Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Living with COVID 19-- Home Surveillance Order (HSO) Survival Tips

We are in 2022 now and COVID 19 still has not left us for good. By now, most people would have had been infected/come into close contact with someone who has been infected. Now that most of us are also vaccinated and boosted (you should be boosted asap if you have not!), we should not be so coronaphobic-- take all precautions to follow SOP given that Malaysia is already in the endemic phase.

Everyone should know how to handle in case you are under a HSO or caring for one.

1. Follow this guide if you are a close contact.

2. Don't panic and if you are a healthcare worker (HCW), always refer to your hospital's Public Health Unit (Unit Kesihatan Awam- UKA) for guidance.

3. Make sure you stock up on COVID self test kits. I personally find the nasal swabs more accurate. (Many anecdotal examples tested negative on saliva but positive on nasal swab)

4. Isolate yourself and mask up immediately at home-- even though some said natural immunity after infection is stronger, but imagine the possible complications if one passes the virus to older adults or younger kids who have not been vaccinated. 

5. Once tested positive, update on MySejahtera and also inform UKA for HCWs. If one has turned positively (unfortunately),  I find the official MOH website offers easy-to-understand graphics to guide HSO including disinfection, waste disposal and laundry. Whenever possible, the sick person should disinfect and launder on their own (in the room with attached bathroom). Clorox offers a good range of disinfecting products for COVID. 

6. Perform MySejahtera self assessment and breathing exercise everyday. There is no longer a need to attend to the nearest Covid Assessment Center for category 1-2 patients. This is where to report your positive test result on MySejahtera.

7. Make sure one stays positive, try to exerise whenever possible. I do highly recommend to get your own thermometer, blood pressure machine and oximeter. Seek treatment if positive or if symptoms worsen.

8. Stay strong and you can do it! 
MySejahtera will tell you when to end your HSO.

9. Watch out for long covid syndrome (I hope you will recover without complications though).

Take care and get well soon! 
For those who are healthy, remember vaccination is still your best defence against COVID Infection.


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Em said...

Caution essential


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