Tuesday, December 25, 2007


No Christmas celebration is complete without a hearty feast!!!!

Uncle Tan booked a table at a local restaurant for the whole family to fully enjoy the atmosphere of Christmas...
What a loving couple! And of course the hosts!!!!
We had a sumptuous 3 course dinner...yum!!!!!

I finally persuade mom to take a picture with me....she is definitely camera shy o...

The menu:
  1. Entree--Seafood cocktail, cream of shark fin soup and grilled fish mattre d' hótel
  2. Main-- Turkey cordon bleu, grilled prawns, buttered cream mixed veggie, Chinese fried rice, rarsley potatoes and tossed green salad
  3. Dessert--chocolate cream cake
And I absolutely love the mural in the restaurant!!!
And...well, since I am in Malaysia, there is always lucky draw! But, erm... I never have the luck...lol...
Uncle was asked to pick out the lucky ones...

Afterwards, we headed home and had an awesome countdown!!
Merry Christmas and my heartfelt gratitude to uncle and aunt for the fabulous Christmas !!!!!

Friday, December 21, 2007

Fellow meddies!!!!


I know I am not the first one to discover this but check this out, my fellow meddies!!!!

I am sure you will laugh till you sides ache!!!!









邓丽君甜甜的歌声与优美的旋律令我不禁想:“难道年轻人就不能爱上老歌吗? ”

I am on drugs!!!!

Well, the usual anti-histamine that I used to take--Ezede does not work well, so now, I have 3 kind of drugs to alleviate my suffering!

There is Flixonase aqueous nasal spray every morning. It claims not to have any systemic effect. The liquid squirted into my nostrils can be really disgusting as it feels like mucus flowing out from my nose. So, I have to lie down and let the drug flows into my nose the first thing when I wake up in the morning.

Then I can have a more potent pill-- Zyrtec-D if I sneeze non-stop. This drug can be sedative though. But I am glad that I have not even opened the packet so far =)

The last resort is Afrin nasal spray...o.....I know about the active ingredient-- oxymetazoline! (It should be some sorta alpha adrenoceptor antagonist...). It can last up to 12 hours but I am not really keen on that as aunt reminded me about the possible allergic reaction to it....

Then, when I was visiting gram yesterday, I suddenly realised the amount of drugs she is on--aspirin, stabilon and a couple more for her angina, hypertension and high LDL level.

Food for thought-- is the advent of technology in the health industry reversing Darwinian revolution?!?! just random...

Saturday, December 15, 2007


I thought that I have finally gotten rid of my sneezing problem in the morning...yet a trip back to Malaysia proved it wrong...I used to depend a lot on anti-histamine as I just stop sneezing for the whole morning!!! Then when I was studying in Australia, I did not even realise that I had stop sneezing until mom asked about it during a long distance call back home...aunt said that's because we are living in a valley, so we are more prone to have allergy...


Therefore, I have forgotten about how irritating that feels, how I feel like wrenching my nose just to end my suffering each morning! Now the agony has returned to haunt me, yet that was a Hobson's choice as I will have to return and stay here after I complete my tertiary education. I am willing to relinquish anything, anything at all to save myself from the unpleasantness of sneezing!

Any dust-related activities are just my taboo~sweeping the floor, dusting the house even to the extent of retrieving stuff from the cupboard!

Unfortunately, my sneezing problem has worsened day by day and the ever-present noise in the house is none-other than~


Friday, December 14, 2007

Nice job!

I have always thought that driving is such a chore and I have the preconceived idea that I won't even be able to control the clutch at all for my first attempt at driving! Out of utter astonishment, I did it! It's not as hard as I thought! Perhaps that was because my instructor was experienced and knew exactly what I should do...

It felt so satisfying to be able to control the car! But, of course I was just driving as slow as a turtle at that moment. Actually, I was a little unnerved before I began as I saw a middle aged woman crashed into two pillars when I was waiting for my turn!!!

I think I just require more practice at maneuvering the car as I was not really sure about how much should I turn the steering and put my car back on the right track.

Nice job!

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

The Missing Piece of the Puzzle

I thought I would have missed home more than my life in Australia, yet my feelings prove me wrong...somehow, I miss so much the time I managed to hang out with my friends..perhaps it's because I have been pretty much "grounded" at home as the family car was sent to be serviced...

I want to complete the puzzle for my summer holiday!!!

