I had never known that finding a house to rent can be such a trouble! But I consider myself lucky. Wen Ter and Lin put in 20 over applications just to be accepted for 2 double bedroom apartments. Ryan, Sally and I applied for 3 houses (1 apartment, 1 townhouse and 1 villa) and none was rejected. Our current house in Dandenong is only 10 minutes maximum from the hospital (where I am going to spend my next year studying) and is in a secured complex with 70 over houses around us!
A lot of time was then spent on connecting the utilities, the internet being the most niggling one. Furniture hunting also occupied another half of my summer holiday. Yet the hardwork eventually paid off!
Ryan and I are sharing a bathroom with a huge bathtub!!!!!!
The kitchen !!!
The front view of our house...
I just LOVE my new house!
We had a tiny farewell for Chau Wang and Wen Ter afterwards. Look at what Chau Wang ordered! 98% fat-ladened 'dong po' braised pork!

nice house haha..
look like wat a traveler would choose
*for vacation :P
btw why the door in your room is like no handle one?
how do you lock the door when u need to XD
you are so observant! most of the house in Australia do not have locks for individual rooms...but we do have security alarm and double lock for the main entrances ^^
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