I wish to thank my friends for celebrating for me. I had 3 surprises this year.
On the last night in Bairnsdale, Sally, Gil, Brendan, Yu Wan, Daniel Lee and Lau, Yeu Sheng and Chean Ying made an ice-cream cake! Leo, a 4th year senior was there as well. I am so glad that I have met so many nice people during rural this year. I really enjoyed it so much!

When I came back to Clayton, MISU held a celebration in Rusden Nando's. I was so surprised that Sheryl, Li Ping and Adilah were there as well! We had a sumptuous feast on roast chicken.

Ryan also gave me some a big surprise by decorating my room and bought me a necklace, a bouquet of pink roses, as well as a nice photo frame!

Besides that, I have also received a lot of birthday wishes from the following friends: Sharon, Ivy, Christina, Lester, Wan Jie, John, Zepeng (surprisingly!), Chew Siang, Yong Wee, Kuan Yuen.
I love my birthday cards from Yu Wan, Li Suan, Daniel Lee, Sally, Gil, Leo and Brendan.
And of course, I want to thank Brendan mummy for the muffin that he baked! And Yu Wan again for the book -- Captivating!
Thank you everyone! I am so touched!
wow ur bainsdale accomadation looks damn nice man...so unfair, my accomodation back in maryborough sucks...Nvm, it is over, i m back in my lovely house hahaha....
that ice cream cake looks so nice! next time we make one during the weekends okay?
and u are lucky that u have 2 celebrations =)
p/s: most people who do not admit that they get older each year often say that they are young at heart. =P
p/s 2: i just knew that the book that yu wan gave u has 2 versions - one for girls and one for guys...haha
well....i should have uploaded some nicer photos for Captain's Cove (our accomodation) lol...
but i thought you said that maryborough is nice in your blog??
i did not know that there are 2 versions for the book eh...
stop suan-ing me la, jess... :(
maybe we can try making our own ice-cream and make the cake too!!!
but it was quite messy when we tried to cut it though.. :P
hi sis!
how have you been doing,
i'm having my AS exam now,so will keep my word short,
just wanna wish you happy 21st b'day again and hope your life at your uni is great!!and ofcourse have fun while studying..
good luck..
keep in touch via email!!
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