Monday, December 10, 2007

One Down!

Yeah! The undang exam hurdle is over! Time to drive!! Broom...broom!!!!!!

Saturday, December 8, 2007

My driving lesson #1

True enough, the undang lesson was so sleep inducing and I seriously could not think of a more subtle adjective for that...It was a harsh reminder of the difference betwwen Malaysian and Australian time and a statement about how efficient the Malaysian system is...

Wish me luck for my Undang exam on Monday! Happy reading the 500 MCQs!

Friday, December 7, 2007

Home Sweet Home

Today is my second day back in Malaysia... Guess what have I done the most so far in Malaysia? Eat, eat and eat!!!

Mom cooked so much for me and I do not even have a single moment being peckish! In just 2 days, I had pancake, roti canai, economy fried bee hoon, curry (really spicy!truly malaysian, not Australian!), pudding, macademia, tonic, Hainan chicken rice and I have started to wonder: people always say that people become fat staying in Australia but I say it is the other way round!!!

And I am so lazy to keep fit!!! I am announced spoilt at home!!!

Hope that I won't become a plump girl at the time I am back in Melbourne!!

My first Tag!!

I am finally back at home and am currently downloading a lot of stuff off internet because these are all free!!! I have just realised that I have so many photos to look through and this tag took me 2 hours!!!

As promised, I am doing Jess's tag:

1) The most recent picture of yours!

I was in KTM back from Singapore to Kluang...

2) A picture of you making a peace sign

This is Wiggles World in Dream WOrld, Gold Coast! I have so many pictures with the peace sign and this is the most colourful one...

3) A picture of you with your FRIENDS

This was taken after a whole afternoon of frisbee and captain's ball in the field at Monash Sport...

4) A picture of you at a weird/random place

This was in the Museum in Brisbane. I didn't know there was a redback above me until after the photo was taken...scary...in case you don't know, I really freak out with the presence of spider

5) A picture of you in black and white

Picture courtesy of Jessica on the way back from William Ricketts Sanctuary...

6) A picture of you and your hair tied up

Thanks Er Jie for tying my hair!!! Muaks...

7) A picture of you with a weird face

Momma!!!! Dino!!!!

8) A picture of you wearing BLACK coloured shirt

This is Pacific Fair in Gold Coast, near Broad Beach...Believe it or not, this is in a shopping center...gorgeous, isn't it?

9) A picture of you wearing RED coloured shirt

This is just outside of Campus Center in Monash University, Clayton campus...taken the same day as the one in Jess's tag =p

10) A picture of you wearing GREEN coloured shirt

This was not just for posing! I did drink some of the beer... and if you notice, my face has started to flush!

11) A picture of you with your Halloween costume

I wanted to attend a Halloween party this year but sadly, I think Aussies aren't a big fan of this T_T

12) A picture of you with your mouth wide open

Erm.... I don't have any with my mouth open...so I guess this counts ?!?!

13) A picture of you in your formal attire

The only one photo with Western formal attire was put on by Jess.. so i put the uniquely Malysian one taken during our first Merdeka Day in Aussie...

14) A picture of you at the beach

I have been to so manybeaches in just one year-- in Melbourne, Brighton Beach, Black Rock Beach and Williamstown Beach; in Sydney, Bondi Beach&Manly Beach; in Gold Coast, Main Beach and Surfer's Paradise... yet the most pristine seawater and the finest sand is in none other than Surfer's Paradise!!! Look at the gentle slope of the beach!!! I could actually surfed at where I stood when the wave comes!

15) A family portrait of yours

I don't have any digitalised ones...hehe...so this is me and my aunt's family. They treat me like their own child =)

Since I suffered so much doing this, I TAG YOU!!!! wakaka....
  1. Ping Cheng
  2. Ryan
  3. Li Li

Happy doing the tag =p

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Brisbane and Gold Coast Trip

Wow, the holiday that I have been looking forward to had finally arrived! And my trip to Queensland proved to be fruitful…There were Chean Ying, Yeu Sheng, Daniel, Nooi Hoay, Chau Wang, Ye Chia , Ryan and I…

Queensland is indeed the sunshine state. The weather is even hotter than in Malaysia.

17/11/2007~ Reached Brisbane in the evening. Had a brief tour to University of Queensland then had a splendid dinner with our guides-- Li Suan, Min Shan, Penny and Chiet Yen

In the University of Queensland...

