Hands up who hates excessive body hair especially under the armpits? This little dress is cute but I must remember to shave myself before wearing it. Hold on where's my shaver? Fret not, Premier Clinic is here to solve your worry permanently.
Premier Clinic
Bangsar Branch
Jalan Telawi 4
Official website https://premier-clinic.com
Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/Premier.Aesthetic/
What's laser hair removal?
Basically highly concentrated light beam is used to destroy the hair follicles to achieve permanent hair loss in the area. The more technical term is called Long Pulse ND:YAG.
Where can it be used?
Under arms, legs, bikini lines, arms and even delicate area like the face.
Preparation before the procedure
Avoid plucking or waxing or performing electrolysis in the area as this removes the hair follicles temporarily for 6 weeks. Shaving is fine. Make sure the doctor can easily see the follicles by leaving some short hair visible.
Dr Jaswine Chew was my doctor in charge of the day. She carefully explained what the procedure entailed. Doctors in the Premier Clinic group are all professionally trained to perform aesthetic procedures. Baby Bing sat in and agreed that Mommy should go for the treatment too :p
Really love how relaxing the setup of the waiting room is, completed with TV and a collection of articles published by the experts from Premier clinic in the press. Dr Chen himself has a Facebook page that talks about aesthetic treatments here.
I had the chance to rest in this nice treatment room in the clinic.
Time to selfie a bit with my cute treatment gown on.
Premier Clinic is very professional and has their own emergency trolley well laid out. I would say even better than the ones I have in my ward haha. Excuse my occupational habit. Ehem. The staff also treated us so well that baby Bing also enjoyed himself and gotten a treat of cookie.
How did I feel during the treatment?
When the laser treatment was given, I felt the zapping. Just like barbequeing my hair. Lol. There's some burning pain but still tolerable. It's also normal to be able to smell the singed hair. The whole process was over in about 5 to 10 minutes.
I had this supercooler blowing cooled air to relieve the discomfort, as well as cold compression after the procedure. The pain itself was fairly comparable to plucking the hair individually so it's still bearable. For those who have coarser hair like me, it tends to be slightly more painful.
In all the excitement, I forgot to take a video of the procedure :( But here's a YouTube video to explain how it works.
Aftercare for the procedure
Some steroid cream was applied immediately after the treatment but pain, redness and swelling is fairly uncommon because there's virtually no downtime. The pain disappeared as soon as the lasering stopped. Phew.
One can continue to shave but should avoid sun exposure for about a week as the lasered skin is sensitive to sunlight. I'm really to rock my sleeveless dress the next day!
What's the effect?
Generally speaking, after a single session, one would expect sparser hair growth so one will be able to space out the need for shaving. It needs to be repeated every month for 3-7 times to achieve permanent hair loss.
There you go, my experience having laser hair removal for underarms. Safe and effective, after all it's the most common aesthetic procedure done in the world!
Read here to find out more about this procedure on Premier Clinic's website.
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