Thursday, June 8, 2017

Specialist placement meeting

Here's where everyone meets. Be it masters of internal medicine or mrcp graduates. After completion, we all end up in this meeting room at putrajaya ministry of health to search for our destiny. Cream of the crop with different purpose in life.

Before the meeting, we were required to submit proof of our exam results and rotations completed. Other documents needed were a passport sized photograph. The person in charge matron rohani will then ask us to complete a few forms stating our service history.

For those who have completed at least 3 year Medical officer training will be called for the specialist placement meeting. Then an excel marking sheet was filled in prior to the meeting to determine your score. One is ranked  based on years of service and places served (the more remote, the higher marks ). The higher you rank, the better chance you have to get your placement. Spots are service based, which means unpopular places, ie out of klang valley, have the highest need for new blood. New spots also open up when there are transfers.

Dr letchmann jokingly welcomed us to the fraternity of physicians, stating that diagnosticians are the most important in healthcare. He also told us not to snapshot  the legendary whiteboard which displays our placement and make it viral because it is not final. So sorry guys, no sneak peek.

We were then divided into 4 groups for brief individual interview. Met Dr Chris again. He remembered me as the noisy one from Serdang mrcp mock exam. Straight to the point, I was ranked 20 out of 56. Smacked in the middle. If luck has it, I'll get kuantan because we still have 3 vacancies. Had to put second and third options just in case someone with high marks decide to bump my place. The interview was straight forward and finished in 5mins. We then had to wait for everyone else to be interviewed. Then decision will be made.

Another long torturous wait when bosses are busy placing everyone's name on the board. Managed to meet my ex colleague during housemanship!

For those who are not satisfied with their placement, they can appeal once when they have received their placement letter.

Finally, the legendary white board is filled with names- new life and dream for this new batch of specialist! Good luck everyone.

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