Sunday, March 24, 2019

Is milk with A2 better than A1? | Diamond Pure Milk review

To be honest, I have just recently come across this milk with A1 vs A2 debate. Apparently it's a hype especially in Australia and New Zealand since 2000. I totally missed it even though I lived in Melbourne for 5 years! If you haven't heard about it. I'm here to explain it all.

What's A1 and A2?

A1 and A2 are different casein protein found in cow's milk. The proportion varies with the cow breed. The only difference between A1 and A2 is a difference in the 67th amino acid in the chain. When A1 is digested, it can create BCM-7. This was accused to be causative of certain diseases which has been proven untrue. It's very similar to the antivaxxer claims against vaccinations.

However, recent studies have shown some evidence that milk with A2 is easier to digest and more suitable for those who have gut discomfort after consuming milk with it without lactose intolerance. This is pending verification in larger scale studies.

Read more about the story behind this A2 milk movement on ABC.

Milk with A2 is generally more expensive as there's genetic modifications involved in its production. So the jury is still out there about this debate.

But, cow's milk is still a very important source of nutrition for us, especially calcium. 2 glasses of milk a day will cover our requirement and make our teeth and bones stronger.

Diamond Pure Milk

It's not easy to get milk that's only A2 here in Malaysia. Diamond Pure sources its milk from New Zealand and it's 100% milk with A2. The curious ones, now you know where to try milk with A2 out!

There are 4 main flavours-
Manuka Honey
Low fat milk with Manuka honey
Inulin fibre

Manuka honey is another fabulous food that you should know about. It has wonderful wound healing and antibacterial properties that we do use them in patients with diabetic foot ulcers in certain conditions. WebMD has it down in details here.

Inulin is a type of fiber found in certain plants such as chicory root. As with all fibers,  it helps to relieve constipation. Besides that, it also increases the growth of healthy bacteria in the gut which alleviates indigestion and maintain a healthy immunity. It has also been reported to lower the level of triglycerides. Read about inulin on webMD.

The other variety has natural kiwi fruit added. Kiwi is rich in vitamin C that's almost twice of other citrus. The presence of fibre and actinidain further helps with digestion. Besides vitamins and minerals, the kiwi fruit also contains Omega 3 fatty acids.

What does Dr Yingzangel think?

Even though there's no solid evidence that milk with A2 is definitely healthier, I love the taste of Diamond Pure milk. It's rich and fragrantly milky! The additional flavours were also pleasant and did not overpower the natural freshness of milk.

Baby Bing was so excited to unpack our fresh haul of milk cartons! This was the first successful attempt in getting him to drink cow's milk that's not chocolate or strawberry flavoured.

Since the milk comes from New Zealand, the quality of the milk can be assured as well. Just a gentle reminder that children younger than 1 year old should not consume cow's milk nor honey for health reasons.

Diamond Pure milk can be purchased from various specialty grocery stores listed on their website.


el said...

Tak pernah minum lagi diamond pure milk ni..mcm sedap jer..boleh try nanti

Lea Azleeya said...

Tak pernah minum lagi susu ni.. Mesti sedap kan rasa dia.. peminat susu mesti kene try ni..

Nadia Johari said...

Lain dari yang lain susu ni.. Pertamma kali nampak.. Mesti sedap dan bagus ni.. Boleh la try cari.. Nak ciba rasa

Anonymous said...

omg i dont even aware this a1 and a2 thingy..

Mimie said...

I never seen this milk before. Lokks different. Will try this one

iuzira said...

Tak pernah try lagi, kuat tak bau susu dia zira tak boleh bau susu nanti keluar balik

Sunshine Kelly said...

Wow that's lots of milk and I would love to try the kiwi flavour.

Tengkubutang said...

woww.. i suka milk juga.. teringin nak rasa yang ada flavour kiwi tu.. mesti sedap kan


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