The weather wasn't co-operating though. A carnival like this, people will automatically assume that it is nice and warm, but the strong gale and the icy cold surroundings threatened to deter us from having the most out of the show. However, we persevered despite the fact that almost all of us were hypothermic (and myself, hyper-hypothermic!) The following is the show that we saw:
- Animal Nursery Farm (There was a station for the kids to collect the eggs from the chook house but the eggs were just being "recycled" by the workers...)
- The Nova Pigs ( Piggies diving and racing with obstacles!)
- The Cellar Door Pass Tasting Experience(What I remember the most was the Blue Cheese...we actually ate mould...yew and tasty?!?!)
- Shrek the Third stage Show
- Reptile dmonstration (I managed to stroke 2 pythons!--one with the capacity to grow up to 3m, another 6m!well, you guys should have a look at Ryan's face when I told him this!lol..)
- Ragged Edge 4x4 (No matter how steep the slope was, the trucks just wouldn't turn upside down!)
- Open Air Circus
- Grand Finale(Stunt bikes ; Fireworks and Laser Light Show!How spectacular can it be? As spectacular as your imagination permits!)

And we also visited the Great Pavilion where we got a lot of free food and drink =p as well as thet Victorian Government Exhibition center(I was caught offguard by a girl who took a candid instant picture of me sinking into the bean couch and gave me a "I am special" frame! Phik Lun and Jessica then tracked her down and requested their photos to be taken as well...=.=" Ryan managed to win a water bottle and a pedometer by shooting the basket and as expected, I got nothing =p)At the Art and Craft Center, we totally immersed into the esthetic of the drawings and confectioneries)

I don't think I need to say any further to convince you guys that we really enjoyed our day out! (well, next time I promise I will wear warmer clothes =p) Ciao!
1 comment:
hey i juse updated mine too! haha u are quick!
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