Philips soy milk maker is one of the best kitchen companions especially for those who prefer non dairy milk. The most frequent function I use is nevertheless the soymilk function.
Basically just wash and immerse a cup full of soy beans/red beans/black beans/almond refrigerated overnight. Use the cup provided in the package. I use CED Organic Soy/Black Bean.
The next morning, pour the beans into the soy milk machine, fill up uncooked filtered water between the highest and lowest water level. Select the soy milk function then wait patiently for 20 minutes. The machine will do its magic!
A fresh glass of almond milk doesn't have the strong odour its factory made counterpart has.
After the machine beeped, filter the hot milk. Let the bean paste settle down and dry a while.
The milk tastes better warm than chilled. It can be refrigerated for about 5 days.
The leftover bean paste can be added to 1.5 tbsp of all purpose flour + 1tbsp rice flour+ 0.5tbsp of coconut flour+ 1egg + 1tsp of sugar. They can be molded into ball shapes and deep fried into golden colours to become a great afternoon tea. It's versatile because mashed bananas can also be added to the fund mix into banana balls. For a healthier version, air fry the balls instead.
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