18/11/2007~ Under the scorching heat, we had a tour around the heart of the city. There were Brisbane Museum, Southbank ( I heard that there are altogether 13 bridges across the river linking the 2 parts of the city) , Roma Street Parklands ( The flowers were captivating with rainbow-like colours) , the casino of Brisbane, manmade beach, lifestyle market, an artwork exhibition in Suncorp Stadium. I also had my first sunset watching at the Kangaroo point. And finally, Chelfi and I met and had dinner at a Chinese Restaurant in China Town. We also visited the famous and picturesque Story Bridge.

Sunset at Kangaroo Point

19/11/2007~ After bidding farewell to our friends cum local guides, we headed to Gold Coast. This was my first time staying in a Backpackers hostel and I found the experience valuable. It was clean and quite comfy despite the noise from the traffic in the morning. We met Wong, Sze Ching, Audrey and Wan Mit for dinner. I savoured a seafood pizza…yum…yum…A night visit to Main beach completed my day.

20/11/2007~ Our first theme park in Gold Coast—Dreamworld. It was really fun but I regretted starting with the most thrilling rides (the Claw, Tornado and Vortex). That was the second time I vomited in a theme park! The first time was in Luna Park when I had my orientation week for the residential hall. Afterwards, I had a relaxing day, taking photos, watching shows( have you seen tigers climbing trees? They are really agile! )and queuing for rides.

21/11/2007~ Seaworld was awesome as well. The dolphin and seal shows were fantastic. These shows which I saw when I was still a kid still manage to attract me so much! The dolphins were exceptionally graceful and adorable...I enjoyed the ride in the Ferris wheel as I took a lot of scenic photos. And, coincidentally, my uncle also happened to be on a vacation with his family, so we met and had a great time chatting and savouring home cooked food...

Yes, you didn't see wrongly! The dolphins were carrying their trainer!

22/11/2007~I have heard from the others that Movie World is meant for kids, yet I think this is one of the theme parks that I enjoyed the most... Cartoon characters have never lost their place in my heart... I managed to have pictures taken with Duffy and Bugs Bunny! And the police academy show was so hilarious!

23/11/2007~ The last theme park was the most thrilling one given my love to water- Wet 'n' Wild ... water slides eg Blackhole, Mach 5, Tornado, Aqua Racer etc filled my day even though I admit that I have swallowed a lot of water in the process... LOL...

This is the wave pool...

24/11/2007~ Who can claim that he or she has been to Gold Coast without a trip to Surfer's Paradise? The fine sand and the gentle slope of the beach enabled us to wade into the water and enjoyed the cooling sea water under the scroching sun... We also windowshopped in the famous Cavill Mall... If it's not because of the schoolies events, we would have visited the weekly market as well...

25/11/2007~ As always, we went shooping again, this time to the humongous Pacific Fair. I bought 3 Tees from Jay Jays... And I love the decorations in the mall with a playground and a lotus pond...Then, we all bid farewell to Queensland finally..

But, instead of resting in College Square, we went around and explored the city-- Williamstown ,Melbourne Central, Melbourne Museum, Sunday Market at Arts Centre, Royal Botanical Garden, Chinatown (mostly for the food!), Queen Victoria Market (for souvenirs and American doughtnut!)...

It sounds like I am really an enthusiastic traveller!

I am finally flyingback to Malaysia tomorrow..Wish me a safe journey! And, yet again, I am going to spend half a day visiting Singapore!

Monday, November 12, 2007



Saturday, November 10, 2007


I guess that almost everyone had grumbled at some point of time that exam stress was too overwhelming....a lot of people fell sick eg Dilys and some others suffered from insomnia or even temporary depression...as for me, i was just dreading the seemingly endless 3 weeks of swot vac...i was "imprisoned" in my room and really wanted to have a getaway yet was overcome by guilt...so i mugged and mugged and mugged and bored myself almost to death!

However, when I finished my exam yesterday, I found that I am so hardwired into the studying mode that I find it hard to relax...I am now learning how to be in a holiday mood! First rule of the holiday, sleep as late as you can and wake up at least after noon (meaning that I got to skip brekky ;) ).... catch up with all the TV series( love you, DC ++ ! )slack and procrastinate....lose my sense of time....watch shows till I fall asleep....lol...

