Monday, September 9, 2019

Kuantan Public Library and Petroscience Centre Family Day Out

It's unbelievable that we have not been to the Kuantan Public Library after 7 years residing in this idyllic town! So there we were, on one fine saturday morning, we decided to bring the two children for a fun visit. As usual, we also have to prompt Bing boy a day beforehand because he does not take surprises very well and likes to know where he is going. 

Pahang Public Library and PetroScience Centre
Jalan Kemunting, Tanah Putih, 25100 Kuantan, Pahang
Opens daily from 9am to 5pm except Sundays, Mondays and Public holidays
09-515 5050

This was a long weekend in September and there was already a singing competition happening earlier during this Merdeka month. We arrived nice and early to have a great spot to park under the shade. The library has a wheelchair and stroller accessible ramp, as well as 4 lifts. The whole building was sparkling new with exciting colour combinations that looked really welcoming. 

We visited PetroScience first. I still could not believe that entrance is free of charge. There was various small stations with challenging science related experiments that was not only appealing to children but to adults as well. There were various levels of difficulties and many involved mathematics which I think we can definitely bring Bing Boy from time to time. So as he grows, he will be able to solve more difficult quizzes. Nevertheless, we had fun maneuvering the robot on "Mars', experiencing 120km/h fast of storm brewing up and punching lit up boards on the wall.

We only managed to visit half of PetroScience before we ran out of steam and decided to head upstairs for some quiet reading time. The Library mainly had 3 levels with the children's library and adult fiction located on level 1. Level 2 was the general knowledge section.

The children library had vibrant murals that really made the place so welcoming. It was clean and bright with many chairs and tables, as well as comfortable couches for people to lounge on. The selection of books were not exhaustive but the books were new and well kept. We were extremely excited to discover many flippable story books that were interactive ways of learning. 

With an annual membership at RM10 each year, one can borrow up to 5 books in one go. We ran out of the quota too fast to be honest. And there was still so much to explore. So it looks like we have gotten our own treasure chest! We would definitely welcome a wider book selection in other languages as most of the books for younger children were in English. The check out system is very convenient. Just scan the books and key in the member's IC number. 

Time flies when we had so much fun in the state library. We were feeling a bit peckish by the end of the trip. The book cafe had a decent selection of halal food choices from Nasi Lemak to cookies, brownies and doriyaki. They do not cook hot food on the spot so it mainly serves packed food from caterers. It is good enough to fill the tummy before one goes for a proper meal. 

So if you run out of ideas to spend your children's energy, why not head to the Pahang Public Library and have hours of fun!



Nadia Johari said...

Lamajug atak pergi library ni..cantinya library dekat sana. Sesuai bawk anak2 ke sini..anak2 tak bosan..

Lea Azleeya said...

Teringin nk dtg sini tp x p jugak lagi.. akan dtg kene plan baik punye..

Hanny Abdullh said...

Bestnya ada library mcm ni. Sure anak2 rajin le nak ke sana

Wawa Ashihara said...

Wahhh nmpk menarik lak tgk library mcmni.. Teringat kenangan dulu suka gi library

Bonde Zaidalifah said...

Menarik sekali..Nampak sangat selesa untuk membaca dekat situ.

Azlinda said...

I dh start bawa anak2 ke library juga


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