Wednesday, September 26, 2007

The Best Party In Australia!

I just can't seem to resist the temptation to pen down what happened yesterday during the party over Ivie's and Li Ping's place. Jess, Chris, Yu Wan and I made trifle, Batik Cake and Jelly for this and the Deakinians, their Sayang Brand Tau Foo Fa! Well, at first we had difficulty starting the fire for BBQ despite the effort of an experienced Scout, Chau Wang and Indra. We made the whole house as smoky as you can possibly imagine!

There were a variety of food besides what we made-- Baked chicken wings (with carrot sticks which appeared like sausages!) by Chris, fried bee hoon by Li Ping(so popular!), fried rice by Ivie ( Chau Wang's and A Niao's fave!), not to mention Adila's trifle ( I didn't get a bite though...sob...) as well as the BBQed chicken and sausages.

We enjoyed ourselves the most in the games--Battle of the sexes, Heart Attack(Why did I lose for both times!!!! I managed to grip really hard on Li Ping's chopstick though in the second time =p), Bluff etc...I will never forget our Backstreet Boys forfeit (courtesy of Indra, A Niao, Khaizrul and Harris) and my stupid chicken dance (literally...)

And we also celebrated Li Ping's birthday!!

It ended around 2am in the morning when we were all physically and mentally exhausted. But it was fantastic! Thanks Li Ping, Ivie, Amanda and Yu Min ( I hope I did not get your name

1 comment:

*jeSSicA* said...

i'll update my blog about the party soon....hoepfully. haha.


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