So far, the holiday has been promising...I can't wait to go to Gold Coast (countdown: 6 days!!!) and go home to meet mom and so many friends back in Malaysia!!! And I have to get my driving licence( me, clumsy me....hope that will be pretty easy..) I have already researched on the theme parks this morning and I think we will go and have the best time in our lives-- White Water World, Dreamworld, Wet n Wild, Seaworld, Warner Bros and Movieworld....here I come!!!!

Well, today, Ryan, Jessica, Yu Wan, Chau Wang and I cooked for all the original Misu members and Augusta as long as her friends.... We are really grateful that they provided us with a sense of belonging in Australia by arranging a nice reunion dinner on CNY eve or else I think I might be sobbing secretly under my blanket!!! As usual, we cooked a lot....we were only up to the first dish when it was 12.30pm while I was still busy finalising the batik cake! We all rushed madly, cooking, washing, marinating, fetching utensils, setting up the dining table and chairs... And then, we received the life-saving call that Augusta is going to be a bit late....phew...we gave a sigh of relieve ananimously...We really had quality time together, bonding and joking all the way to around 4pm...Augusta was telling us that we will become slimmer once we got back to Malysia but I really think I will disagree on that as mom, dad and aunt are going to feed and feed and feed me!!! And it was really amazing that most of them can remember my name!

of course, being Misu, there is always plenty of photo time!!!! Everyone was so relaxed and contented and i really hope that we can all stay this way...friends forever, guys! =)

Odd enough, I still wake up so early even though I slept late these few days, not that I set the alarm clock the night before, but I think that's because I really have good quality sleep... and I feel so energetic!!!! So, that explains why I am writing blog so early in the morning...

I am almost done with my packing already...The piling boxes look really intimidating though...I never know that I have got so many things!!! My room is now in a disarray with very limited space to move about...
too bad I forgot where did I put my "before" picture of my room...

Today is Sunday, where should I go? Erm...let's wait for the others to wake up first =P

Sunday, October 28, 2007


I am so screwed! My first OSCE practice was a total disaster! Got to practise even in my dreams now...lol...gambate!!!!


I have been really studying these few days as my finals is really just around the corner. I wil have my OSCE soon on 1 Nov and then after a written paper, I will be FREE!!!!! I even plan to go straight to city right after the exam! That gives you an inkling about how sick I am in revising!

Nothing really special during the last week except that a group of us went to play frisbee and boomerang on one sunny day... We really enjoyed it and even played childhood games! Nevertheless, almost all of us injured ourselves as we were playing hard... Now, I have 2 bruises and a scratch on my right knee...yet I must say that the game was really rejuvenating...

Yesterday, Yu Wan finally cooked Bo Bo Cha Cha for me...I had been bugging her for that for quite a while...lol...

I'm now off to practising OSCE! ciao!

Saturday, October 20, 2007

The start of Swot Vac!

Yesterday we had an anatomy trivia quiz. I have always thought that there are a lot of anatomy pros in the faculty so I really didn’t expect that I emerged as the second highest scorer! I was 5 marks behind our cadaver boy—Chau Wang of course! Anyway, I got Gerry’s latest Dartos CD with his dog's picture as well as a brachial plexus poster…

This is Gerry's Bessie Beagle!

By the way, there was an anatomy question for dog! Guess what is the extra bone in a dog compared with a human? Ask me personally if you want to know the answer!

It was the last official day for first year medicine. We were all very excited at the prospect of a real holiday and I really look forward to the Gold Coast trip! But before that we have to wade through the tricky OSCEs and a 3 hour written exam.. a lot of my friends from other faculties envy us medical students as we have less paper but it is really a pain! Imagine studying so much material and cramming the information…
And we just celebrated Yu Wan’s birthday today. There were 3 different kinds of cakes—butter, chocolate and sponge and 4 types of kuay teow—3 were fried with soya sauce and another one with Chau Wang’s mom’s secret recipe—ketchup! Yu Wan herself made almond flavoured jelly. And there were jasmine tea as well as longan syrup…

The new MISU “couple” A Niao and A Zhu were our entertainers who kept us busy laughing with their lame jokes…

This was really a good way to start my revision week!

I feel so full and satisfied now!

13 days to OSCE; 21 days to finals!

