Sunday, March 3, 2019

Coconut Water & Mimosa Flower Body Wash by Love Beauty and Planet Review

This is my first time receiving products from Try and Review dot-com. It's a website allowing consumers to try actual products and to provide honest review. The reviewers are not paid. But you can your hands on the latest products in the market!

Coconut Water & Mimosa Flower Body Wash by Love Beauty and Planet

A simple Google search will give you a lot of information about this product from the lazada website. All the following illustrations are taken there.

The ingredients used are all natural. The main being coconut water and mimosa flower. The descriptions are so detailed that I have decided to just repost it here.

What does Dr Yingzangel think?

Using products like this which only use natural ingredients are definitely better for the skin. Free of allergens such as parabens and sulphates, this body wash will be suitable for those with sensitive skin prone to develop eczema.

Ethically speaking, this product has also fulfilled social responsibility by contributing RM1 each bottle sold towards the conservation of Malaysian tapir.That's the least we could do to help the planet. In other words, the product is also cruelty freee and began friendly.

In addition, I really love the smell of the body wash. It's just fresh coconut with fragrant floral scent. And it stayed on for at least half an hour after I showered. Not only did it clean well, it wasn't dehydrating or harsh on the skin.

Interested to get one? The retail price is RM27 on Lazada.


Lea Azleeya said...

Waaa cm menarik jerk.. Nak jugakkk.. hahaha..

Nadia Johari said...

bahan dari coconut memng bgus.. tapi kalau coconut takde bau kan.. hehehe.. bau pelik mungkin.. tapi emnarik botol dia

Dr Yingzangel said...

Bau die wangi mimosa flower tu sedap! Die tak dehydrate kulit kite.

Emi said...

Wahh bahan yg digunakan adalah air kelapa? Mesti bagus ni..

Sunshine Kelly said...

Wow this looks really good, I have not try this brand before and can't wait to check it out.

Mimie said...

Wow.. ingredient from coconut? Looks interesting and awesome

Sally Samsaiman said...

seen this before, haven't tried yet...hahahaha...a bit sceptical after saw the ingredients but got an honest review here, should try and review too!


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