Thursday, September 26, 2019

A dummy guide to parenting | The Asian Parenting App Official Launch

I have downloaded The Asian Parenting App for more than a year now.  Do you know that they actually have 25 million users? And officially launched on 25 September 2019. That's such a big community and I enjoy having the support of other parents in the virtual world.

Parenting is a rewarding journey but it is also challenging. Being a mother of two active boys and a full-time doctor, I do not have the solution for all parenting skills. But I know where and how to get my information from-TAP app. Sometimes there's no right or wrong in parenting,  but it's just comforting to know that others are going through the same thing.

Besides being a support group,  TAP also features DoctorOncall and experts from Sunway Medical Centre to answer any medical related enquiries. This 24 hours service is especially important for expecting or first time parents.  It's reassuring to know that expert help is just a few clicks away. It can be daunting, for example,  to deal with febrile fits. It's all very easy to talk about it because I'm also a doctor. But when emergency happens to your own kid,  it's still very easy to panick. Lifeline like this is therefore very important.

When one is free,  browse through a variety of topics from pregnancy advice to parenting tips, as well as articles about your children's development to educate yourself. There's always something new to learn everyday. It enriches my parenting experience and update my knowledge.

TAP also has a great database of popular children songs and videos to entertain the young ones.  Even though screen time should not be encouraged in children,  sometimes it is necessary. Especially in small nuclear family like ours,  I do have to bring my 3 years plus and 9 month old boys with me after office hours for events.  I just have to use it to distract them for a while on and off.

Not only that,  TAP also offers an exciting array of family themed competitions online. The prizes varies from household appliances,  electronics,  beauty products and free party event venue. The winner in me just loves to join these contests.

Watch the features of the TAP app on my YouTube!

Want to know more about The Asian Parenting App?

Official website
Follow theAsianparent on Facebook


Rachel said...

I think it's a good app to guide parents to take care of your kids. To protect your kids teeth you have to bring them every month to check up their teeth health I have a good place if you want to do it you can check out Desa Park Dental

hope my information is useful :) cheers!

Dr Yingzangel said...

Dental hygiene and assessment in children is definitely useful! Thanks for the recommendation. My boys are currently under the care of my sister in law who is also a dentist :)


 Good oral health is the basis of general well-being. It ensures a healthy smile. This boosts self confidence and leaves a lasting impressio...