Friday, October 12, 2007

Rainy day, Cancer Awareness Day

Who said that the weather forecast in Melbourne is hardly ever accurate? What transcended today proves that I should really check it everyday… It was raining so early in the morning so it was the very first time that the MISU members didn’t go to uni together…when I reach uni, I was already soaked through…so I had to sit uncomfortably in the lecture theatre for 2 hours with my wet jacket as it was cold in the lecture theatre, trying my very best to concentrate….to ignore my bedraggled socks and sneakers, as well as my half wet jeans…the lecturer was lecturing confidently about muscarinic agonists and antagonists but all in my mind was to get out of the lecture theatre and have a nice warm shower….anyway, incredibly, I went through the whole day from 8-4pm in this unsightly state…

Well, at least the day was not all bad…we had breast and prostate cancer awareness day so there was a BBQ (with Australian favourite BBQ food, sausage sandwich of course) and a lot more mouth-watering confectioneries courtesy of my fellow med friends…all guys worn blue whereas the girls donned pink! At the end of the day, our MUMUS rep announced that the total donation was up to $1000…amazing indeed!
Countdown to finals—28 days

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

What is happening?!?!

Well, I just do not understand why everything must happen at the same time..it's always either I am too busy or I am too free...I always want a holiday at this point of time yet after I finally have it, I will be overwhelmed by boredom...hei, you may say that this girl is weird but that's me...

I have my finals in less than a month but I can't seem to get into the studying mode...I have so many distractions! After concentrating for 5 minutes, my mind will start wandering around...like how to decorate my potential new house or what to eat for tomorrow or even worse, what to cook for the day after... Craig Hassed told meto quietly acknowlegde all these noises in my head but be unreactive...and I find that this is almost unachievable...

Anyway, I must study, mug and be a nerd!

Monday, October 8, 2007

Epidemiology?!?!?!How to make sense of it?

Well, this is just a very random blog post because I am really fed up with epidemiology already…I just can’t understand why the epidemiologists do not speak English! And I find that anatomy actually makes more sense than epi! Beats me… whenever I try to read epi, I will be really irritable…confidence interval, p-value, null hypothesis( who needs a hypothesis that basically says nothing will change?), t-test etc just drives me nuts…I wonder if anyone likes epi….i know that it’s important so that we can interpret health studies but still, it can be extremely distasteful to try to digest statistics…

I have never liked stats in my life and I thought that by studying medicine, I can finally do without it…yet this is a whole semester lot of stats!!!
If only my brain is a little bit more math-oriented… I miss Cheng Seng since he always taught me maths…Okay, I still got a couple more questions to go then I AM FREE FROM EPI (at least for this week…lol…)

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Tulip Festival and William Ricketts Sanctuary Trip

Despite my throbbing headache, I went to the trip as planned…The breathtaking scene just made my day… I have never expected to see this gorgeous view in my life… The vivid colours and the rejuvenating air was just more than enough to me to be totally immersed in the indescribably beautiful ocean of flowers (you can see that I am running out of adjectives =p)

Later on, we went on to the William Ricketts Sanctuary. William Ricketts made uncountable clay sculptures and placed them in the midst of the nature… It was truly amazing how someone could be so inspired to do so much for the sake of arts…

Saturday, September 29, 2007

A Perfect Pot and A Cracked Pot

An elderly Chinese woman had two large pots, each hung on the ends of a pole, which she carried across her neck.

One of the pots had a crack in it while the other pot was perfect and always delivered a full portion of water, at the end of the long walk from the stream to the house, the cracked pot arrived only half full.For a full two years this went on daily, with the woman bringing home only one and a half pots of water. Of course, the perfect pot was proud of its accomplishments. But the poor cracked pot was ashamed of its own imperfection, and miserable that it could only do half of what it had been made to do.After 2 years of what it perceived to be bitter failure, it spoke to the woman one day by the stream. "I am ashamed of myself, because this crack in my side causes water to leak out all the way back to your house."The old woman smiled, "Did you notice that there are flowers on your side of the path, but not on the other pot's side?" "That's because I have always known about your flaw, so I planted flower seeds on your side of the path, and every day while we walk back, you water them. For two years I have been able to pick these beautiful flowers to decorate the table. Without you being just the way you are, there would not be this beauty to grace the house."Each of us has our own unique flaw. But it's the cracks and flaws we each have that make our lives together so very interesting and rewarding. You've just got to take each person for what they are and look for the good in them.

