiness player and establish not only a sustainable legacy but also a profitable organization built on the right beliefs and foundation for the next generation,” said Mohd Faris at Kulim’s media briefing in conjunction with Kulim’s 88th anniversary.

Mohd Faris said the streamlining of the business structure includes the divestment of non-core businesses and assets, striking-off dormant or inactive companies, and enhancement of organisation structure, which is expected to be completed by the end of the year.


He said while expanding into Upstream, high-value crops and new growth areas - specifically smart or integrated farming and livestock management, Kulim is also venturing into downstream activities that could capture the margin of the entire value chain.

“Despite the challenges of pandemic Covid-19, Kulim registered a growth of 17% in revenue from RM1.21 billion in 2019 to RM1.41 billion in 2020,” said Mohd Faris, adding that the result was due to the resilient manpower of Kulim, aided by the digitalisation programme under the transformation plan.


“We implemented new systems for enhanced management, operations, administration and accounting systems, as well as to further enhance mechanisation and automation by investing more in machinery,” said Mohd Faris.

He said the key to a successful transformation was through recognising the efforts of its employees, aided by digitalisation and mechanisation to increase productivity. While doing so, Kulim is also committed towards the Environmental, Social & Governance (ESG) principles and recognise the importance of ESG throughout its organisation.

 “We are committed towards the RSPO and MSPO certifications, investing in Renewable Energy initiatives and working with biodiversity groups, to raise awareness on environmental issues. Kulim also carries out community development initiatives through institutions and programs for the community, children and education, people’s welfare, infrastructure, culture and religion. The company also committed to integrity, Kulim was successfully accredited with the ISO 37001:2016 Anti-Bribery Management System ("ABMS") by SIRIM on the 4 June 2021, “said Mohd Faris.

At the event, Mohd Faris also revealed Kulim’s new logo and corporate video as part of its rebranding exercise to portray a stronger and more prominent Kulim as part of Corporate Malaysia.

Kulim also launched the #kulim88 and #kulimpeduli campaigns to help those who were affected by the pandemic. #kulim88 campaign ended on 29 August while #kulimpeduli starts later this month until the end of December. This campaign targets to assist 1,500 recipients in Malaysia. Both initiatives are collaborations with various foundations namely MyFundAction, Yayasan JCorp, and other strategic local Johor agencies.



Kulim (Malaysia) Berhad (“Kulim”) traces its history back to 1933 when Kulim Rubber Plantations Ltd was incorporated in the United Kingdom. Kulim a wholly owned subsidiary of JCorp, pioneering the sustainable palm oil producers, certified to the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (“RSPO”).

Over the years, Kulim has grown to become a diversified plantation company and continues to strengthen its position by securing new hectarage. Kulim Group’s total oil palm planted area boosted to 63,509 hectares at the end of 2020, across Malaysia and Indonesia.

Kulim is looking at the expansion of its plantation segment to agribusiness which includes oil palm, pineapple, other crops, smart farming and livestock whilst driving innovative efforts; set on becoming one of the leading plantation and agribusiness players in Malaysia.

Kulim is focused on developing resilience in the supply chains, protecting revenues and managing profitability while reconfiguring capital allocation for a post-COVID-19 future. Guided by the transformation programme, they will work towards achieving their goal to deliver sustainable long-term returns and value to shareholders as well as other stakeholders.


Tuesday, August 10, 2021

#Kulim88 Corporate Social Responsibility Campaign

 The COVID 19 virus is so microscopic yet the damage done to mankind is one of the most catastrophic in history. Many lose the means to earn a living and are forced to adapt to the unpredictable circumstances. However the pandemic has also brought us together-- it has shown case many philanthropists giving back to the society and supporting the healthcare system.

In conjunction of Kulim (M) Berhad's 88th Anniversary, the tycoon wants to give something big to the community. The #Kulim88 campaign is conceptualised as the tool to reach out to the needy.

Traditionally, palm oil plantations have led to widespread deforestation, water pollution and therefore environmental damage. However, the palm oil industry in Malaysia has a strong presence in global trade. Many research and development has been performed to explore its usefulness. 

New developments include how to make palm oil plantations environmentally friendly. For instance, Kulim (M) Berhad is guided by Vision 30:30 FFB and sustainable agricultural practice-- using crops including oil palm, pineapple, coconut and cattle. For your information, Kulim Berhad is pioneering in the field of RSPO and MSPO which is sustainable palm oil. Other efforts are the usage of biofertiliser and compost. Kulim's  5 guiding principles are People, Planet, Prosperity, Peace and Partnership. 

Palm oil is used widely in food products as it is rich in antioxidants such as beta-carotene, tocotrienols, tocopherols and vitamin E. Examples include cooking oil, margarine, baby formula and supplements.  The palm oil industry is also a big market player in biodiesel production to fuel Diesel engines. 

Do you know that sustainable palm oil is beneficial to: 

- Fulfill Increasing Food Demand

- Support affordable food prices

- Support poverty reduction

- Safeguard social interests, communities and workers by providing job opportunities

- Protects the environment & wildlife

Let’s help the community by joining #kulim88 campaign in which a pledge of RM88,888 is going to be channeled to MyFundAction. Each Social Media post will generate RM1 contribution to the foundation. 

Join with 3 easy steps: 

1. Follow @kulimberhad IG & FB 

2. Use your creativity & positivity by posting on your social media with #kulim88 and tag @kulimberhad

3. Ensure your account is Public. 

Most Likes and Comments will stand a chance to win weekly prizes of RM88 or Grand Prize of RM888. 

10 weekly winners will be announced every 5 days. 

The Campaign starts on 6thof August until 22nd of August 2021. 

I have already done my entries. What are you waiting for? Join now!

More information about Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) here.


 Good oral health is the basis of general well-being. It ensures a healthy smile. This boosts self confidence and leaves a lasting impressio...