Thursday, July 4, 2019

DIY cookies | Weekend parent with toddler activity idea

Bing Boy's assessment week at his school was coming up the next Monday. We did not want to put too much stress to ask him to revise. After all, he is only 3 years plus and we would like him to explore and develop an interest in reading, writing, reasoning and counting at his own pace. There has been studies stating that children nowadays are forced into formal education too early. The expectations from schools and parents can be unrealistic for young children which may have adverse effects on their emotional, physical and social development. The full study can be accessed here.

Bing Boy happily munching away and reciting the alphabet and number cookies. 

Since Bing was not happy to write A-J, 1-7 which were his assessment scope, we decided to make it fun to revise. There came our weekend alphabets and number cookie making.

We got this Dr. Oetker chocolate cookies premix from Giant Superstore. So we did not have too much mixing to do because young children get bored if there are too many steps involved.

Fairly simple instructions: Bing boy fetched an egg for me. Mixed that with 125g of butter and the premix then we were all good to go!

After mixing the dough thoroughly, we had a nonsticky and fun playdough!
Time to shape the dough into alphabets, numbers and shapes. I did most of the shaping but Bing Boy had his share of fun mixing and handing me the dough. Of course we revised the strokes for writing and taught him to recognise them. We did not use any mould but in retrospect that would be a lot easier and faster.

After 15mins of bakingn at 180 degrees, tadaa! We were quite proud that the cookies did not break. They turned out crunchy, buttery, yet not too sweet. 

Dr. Oetker has many other premix for cakes, cookies and Malaysian dessert. It makes baking so much easier and less hassle. Their website also has many other simple recipes. Involve the children and they will appreciate the result so much better than you baking or cooking it alone.


Maternity said...

Great activity to do with our love one! this activity can teach our children to cook and be creative

Azlinda said...

wah, why you so creative?

Kak Sue said...

Wah menarik nie boleh buat ikut kreativiti sendiri kan..

Zaza Iman said...

Seronok ni main masak2 buat sendiri.. Terutama dgn anak2.. Mcm2 idea bentuk blh terhasil

Nadia Johari said...

wow thank s bgtau..boleh buat utk anak kita nanti..nak cari la

Coretan Syamimi said...

Menarik juga idea ni. Boleh try buat shape nanti untuk my kids. Thank you give me ideas. Hehe

Sunshine Kelly said...

This is a fun bonding time with the kids and get to enjoy the cookies as well.

Eintan Nurfuzie said...

hahhaha. comel la buat diy camtu. tak terfikir nk buat camni


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