The Royal Melbourne Show

The initial ecitement to attend the show was partly dampened by tha fact that not a terrible lot of MISU members were actually interested as almost everyone was too consumed by the piling amount of work to finish before the end of the break.Yet, Jess, Ryan, Chau Wang and I just can't seem to let go of this opportunity to attend this annual event. So, there we were, at the Showgrounds with Yee Herng, Wen Jie and Phik Lun.

The weather wasn't co-operating though. A carnival like this, people will automatically assume that it is nice and warm, but the strong gale and the icy cold surroundings threatened to deter us from having the most out of the show. However, we persevered despite the fact that almost all of us were hypothermic (and myself, hyper-hypothermic!) The following is the show that we saw:
  1. Animal Nursery Farm (There was a station for the kids to collect the eggs from the chook house but the eggs were just being "recycled" by the workers...)

  2. The Nova Pigs ( Piggies diving and racing with obstacles!)

  3. The Cellar Door Pass Tasting Experience(What I remember the most was the Blue Cheese...we actually ate mould...yew and tasty?!?!)

  4. Shrek the Third stage Show

  5. Reptile dmonstration (I managed to stroke 2 pythons!--one with the capacity to grow up to 3m, another 6m!well, you guys should have a look at Ryan's face when I told him this!lol..)

  6. Ragged Edge 4x4 (No matter how steep the slope was, the trucks just wouldn't turn upside down!)

  7. Open Air Circus
  8. This is a kid at most 8 years old...
  9. Grand Finale(Stunt bikes ; Fireworks and Laser Light Show!How spectacular can it be? As spectacular as your imagination permits!)

And we also visited the Great Pavilion where we got a lot of free food and drink =p as well as thet Victorian Government Exhibition center(I was caught offguard by a girl who took a candid instant picture of me sinking into the bean couch and gave me a "I am special" frame! Phik Lun and Jessica then tracked her down and requested their photos to be taken as well...=.=" Ryan managed to win a water bottle and a pedometer by shooting the basket and as expected, I got nothing =p)At the Art and Craft Center, we totally immersed into the esthetic of the drawings and confectioneries)
yes, this is a CAKE!
I don't think I need to say any further to convince you guys that we really enjoyed our day out! (well, next time I promise I will wear warmer clothes =p) Ciao!

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

The Best Party In Australia!

I just can't seem to resist the temptation to pen down what happened yesterday during the party over Ivie's and Li Ping's place. Jess, Chris, Yu Wan and I made trifle, Batik Cake and Jelly for this and the Deakinians, their Sayang Brand Tau Foo Fa! Well, at first we had difficulty starting the fire for BBQ despite the effort of an experienced Scout, Chau Wang and Indra. We made the whole house as smoky as you can possibly imagine!

There were a variety of food besides what we made-- Baked chicken wings (with carrot sticks which appeared like sausages!) by Chris, fried bee hoon by Li Ping(so popular!), fried rice by Ivie ( Chau Wang's and A Niao's fave!), not to mention Adila's trifle ( I didn't get a bite though...sob...) as well as the BBQed chicken and sausages.

We enjoyed ourselves the most in the games--Battle of the sexes, Heart Attack(Why did I lose for both times!!!! I managed to grip really hard on Li Ping's chopstick though in the second time =p), Bluff etc...I will never forget our Backstreet Boys forfeit (courtesy of Indra, A Niao, Khaizrul and Harris) and my stupid chicken dance (literally...)

And we also celebrated Li Ping's birthday!!

It ended around 2am in the morning when we were all physically and mentally exhausted. But it was fantastic! Thanks Li Ping, Ivie, Amanda and Yu Min ( I hope I did not get your name wrong...lol)

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Busy Break

Even though I did write that this break is going to be boring, but I have just discovered that I have too little time devoted to the coming final exam on 9Nov!!! And before that, I will have to allocate more time for OSCE! (And during the briefing, Dr Ian informed us that there are going to be more stems given! Gosh!). The following is my "plan" for the break:

