Saturday, August 10, 2019

Elderly living solutions 乐龄生活辅助 | Jasper Lodge East (Kuantan 关丹)

Our parents have spent their life caring for us.  So it's only natural that we would want the best care for them.  Studies have shown that half of those over 60years old need some form of assistance in daily living. How do you know what help do your elderly parents need?

There are a few simple tests to try.

1. The FRAIL scale 衰弱量表

Those who scored 1-3 is likely to need some help in managing basic necessities and can consider home help or assisted living.  A score of 4-5 almost always mean that person needs round the clock assistance or supervision in a Aged Care facility run by professionals rapidly especially for those with many sickness and complex medication regimes.

2. The timed up and go test (TUG)

This short YouTube video shows how the test is performed.  You can try it with your parents at home.

Those who need more than 12 seconds to complete the task will need intensive rehabilitation which includes a comprehensive and tailored physiotherapy program and good dietary plan. This may mean a medium term stay in an Aged Care facility with a dedicated rehabilitation team.

3. The abbreviated mental test 失智测量

Ask the aged the following questions:
Their age? Date of birth? Current year? Where they are now?

If they can't answer one of the questions,  they will need to be assessed by a geriatrician for possible dementia. Moderate to severe dementia makes living without full-time supervision and assistance unsafe because they may leave the stove on, take medications twice or wander out of home without knowing their way back.

Jasper Lodge East offers a comprehensive range of living solutions for the elderly.  Home care can be arranged.  Daycare programs are run in the Jasper Lodge centre. Full-time Nursing Home residency is also available for those who need.

Give us a call or contact us at our website 24/7 to find out what's best for the aged.

Jasper Lodge 

1 comment:

Three Links said...

Very informative blog .thank you for posting!


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