Hey, it's my birthday! I always think birthday is about the celebration of my mother's love and upbringing. Thanks Mom. So we ought to indulge (with some caution)-- there we go with my healthier version of Kit Kat Banana Cheesecake.
50 g butter
160 g belVita banana and oat cookies, finely crushed
15-20 Kit Kat milk chocolate bars
4 medium ripe bananas
4 tbsp peanut butter
250 g cream cheese
200 g plain yogurt
2 large eggs
200 ml double cream
Melt the butter in a pan and stir in the oatcakes and crackers until well coated. Press into the base of the tin to make a firm layer, top with Kit Kat Bars. Chill for 30mins.
Place slices of cut bananas onto the base.
Heat oven to 220C fan and lightly oil a non-stick loose-based square glass cake casserole.
To make the topping, mash the bananas in a large bowl, then beat in the peanut butter, cream cheese, yogurt, eggs and double cream until well mixed.
Pour onto the biscuit base and bake for 10 mins, then turn the oven right down to 90C fan and cook for 25 mins more. Turn off the oven and leave the cheesecake inside to cool.
It's normal for the mixture to turn brownish as the banana oxidizes.
When cold, arrange Kit Kat Bars on top of the cake then chill for 3-4 hrs. (Cooling the cheesecake this way should prevent it from cracking.) The cake can also be frozen and served like ice cream cake! Yumz.
Dust cocoa powder on top before serving if desired.
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