  1. Friday: daydreaming(Achieved)
  2. Saturday: grocery shopping in Springvale, bake a cake, cut Christina's hair (Missions accomplished)
  3. Sunday: "Entertain" Phik Lun, finally try to study (Pass!)
  4. Monday: Again, more mugging; any random plan? (okay okay...)
  5. Tuesday: Prepare food (jelly, cake and trifle) for Li Ping and Ivie's housewarming cum Li Ping's birthday celebration cum Mooncake Festival Celebration (To Be continued...)
  6. Wednesday:MISU Sayang Group Mooncake Fest celebration (special performers: Ducks in the lake?I wonder whether we can see them in the dark =.=)
  7. Thursday: Hopefully can cram more study time in... (Expected to fail , at least partially)
  8. Friday: Royal Melbourne Show( Yee Herng, Here I Come!!! finally...)
  9. Saturday: Tulip Festival cum some Sanctuary day... (Will be flaked out at the end of the day)
  10. Sunday: Prepare for the coming week (Hopefully I can bring myself to read the compiled anatomy tasks...lol...or maybe everyone is too down in the dumps because the brisk break is over...sob...)

In order to adhere to the plan, I must cut down my day-dreaming time!! However, the possibility is so remote as I can day-dream whenever I want...Unbelievable ?ask Jessica or Ryan...lol...

Sunday, September 23, 2007

My first "cake baking"experience...

We really know how to make the best out of our break!!! In the very same day, I did so many things!

Well, this was Jess's and my very first attempt to bake a cake on our own....

I was going to give it up as we could't find even a single affordable electrical mixer in the whole Springvale....The one I saw there cost a whooping $40.00!!!!!

But we decided to try our luck when we were waiting for the bus back to the halls in Clayton...How I love Coles!!! And there we were, full with enthusiasm, baking our cake without our moms' help....

Sometimes, I am just wondering is it that girls will all naturally, to some extent, love to cook and bake...

Anyway, so we started... At first, it seemed that it was impossible to cream the butter with the eggs ( I guess that's because we used egg yolk as well =p)...But later on, after we heated the cake mixture, the aroma was so strongthat even though we were pretty sure that the cake won't look nice, it would definitely taste fantastic!Afterall, the cake received compliment from Christina, ChauWang, Yu Wan, Wan Jie and Jia Chee....well, can't help it, Jess and I are so talented!!! lol....

Saturday, September 22, 2007

My career as a hairdresser

This holiday is finally a little bit more interesting! Jess, Adriel, Ryan and I went to springvale and bought a lot of groceries!!!! And guess what? I have finally bought a electrical mixer and this is a great opportunity to practise my baking skills!!! I have never really baked a cake on my own before but I think with Jess's help, we are going to make it!! I am so excited and positive that we will bak ean excellent cake for LiPing's housewarming on the coming thursday...

And I have just finished cutting Christina's hair!! She is my second guinea pig..lol... ( I was the first one of course! ) We were both very satisfied with the result...she couldn't contain her excitement and showed Wan Jie her new hairstyle...

Wan Jie was asking me to cut her hair as well...but, right, I don't think I can cut styles yet...

Christina went like' "I had never have such a nice girl haircut before!" The sense of achievement is going to fill the rest of my day, or perhaps, the whole holiday, or maybe, until people have
stopped complimenting me!! lol...

And I am off to baking cake!!! (at least let me enjoy the weekend before I start on the whole mugging routine for the final exam =p)

The start of the break

well, I finally have a new blog!

i thought that this break has been the much-needed respite..after all, i have been really slack this whole week...not a person who is accustomed to playing truant (I admit), I have already skipped 4 classes over the past 2 weeks...

I have planned to minimise the work that I have to do but I just discover that this is virtually impossible...

but yesterday, after the last lecture about popliteal fossa, i suddenly realise that i have nothing at all in my mind regarding the coming week...I took a couple of pictures with blooming flowers but soon enough, I realise that I might have an anaphylactic reaction!So much so for my enthusiasm in appreciating the beauty of spring...sigh...but at least christina is kind enough to do my hair for me...this sounds more like spring!! more lively at the very least..lol...

boredom then insinuated....I browsed through all the websites I could...checked all my e-mails, and as usual, my facebook and friendster account....I thought the the START of the holiday can at least be more exciting than this...I watched episodes of House, marvelling at the absurd differential diagnosis of Hugh Laurie...I hastily finished my anatomy task assigned by Cheng Khoon but to find out that I have nothing more than Msn to do..I called home and chatted with mom but I still felt that I was bored stiff...I drew some random manga as usual but that wasn't satisfying!
How should I fill my holiday? beats me...


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