Monday, May 25, 2009

My 1st times in ICU

1st time male cathetherisation

1st time cricoid pressure in intubation

1st time seeing femoral & subclavian central lines & PICC lines

1st time so exhilarated by MET calls

1st time helping out in MET calls

1st time locked outside of common room

1st time knowing that it's locked at 6pm

1st time using the computers in HMO lounge

1st time ditched by security

1st time called Gina for help

1st time knowing who has the masterkey

1st time coming home in rain

1st time feeling my clinical life is just like what's in ER

1st time feeling so awesome!


Chin Yen Ryan said...

Yeah!! I agreee!!!
ICU also is a great place for learning especially with those helpful and great doctors!!!
So fun... :)

Unknown said...

first time feeling awesome~ your life used to be very jialat? lol

Dr Yingzangel said...

PC: My life's been good but just that my friend's been saying that ICU is no good for 3rd years to stay...

Ryan: Love 4 MET calls in a day right? And getting free Zouki coffees...LOL


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