Friday, March 29, 2019

Essential oil for children featuring Audelia Naturals Mummy's Rescue Kit

Having 2 young children in tow means that I need all the help to get things going. I really enjoy weekdays because at least I get enough time for lunch because the youngest goes to the babysitter and the eldest to daycare. Weekends go by in a blur. I am lucky if both boys nap at the same time, just like today. So I get to do some work.

I got some new helpers from Audelia Naturals recently. This Mummy's Rescue Kit is indeed in time for rescue. . There are 4 roll on oils in this cute kit-- each tackles a different but common health concerns that parents have for their young ones. And it's proudly Malaysian owned.

Baby Bing loves the packaging- Bear for immunity. Cat for tummy, Sheep for bedtime and Bunny for sniffles.

These are the main essential oil blend used in the products.

Bear/Immunity- boswellia carteril oil
Roll on the feet at night

Cat/Tummy- peppermint oil, eucalyptus oil, lavender oil
Roll on the tummy/feet when needed

Sheep/ Bedtime- listed cubeba fruit oil, basil oil, eucalyptus, geranium oil
Roll on the feet/up the spine at night

Bunny/sniffles- orange peel oil, lemon peel oil, peppermint oil, eucalyptus oil
Roll on the chest/back when needed

Baby Yi is almost 4 months old now. He's all about chuckling and cooing when he is happy. But putting him down for sleep can be a real struggle. He tends to shriek and cry, even while breastfeeding. Some days, I just have to hold him and paced around the house. If I'm lucky, I get mom to help me for that while I settle the eldest. He can also be gassy with bad reflux on certain days. And this doesn't help his sleep at all. Therefore, he has been trying on Bedtime and Tummy Oils.

Baby Bing, on the other hand, is a very active toddler. Now that he has just started to attend daycare, virus is everywhere and it's so easy for him to catch a bug. He also has sensitive airway, just like what runs in our family. So early morning coughs are fairly common. Having weaned off from breastfeeding for1.5 months now, he needs the immunity boost. Hence, Immunity and Sniffles Oils are suitable for him.

What does Dr Yingzangel think?

Besides seeking medical help, sometimes tricks like these essential oils can really help. Studies have shown how essential oils can help people to relax and relieve common ailments like stomach discomfort. Parenthood can be crazy at times and I am glad that I don't have to figure it how to dilute and blend useful essential oils like this for my little ones. The roll on concept is great because I don't have time to diffuse it-- and risk toppling it! Or have the little ones accidentally ingesting them if they have simple caps.

The packaging is also cute. The size of the roll-ons are just nice 10ml which is also travel friendly. Most importantly, they do help!  3 of the oils are only lightly scented.

For those who have sensitive skin/allergy, please perform a patch test before using any products including Audelia Naturals. Just apply the oil at a small area, say at the back of the forearm and wait for a day. Discontinue if there's any reaction. 

Audelia Naturals
Official website

Disclaimer: the opinion given is merely a personal experience and does not constitute formal medical advice. Please seek your medical professional's advice before using alternative products. Stop if discomfort or side effect ensues.


Zaza Iman said...

Essential oil ni mmg byk keistimewaannya. Sekarang byk sudah produk2 ada essential oil.btw cute lah kotak dia.. Katun meow2

Emi said...

It is not only for kids is it? if i'm not mistaken, adults can also use this product

Eintan Nurfuzie said...

rsnya bukan budak2 je kena de.. cik en pon kena ada juga ini.. set lengkap kan.,. emergency

Dr Yingzangel said...

Yup adult can use too. But I reserve for my kids. Sayang nak guna

Mimie said...

Memang perlunya essential oil ni kan. Bukan untuk anak anak saja untuk kita yang dewasa pun peelukan

Nadia Johari said...

its very useful for my kids. Rescue for me.. Minyak ni datang tepat masanya bila anak-anak sakit.. Ehhehe.. And i love dia punya bedtimw tu.. Anak-anak tidur lena

Sally Samsaiman said...

Oh maiii.. Totally agree with this product.. Customized for kids.. Usually something like this offers to only adult use only right!

Sunshine Kelly said...

Wow essential oil are great and natural way of healing. This products are very useful for the kids. I like it too.

iuzira said...

Ada yang tak boleh bau minyak Wangi jadi mereka akan guna essential oil Sebagai pewangi. Essential oil pun bnyk kelebihannya

Dr Yingzangel said...

Thanks for all the comments! I totally agree with the practicality and usefulness of these essential oil roll ons.


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