I was so relieved. He remained composed and assessed the situation urgently, then decided to act. After switching off the heater, he also turned off the fire alarm. Curious hallmates then came by to check out the incidence. I was stunned beyond description. After the security personnel came by and took the heater off the wall, there was a charred part of the wall serving as a permanent reminder as to what had happened in that brief 5minutes.

However, as you can probably imagine, I spent the rest of the night worrying about the heater so sleep did not come easily after that. I was scared out of my wits. The hilarious side of it was I was actually more determined to save my notes above the all important IDs and valuables seeing that exam is looming over my head like a dark cloud.
My room is still in disarray and there is an ominous black coating of ash on almost all of my belongings.
Ryan is always calm and composed in times like these, which is good. Hah.
Anyway, 邻居, I've decided that I shall get out of bed and open the door (on knocking) or pick up the phone if I could hear them in my sleep next time, because I do not want to just assume it is something unimportant again when it could be something urgent.
A great lesson for me too.
Hope you have fully recovered from shock. :)
True cos he was even telling me stories how he dealt with this kind of incidence before ^^
Thanks for your concern, I am ok already ^^
Just that my room is still so smelly...
I have also learnt to be less gentle when knocking on people's door next time...lol...
yoyo sis>
jiayou jiayou + oil +oil~!
are u coming back for new year nex year. CNY i mean :)
thanks bro ^^
I am going back and hopefully I can stay over at your house for while
miss you guys too much and did not have time to do that last year
you jiayou too!!!!!!!!!!
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