The first day of uni was not uneventful. Being muddle-headed as always, I was late for the first tute. And this maybe just so rare for a second year student! I had a glimpse at the group list and thought that I had gotten the correct avenue. I was late for PCL so I rushed off without a proper look. So, I ended up at the histo lab and found it locked. Then I travelled all the way back to CMSHE just to catch the third last for the tute which was held at a room near the lab! So much for the first tute of the year.
I was not able to concentrate fully during the lectures as well. I kept feeling like dozing off halfway only to find that the lecture had already come to an end!
Just another random piece of recent happenings, I bought a set of knives from Big W in the city. We were actually going to get birthday presents for Yeu Sheng and Chean Ying but ended up listening to a salesperson talking about his Forever Sharp knife. The set cost $90 but we got it at $33. It should be worth the while! So much for my resolution to save more this year…
wa your uni so big and confusing until you can get lost in it..!!
luckily the staircase is not moving like those in harry potter:P
sleep earlier ba sis..
lol...luckily it's not Hogwarts...
anyway, it's either too big or just that my sense of direction still
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