The human race has spent centuries to create antiageing beauty supplements. But not all is reliable or effective. Simple yet often neglected measures to maintain good skin health cannot do away without a healthy lifestyle, meaning healthy diet, adequate exercise, sufficient water intake, tobacco and pollutant avoidance.
Dr Zara from Malaysia has placed a lot of effort in creating beauty supplements in this respect. I had the chance to try Snow Crystal and I would like to share with you the experience.
Snow crystal is made of chewable tablets that contains skin super food. Despite being sweet and palatable (strawberry and lychee flavored), they are suitable even for diabetics because the sweetness comes from Stevia. As with all the other supplements I have shared with you all, it's registered under the Ministry of Health.
Let's go through the important ingredients one by one. There are a total of 22 skinfood but I'll focused on a few.
Birds nest
Photo from Google
Asians are big on the use of bird's nest that helps to maintain moisture and strengthen the skin barrier as it contains collagen and sialic acid.
Asians are big on the use of bird's nest that helps to maintain moisture and strengthen the skin barrier as it contains collagen and sialic acid.
Sakura as well as mixed berries whiten and are great to regenerate the skin. They also help to lighten uneven pigmentation and promote collagen formation.
L cysteine is the building block of glutathione, a potent antioxidant and detoxificating ingredient. This protein can be made naturally in the body in small quantities, but many can still benefit from supplements.
Astaxanthin provides and retains moisture to the skin, improves elasticity and reduces wrinkles, contains carotenoid which is a strong antioxidant. It also gives UV protection.
Applephenol also has similar effects as astaxanthin.
After our whole family went through a bout of stomach flu and cold, my skin really suffered. Lots of breakout and the dark circles, as well as dull complexion.
Me after a month consuming Snow Crystal. Again pictures don't lie.
I have made this simple video about Snow Crystal. Still learning how to make good videos. Please kindly support :)
Visit these Facebook pages to know more about their founder and products. And of course if you are interested to try them out.
Besides Snow Crystal, Elldora is going to introduce Majestic Touch Treatment Foundation and Dermalic Skincare. After extensive research by doctors and chemists, this Elldora product promises to provide skincare product that is safe and natural in order to ensure youthful, fair and beautiful skin.
More testimony for Snow Crystal here
Link for Majestic Touch Foundation
Link for Dermalic Skincare
Besides Snow Crystal, Elldora is going to introduce Majestic Touch Treatment Foundation and Dermalic Skincare. After extensive research by doctors and chemists, this Elldora product promises to provide skincare product that is safe and natural in order to ensure youthful, fair and beautiful skin.
More testimony for Snow Crystal here
Link for Majestic Touch Foundation
Link for Dermalic Skincare
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